be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


The most precious independence is the liberation from ignorance and impurities (corrupted thinking and understanding leading towards corrupted actions and reactions that give rise to all kinds of suffering and restlessness in oneself and others).

Attaining all kinds of independence are nothing, if the mind is functioning under the influence of ignorance and impurities leading towards corrupted actions and reactions that generates damaging consequences to oneself and others.

Being free from the influence of ignorance and impurities, all kinds of independence that are available to oneself will be benefiting oneself and others.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Real empowerment for all without discrimination of different names and forms

Why is the idea or advocacy of 'empowerment', especially 'women empowerment' arising in the world?

Most probably because there is bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment, or wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatments existing in the world.

Bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment, or wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatments can be coming from anyone towards everyone, regardless of any particular gender/ethnicity/social class/educational level/age group, and etc.

It's not just coming from one particular gender/ethnicity/social class/educational level/age group, and etc, towards the others.

Most people are fighting against bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment and wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatment out of disturbed, anger, hurt and bitterness. There's nothing wrong, and everyone have the freedom to feel and react how they want to feel and react.

However, the reaction and feelings of being disturbed, angry, hurt and bitter by other people's wrongful treatments, is somehow empowering those who generate bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment or wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatment towards others, as that is what makes them feel good, satisfied, empowered and prideful about themselves for being successfully doing what they are doing, which is to make others feel disturbed, angry, hurt and bitter, by abusing/bullying/hurting others through their bias/unfair/corrupted/discriminating/disrespectful/hurtful/abusive treatment unto others, out of their pride and arrogance towards themselves being what they are, thinking and believing and proving that themselves are somehow more powerful, rightful, deserving or superior than the others.

Regardless of any particular gender/ethnicity/social class/educational level/age group, and etc, the most powerful empowerment for oneself, to defeat any form of bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment or wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatment from others, is that one doesn't need to be determined and disturbed by such unpleasant and disagreeable experiences, void of disturbed, anger, hurt or bitterness in oneself, remain equanimous and at peace, knowing that such behaviors of certain human beings regardless of the different kinds of names and forms, are nothing but the products of ignorance and egoism, or mental illness, in such minds.

One can be doing something that can be done in order to bring certain awareness into the world that might help to reduce or eliminate ignorance and egoism in the world, not out of disturbed, anger, hurt or bitterness towards all kinds of ignorance, particularly unjust and abusive treatments, but out of wisdom and compassion.

Such as, one doesn't need to be depressed, angry and bitter towards an illness that occurs in one's physical body, as that would only weaken one's immune system, while intensify or empower the strength of the illness to attack one's physical body. Meanwhile, remaining equanimous and cheerful might help to strengthen one's immune system to fight against the illness, or weakening the strength of the illness. One can allow certain medical treatments and rehabilitation process to help oneself to be recovered from certain illness, or not. One who is free from ignorance and egoism, has no fear or aversion towards illness, weakness, old age, or death, while doing one's best to be suffering less.

One who is free from ignorance and egoism won't be generating bias, prejudice, unequal rights, sexism, corruption, unfair treatment and wrongful/hurtful/abusive treatment towards others. The culprit of all kinds of corruption or corrupted behaviors in the world of human beings, is not about being somebody with certain qualities of names and forms, but it's the ignorance and egoism in the minds of human beings regardless of any qualities of names and forms that everyone have.

It's not about empowering women through 'women empowerment', or empowering youth through 'youth empowerment', or empowering the uneducated through 'educational empowerment', or empowering the poor through 'success and wealth empowerment' that will make the world a better place.

Regardless of men or women, young or old, educated or uneducated, rich or poor, and etc, it's whether the mind is free from ignorance and egoism, or not, that is influencing how human beings behave and treat one another in certain way, that is determining the state of the world.

To be truly and effectively empowering women, or youth, or the underprivileged, or the victims of bully/discrimination/exploitation, or any particular community in the world, is not through 'women empowerment', 'youth empowerment', 'educational empowerment', 'success and wealth empowerment', and etc, that is mainly about empowering the attachment and identification towards certain names and forms to be 'this is who I am', empowering the desire of craving and aversion towards the agreeable/disagreeable, pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable life conditions and experiences, chasing after certain higher qualities in order to attain the sense of success, happiness, goodness, achievement and meaningfulness, through attaining approval, acknowledgement, respect and recognition from the others, while constantly comparing and competing with one another, to see who is better or stronger or superior, or to prove that all are equally good and strong and rightful, or to prove that "I am good/knowledgeable/strong/successful/confident enough to deserve better or equal treatment." Where all these are in deed empowering discrimination towards certain qualities of names and forms in the world, if people try to attain and possess certain qualities that 'deserve' love and respect, while trying to get rid of certain qualities that 'don't deserve' love and respect.

But it's through 'empowerment for all without the discrimination of different names and forms, of men or women, young or old, educated or uneducated, rich or poor, and etc', which is about freeing one's mind from ignorance and egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment and expectation, realizing unconditional love and peace, not being determined or disturbed by the ignorance in the world of human beings, where it's not about "I am good/knowledgeable/strong/successful/confident enough to deserve better or equal treatment," but it's regardless of all kinds of different qualities of names and forms that everyone have, everyone is treating and being treated with respect and non-discrimination among one another, as they are.

Many advocacy about 'women empowerment' are actually leading the women towards deeper ignorance and egoism, by trying to empower women by equipping themselves with higher qualities, knowledge, education, strength, success, contributions and achievements, trying to compare and compete with men, trying to do and achieve what men can do and achieve, in order to prove to the world that "I am good/knowledgeable/strong/successful/confident enough to deserve better or equal treatment."

Real empowered women or discriminated/maltreated human beings would understand that all and everyone are fine as they are, regardless of there are certain people discriminating/ill-treating women or other human beings out of ignorance and egoism. There's needless to prove to those ignorant egoistic human beings about "I am good/knowledgeable/strong/successful/rightful/confident enough to deserve better or equal treatment," in order to attain 'deserving' respect, acknowledgement, recognition, fair treatment or equal rights from those who are under the influence of ignorance and egoism, who generate bias, prejudice, discrimination, disrespectfulness or ill-treatment towards others, for being who and what they are.

It doesn't mean that one shouldn't strive to constantly improving oneself, but one is not being determined by the qualities of names and forms to be "This is who I am," and it's not because of "I need to be good/knowledgeable/strong/successful/rightful/confident enough in order to deserve better or equal treatment and receiving 'deserving' respect, acknowledgement, recognition, approval, fair treatment or equal rights from the world of ignorance and egoism."

Non-discrimination exists upon one accepts, respects and loves oneself as one is, while accepting, respecting and loving everyone as they are. Such human beings don't need to be empowered, as they are free as they are, regardless of all kinds of discrimination existing in the world of ignorance and egoism.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Success and failure

Success and failure doesn't exist in the minds that are free from egoism of attachment, identification and expectation.

It's merely whether something is possible or not possible in the present moment.


Sacrifice doesn't exist in the minds that are free from egoism.

All actions are being performed out of unconditional love or selfless compassion, without attachment, identification, desire, judgment, comparison and expectation.

Selfless compassionate minds are void of satisfaction and dissatisfaction/disappointment, pleased or displeased, regardless of whether the fruit of actions is desirable or undesirable, as well as how other people react towards one's actions and the fruit of one's actions.

There's none being there to be sacrificing anything.

There's nothing being sacrificed.

It's merely life existence of the body and mind in this world is limited by time, space and causation, where one might not be able to do everything at one time, or be at different places doing different things at the same time.

Monday, August 22, 2022

World peace

Yoga is very much related to the cause of promoting and achieving 'world peace', which is only achievable via the realization of unconditional peace from within oneself, where the minds that are occupying and sharing this space in the universe, are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism.

Originally, many yoga schools were being founded under the advocacy of promoting and achieving world peace.

World peace is the reflection of healthy minds occupying the world, having clear thinking, correct understanding, self-control, respect and accommodation, that allows all and everyone under different qualities of names and forms to be sharing this space of the universe living in peace and harmony among one another, free from all kinds of ignorant thinking and behavior, greed, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, corruption, discrimination, threat, violence, unrest, bully, abuse, exploitation, offensiveness, oppression, invasion and war.

The world is just being what it is. It is neither peaceful nor not peaceful.

It's the minds that are occupying the world constantly acting and reacting, either wisely and selflessly or ignorantly and egoistically, that is determining whether there is more peace and harmony in the world, or not.

If more minds in the world are in good health, or more minds are being free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, then there will be more peace and less unrest in the world, regardless of the inevitable selfless impermanent changes of the condition in the world, and different life experiences, where sometimes it's desirable and pleasant, and sometimes it's undesirable and unpleasant.

Though yoga is about advocating world peace, it's nothing to do with having an authority or authorization that is about regulating and controlling everyone to behave or not behave in certain way, or to be fighting against what certain human beings or communities categorized as 'bad' or 'evil' human beings, but it's about the minds having awareness and initiative to free themselves from the influence of ignorance and egoism, realizing unconditional peace and selfless compassion in themselves, being independent, having clear thinking, correct understanding and self-control, respecting and accommodating all kinds of names and forms being different from one another, while being kind to one another instead of hurting one another.

Particularly those who have the aspiration, capability and opportunity to become present and future various types of influencers and leaders in the world, that are impacting the world in certain way, they need to be free from the influence of ignorance and egoism. Otherwise there will be less peace and harmony, or more unrest and disharmony in the world, which is what was happening, is happening, and will be continuously happening.

If all minds are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, the world doesn't really need any influencers or leaders to be influencing and leading other minds. However, not many minds have the awareness and initiative to free themselves from ignorance and egoism. There are very few minds are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism in the world that don't need to be led by any leader or to be inspired by any influencers, to live life in certain way. There are many minds couldn't function or live life independently, where they think and believe that they need to attached towards certain communities and ideas being led by certain leaders, or they need to be inspired by certain influencers, to live life in certain way, or to make certain decision.

And hence, many yoga schools were 'initially' being founded under the cause of expounding the teachings of yoga and promoting yoga practice in the world, that is mainly about the elimination of ignorance and egoism from the mind, in order to help the world to have more selfless, wise and compassionate leaders or influencers, that are greatly impacting the situations in the world. It's really not so much about promoting the physical health and fitness condition, but mainly about looking after the state of the mind, or mental health. Unfortunately, just like everything else that are impermanent, many 'yoga schools' are also evolving or changing into something that is not so much about the elimination of ignorance and egoism, but instead, it's empowering ignorance and egoism, attaching towards and chasing after the qualities of names and forms that the minds like, desire and agree with.

Similarly, 'awareness' is about the mind turning inwards, being aware of what is going on in itself, being aware of ignorance and egoism in itself, being aware of the selfless impermanent restless modification of the mind, and be initiative to eradicate ignorance and egoism from itself, to silent or annihilate the modification of the mind. However, 'awareness' is being practiced as being aware of what is going on in the body (pleasant and unpleasant sensations/good and bad conditions) and in the world (agreeable and disagreeable happenings/desirable and undesirable situations), while chasing after and gratifying the desires of craving and aversion, to attain and empower the sense of satisfaction, goodness, happiness, positiveness, joyfulness and meaningfulness.

It's okay if one doesn't necessarily have very good physical health and fitness condition, being unable to perform many actions in the world, but it's highly important to be having good mental health, be free from all kinds of mental corruptions, being at peace, as one is, going beyond the energy fields (the three Gunas) or the fluctuating hormones and secretions in the physical body, going beyond the selfless impermanent state of the mind, going beyond all kinds of duality, being undetermined and undisturbed by the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, the desirable and undesirable life experiences, or the pleasant and unpleasant conditions of the world.

While having very good physical health and fitness condition, but without good mental health, and being able to perform many actions in the world, physically and mentally, functioning under the influence of many kinds of mental corruptions, can be detrimental or even dangerous to oneself and the world.

Having wise and compassionate leaders to lead the ignorant minds is good, however, having wise and compassionate teachers that guide the ignorant minds to be free from ignorance and egoism, to be independent, to be free from corruptions and suffering, is much better.

People talk highly about the liberty of liberation from being ruled by foreign power or authority as what independence is about, however, this type of liberation doesn't stop the world having so much unnecessary man made problems and suffering arising from ignorance and egoism.

The real liberty, or the 'useful' liberation, is about the minds being free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, and there will be less problems and suffering deriving from ignorant egoistic human beings in the world.

Similarly, depression and some other kinds of mental or physical illness and disability, are a great suffering for quite many people, as well as might can be 'controlled' or 'relieved' under certain medical treatments and rehabilitation activities, however, the most serious form of illness in the world of human beings, is the mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism. Those who don't suffer from depression or any kinds of mental or physical illness and disability, who might be highly energetic, healthy, fit, intelligent, knowledgeable, educated, talented, skillful, successful, wealthy and powerful, but could be under the influence of deep ignorance and intense egoism, they can be performing many actions in the world that cause many kinds of damages to oneself, others, the surrounding environment, or the world.

Inventing and possessing more and more higher technology defense equipment or weapons to protect one's nation or to fight against other nations doesn't stop wars and the consequences of it from happening. It's all the leaders and influencers in the world, or those in position or power to impact the world in certain way, that need to be free from ignorance and egoism.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

True confidence

Many people talk about 'empowerment', particularly 'women empowerment'.

When people talk about 'women empowerment', they talk about 'confidence'.

However, many people think and believe that confidence is highly related to one's family background, education level, accumulated knowledge, talent, skill, abilities, aspirations, experiences, achievements, contributions, acknowledgements, recognition, attractiveness, appearance, self-image, profession, title, financial status, social status, social circle, relationship with everyone, communication skill, language proficiency, health and fitness level, and etc, that is influencing and determining whether someone is confident, or not.

The thinking and belief about "I am confident because I am this, I have that, I experienced this and that, I did this and that, I achieved this and that, I know this and that, I can do this and that, I am being recognized and acknowledged by this and that, and etc," is merely conditional confidence, or good feeling and pride towards oneself, that is being determined by the presence and absence of certain qualities of names and forms in oneself, to be confident, or not, and to feel good and prideful about oneself, or not.

Under conditional confidence, when people introduce themselves to other people, they will tell or boast as much information about all kinds of qualities of names and forms that they possess and accumulated, which they identifying with and attaching onto, which they feel pleased and proud of, which they think and believe that other people will also be pleased and amazed by all those qualities of names and forms that they identifying with as 'This is me' or 'This is who and what I am'. They try very hard to obtain attention, compliment, liking, agreement and acknowledgement from other people, which will boost their conditional confidence upon receiving attention, compliment, liking, agreement and acknowledgement from other people. They need to be acknowledged by other people as "A confident person."

Such beings, or minds, or people, will be satisfied, confident and happy, and they will love/like themselves, upon the presence and absence of such and such qualities of names and forms in them, while they will be dissatisfied, disappointed, not confident and unhappy about themselves, and they don't love/like themselves, if there is the presence and absence of certain qualities of names and forms in themselves. It's the same as when they deal with other people in their life, and how they feel about other people. They don't know how to love and accept other people as they are. They will only love/like other people under certain conditions that they like, desire and agree with, and vice versa.

In yoga, it's about true confidence, that is unconditioned by the qualities of names and forms, that is undetermined by actions and the fruit of actions.

The one who is truly confident, there's needless to be identifying as "I am confident or highly confident," not to say, "I am confident because I am ......"

The one who is truly confident, doesn't attaching onto or identifying with any qualities of names and forms to be 'This is me' or 'This is who and what I am'.

They might not know everything or many things, they might have certain abilities and limitations, certain strength and weakness, and they know what is their ability and limitation, strength and weakness, what they can achieve and cannot achieve, what they want and don't want, and more importantly, they know how to accept all kinds of qualities of names and forms as they are, all kinds of abilities and limitations as they are, without being determined by all kinds of names and forms, abilities and limitations, achievements and non-achievements in themselves, to be confident, or not, to feel good about themselves, or not. They don't need to introduce themselves to other people, or to the world, about "This is who and what I am with such and such qualities of names and forms." And, they know how to love and accept themselves as they are, accepting all their strength and weakness, while working towards constant improvement in themselves and doing their best to achieve what they want to achieve in life, effortlessly without forcing or hurting themselves, and more importantly, without attaching onto or identifying with all kinds of improvements or achievements. They don't need to feel proud about themselves, and they don't need other people to feel proud about them. They don't need to be receiving attention, compliment, liking, agreement and acknowledgement from other people, to be confident, or to be more confident.

When one accepts and loves oneself as one is, one is naturally confident from within, effortlessly.

Such beings, or minds, or people, they know how to accept and love all and everyone as they are. They can be performing many selfless actions that can help to bring more peace and harmony into the world, either intentionally or unintentionally, without being determined by the fruit of actions to be who they are, to be confident, or not, to feel good, positive, happy and meaningful, or not.

Those who are naturally confident from within unconditionally, they don't blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing or blind-propagating anything. They would consider and inquire towards the truth of all kinds of advice from other people, and taking the constructive advice, while leaving the non-constructive advice. They are not being intimidated or influenced by other people's strong presence. They allow other people to apply judgment coming from their own point of view, but they are not being determined or affected by other people's judgment about them and everything, regardless of whether it's compliment or criticism. They are free from comparison or competition with others, knowing that everyone are being different from one another having their own particular ability and limitation, strength and weakness, even when they are participating in certain competitions, just by being themselves and doing their best. Winning or not winning a competition doesn't determine or change the unconditional confidence from within. Success and failure doesn't exist in the minds that are free from egoism of attachment, identification and expectation. It's merely whether something is possible or not possible in the present moment.

Those who are naturally confident from within, being undetermined by any qualities of names and forms, they are effortlessly confident as they are, without trying very hard to be confident or stay confident. They don't need to keep telling themselves that "I am confident. I believe in myself. I can do it," to constantly reassuring and validating themselves are 'a confident person'.

Confidence or determination has nothing to do with aggressiveness, however, many people would relate aggressiveness with confidence or determination, thinking that someone who is being aggressive towards pursuing one's ambitions is due to high confidence and determination, while someone who is non-aggressive towards pursuing one's ambitions is due to lack of confidence or determination.

It's not about "I am super confident towards myself, that I can do and achieve anything that I desire. For me, anything is possible. There is no impossibility in me. I will work very hard to make sure this body and mind be equipped with the essential qualities to be able to do and achieve everything that I want to do and achieve. Nobody and nothing can stop me from achieving all my aspirations and desires. I have strong determination. If someone or something is hindering me from achieving my aspirations and desires, I'll fight and defeat them at all costs."

It's about "Knowing what this body and mind can do and cannot do, and what they can achieve and cannot achieve, in this present moment. I make use of certain opportunity and possibility that is available now. And it's okay, if certain opportunity are not available, and there are certain impossibility in this present moment now. I won't force or hurt this body and mind in order to achieve all my aspirations and desires, and I won't want to hurt anyone and anything that prevent me from achieving something that I aspire and desire. Determination doesn't mean that hurting myself or others in order to achieve success in everything that I pursue. I accept and love this body and mind as they are. I accept and love myself as I am. I respect desirable and undesirable experiences, as they are, but they can't determine me for being who and what I am."

For the mind that is free from egoism, "It's just selfless impermanent names and forms, of different qualities, opportunities, possibilities and impossibilities arising, changing and passing away in this present moment. Either making use of the qualities, opportunities and possibilities that are available in this present moment to be doing something that is possible now, or maybe not. It doesn't matter. While respecting the absence of certain qualities and opportunities, or what is impossible now. And all are impermanent."

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Truthfulness and straightforwardness

Truthfulness is not just about being truthful towards others, but it's also about being truthful towards oneself. Those who can't even be truthful towards themselves, how can they be truthful towards others?

Due to intense egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation towards the qualities of names and forms in themselves, people who have certain things that they don't like about themselves will also have the tendency of being untruthful towards themselves.

There are many unnecessary personal and relationship 'problems' in people's life is due to either people rather playing mind games of 'politeness' and 'appropriateness', than being straight to the point about what they want and don't want, or people are afraid of being truthful, as they are afraid of 'losing' something that they don't want to loose, if they are being absolutely truthful.

People are afraid of "Expressing their thinking or thoughts, as it is," as they are afraid of their thoughts and ideas about certain dissatisfaction and disagreement towards something or someone would be offensive or upsetting for other people. Or, people never want to be straight and firm about, "This is what I want or don't want," most probably it's because they themselves are not very sure of "That is really what I want or don't want."

Certain cultural and social values and practice don't like truthfulness and straightforwardness in all kinds of relationships and dealings with other people in everyday life, with the intention of "Don't want to offend or upset anyone." Where truthfulness and straightforwardness is being seen as a form of 'rudeness' and 'inappropriateness', and even worst, as a form of 'offensiveness', in the world of hypocrisy, pride, image and reputation.

Some people rather not to hear or know the truth that they don't want to hear and know. "If you are going to tell something that is not nice about my children, then I don't want to know about it. I am a good parent. I taught them to be good, and only be good. They will always be my good children, as long as I don't know anything bad about them." It doesn't matter what is the truth about their children, more importantly, it's about protecting their desired good reputation of "I am a good parent who proudly brought up my children to be all good and nothing bad," as well as, protecting their desired good image of their children of "I love my children as long as I don't know anything bad about them. Don't spoil my love for the good image of my lovely children who are all good and nothing bad."

People think that this 'politeness' and 'appropriateness' will help to make everyone's life easier and lead to more peace and harmony in all kinds of family and social relationships, or make the world a better place, however, it doesn't. It only leads towards further unnecessary problems as well as wasting everyone's time and energy. It also empowers the ignorance and egoism in all and everyone, by very carefully 'protecting' the easily be 'hurt and broken' minds under the influence of ignorance and egoism.

They want to be 'nice' to everyone, however they themselves might be suffering from great mental and emotional disturbance due to they are not happy with certain things that involve other people, but they refuse to express their unhappiness, or disagreement, or what they want and don't want, while holding up and accumulating those unhappy thoughts and feelings, causing mental and emotional imbalanced in themselves.

If people know how to let go, without holding up all kinds of unhappiness or dissatisfaction towards this or that, then that's fine. There's no problem.

Those who can't let go but keep holding up, until a point that they can't hold any more, and they will 'explode', causing more serious 'damages' to oneself and others.

Not only yoga practitioners, but human beings need to learn how to handle all kinds of truthfulness and straightforwardness that oneself might not like, desire and agree with, without being disappointed, offended, upset, hurt or disturbed by something that oneself doesn't like, doesn't desire and doesn't agree with, in all kinds of human relationships and dealings.

Those who would be disappointed, offended, upset, hurt or disturbed is nothing but due to ignorant egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation in themselves, towards oneself and others.

The minds that are free from attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, and expectation towards themselves and others, they don't need to be untruthful about anything. They can choose to express or don't express their thoughts, ideas and opinions, as they are, but there's no need to be untruthful by expressing something that is not what it is (telling lies or white lies), or only expressing something that everyone would like, desire and agree with. There's no fear of losing something. There's no desire of pleasing anyone for any reasons. Healthy minds don't need to be pleased by anyone. While how everyone reacts towards other people being truthful about their thinking and feelings about something, it's their own freedom and responsibility. Everyone are free to think and feel and react in the way that how they want to think and feel and react. There's no disappointment, offensiveness, upset, hurt or disturb upon coming in contact with all kinds of names and forms that are not necessarily pleasant, desirable and agreeable.

It doesn't mean that one should not move away from certain conversations or dealings that involve abusive and violent behavior, and be attacked and abused under such circumstances. One can move away from energy wasting conversations and dealings that involved abusive and violent behavior, while not being determined or disturbed by others' ignorant behaviors, actions and reactions deriving from ignorance, or mental illness, where the minds don't have correct understanding, reasoning power, clarity, awareness and self-control.

Peace and harmony in the world doesn't mean that there's completely no disagreement or dissatisfaction among one another, where everyone should like and agree with one another, where everyone shouldn't and won't express any thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions that some others might not like, desire or agree with, while only express thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions that everyone would like, desire and agree with.

The world of diversity cannot advance or 'grow' towards a healthy state of true peace and harmony, unless the minds are free from egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation towards oneself and others, while respecting everyone being what they are, as they are, being different from one another, having different thinking, feelings, ideas or opinions about many things, without generating resentment or offensiveness towards others who are different from oneself, who have different thinking, feelings, ideas or opinions towards oneself, and towards all and everything in the world, that oneself might not like, desire or agree with.

Those who would feel disappointed, offended, upset, hurt or disturbed by those whom oneself loves very much, but they don't love, or stop loving oneself, is due to ignorance and egoism.

"I am so loving and kind to you. I did so many things for you. Why are you so ungrateful, unappreciative and unthankful for it?" This is a common reaction that indicating this mind itself is under the influence of ignorance and egoism, and doesn't know what is love and be kind, or how to love and be kind. They will have to take their own pace and effort to realize the ignorance and egoism in themselves.

Those who have correct understanding, who are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, who know how to love oneself and all and everything unconditionally, will respect everyone's thinking, feeling and desire of want and don't want, as they are. Respecting all kinds of impermanent changes as they are. There's no disappointment, resentment, hurt, or painful sorrow in such minds.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Live life according to universal common sense

Most human beings would think and believe that one cannot live life without holding onto a particular belief, values and practice, to set as a guideline or direction in life.

One doesn't necessary need to live life according to any particular belief, values and practice, or to be highly intelligent, talented, educated or knowledgeable, but just need to live life according to some basic universal common sense, where one has correct understanding and self-control, and doesn't ignorantly inflicting harmful actions and consequences onto oneself and others, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Blindly following any particular belief, values and practice, without common sense, might generate unnecessary suffering to oneself and others.

General universal common sense will lead to more peace and harmony in the world, while blind belief, blind values and blind practice without common sense would give rise to unnecessary unrest and disharmony in the world.

Merely names and forms arising, changing and passing away

Performing all kinds of action without attachment, identification, desire, intention, or expectation towards the action and the fruit of action to be or not to be in certain way.

Allowing the action and the fruit of action being what it is, as it is.

Without expectation towards others' reaction towards one's actions and the fruit of one's actions, to be or not to be in certain way.

Allowing others' reaction and non-reaction being what they are, as they are.

Without being determined by the actions and the fruit of actions as well as others' reaction or non-reaction, to be happy or unhappy, good or bad, right or wrong, satisfied or dissatisfied, contented or disappointed, accomplished or unaccomplished, prideful or shameful, meaningful or meaningless, deserving or undeserving, loved or unloved, peaceful or peaceless.

Performing all kinds of action without attachment, identification, desire, intention or expectation, is the yoga practice.

Realizing what is selflessness, desirelessness, intentionlessness or compassion, and what are selfless, desireless, intentionless and compassionate actions, is the end of yoga practice.

Merely names and forms arising, changing and passing away, sometimes agreeable and comfortable, while sometimes disagreeable and uncomfortable.

Suffering arise upon the presence of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, intention and expectation towards the presence, changes and absence of names and forms, and vice versa.

Suffering ceased existing upon the realization of selflessness, desirelessness, intentionlessness or compassion.

All kinds of love and connection

Regardless of family, friendship, relationship, community, spiritual or transcendental love and connection, allowing all kinds of love and connection to be present or absent, and being what it is, as it is, regardless of whether agreeable or disagreeable. Without chasing after, longing or clinging towards all kinds of love and connection. Without expectation towards all kinds of love and connection to be or not to be in certain way.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The power of ignorance

Even the highly intelligent, educated, talented, experienced, knowledgeable, loving and sympathetic human minds might be functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, dualism and separateness, the idea of 'I' and 'my', the sense of accomplishment and the sense of belonging, while thinking and believing that oneself is free from ignorance, or somehow less ignorant than the others, while perceiving the suffering of selfless impermanent changes, being determined by the absence and presence of pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable and agreeable/disagreeable names and forms.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Want to learn and practice yoga? (30)

Among the many different thinking, beliefs, values and practices in the world, there is a similar pattern of egoistic attachment and identification towards what everyone believed and recognized as good, right, positive, constructive, progressive and meaningful, even if all these names and forms might mean differently under the different thinking, beliefs, values and practices.

Human beings are being brought up under different beliefs, values and practices, while being trained and empowered to develop strong attachment and identification towards their belief, values and practice, and to defend their belief, values and practice, as well as their personal and community identity that built on those belief, values and practice, at all costs. Many people strongly believe that it's not possible to live life without holding onto a particular belief, values and practice to set as a direction to be influencing how people think, judge, behave, and live life in certain way.

Either attaching and identifying towards what the different thinking and beliefs recognized as something good, right, positive, constructive, progressive and meaningful, or towards what the different thinking and beliefs recognized as evil, wrong, negative, destructive, regressive and meaningless, the mind is not free.

The wise beings realized the 'danger' of such egoistic attachment and identification deriving from ignorance powered by survival instinct, fear and greed, which is the main reason for all kinds of unnecessary man made suffering of discrimination, prejudice, hatred, invasion, violence, cruelty, bully and abuse in the world, and hence, they renounced all kinds of attachment and identification, as well as disseminating such awareness and understanding into the world, without attachment, identification or expectation towards their actions and the fruit of actions.

The teachers of wisdom advised the minds, "Refraining from newspapers and novels reading, TV watching and radio listening, cutting off ties, social connections and interactive activities, and embracing renunciation, seclusion and solitude," is not a mad joke at all. It's serious, and the most effective method to free the minds from such conditioned behavior pattern that keeps generating boundless unnecessary suffering to oneself and others.

All these teachers of wisdom and peace never propagate or inflict "Hating and fighting against the different worldly thinking, beliefs, values and practices in the world," even when they see the 'dangerous' consequences of ignorance and egoism that exists in all kinds of thinking, beliefs, values and practices, but they only teach about purifying, disciplining and quieting one's mind, and investigating towards the truth of everything under a pure and quiet mind through self-effort and self-inquiry (unconditioned by any particular thinking, belief, values and practice, and undisturbed by the restless modification of the mind, or the selfless mind perceptions of names and forms), while allowing and respecting all kinds of impermanent and selfless names and forms in the world being what they are, as they are, without interference towards all and everything to be or not to be in certain way, without interfering with the law of nature (cause and effect), without desire or aspiration to create a 'different' thinking, belief, values and practice, to lure, convince and convert as many people as possible to join, follow, support and empower one's creation of a new form of belief, values and practice, and without intention and ambition to change or make the world to be something else that it is not.

There are many new age 'cults' existing in the world claiming to be 'different' from the conventional worldly thinking, beliefs, values and practices, which all are nothing but another one of the products of the rebellious minds under the influence of ignorance and egoism that dislike and disagree with the conventional thinking, beliefs, values and practice, while misleading many confused suffering minds to join their cults, to empower and defend the cults that they created, and to fight against the many different conventional worldly thinking, beliefs, values and practices that they dislike and disagree with.

Renouncing one's existing worldly conventional thinking, belief, values and practice, to be joining one of those new age 'cults', to be attaching and identifying with some other thinking, belief, values and practice that is different from the previous one, is nothing to do with yoga. Just as many minds practice detachment towards certain names and forms by attaching onto some other names and forms. It's like coming out from a hole and jumping into another hole. It's not what yoga practice is about. However, unfortunately, 'yoga' is being related to one of those new age trends by many people, including some yoga enthusiasts, because there are some highly creative and ambitious yoga enthusiasts creating their own new age yoga lineage under certain names and forms, styles and brands, that deliberately swaying away from the traditional teachings of yoga, which is not about the annihilation of ignorance, egoism, desire and passion, but instead, propagating and empowering attachment, identification, self-worth, self-pampering, indulgence of the senses and passionate desires, untamed wilderness (discipline-less/restriction-free, but following and gratifying one's limitless desires), or even shortcut to 'satisfaction, peace and happiness'.

Many people believe in and propagate - "Do what makes you happy"/"Focus on your desires and make all your desires come true"/"Live life passionately", and of course, most minds would like, agree with and support such idea very much, but it's not the teachings and practice of yoga at all. However, it's the freedom of the minds for what they want or don't want to practice.

The teachings and practice of yoga is about freeing the mind from such attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation towards the names and forms via letting go, self-discipline and self-control, to realize selflessness/oneness/non-separateness/attributelessness that leads towards unconditional love and peace as it is, that is undetermined and undisturbed by the impermanent pleasant and unpleasant names and forms that the minds like and dislike, desire and don't desire, agree and disagree with.

"Live life passionately, following a trendy lifestyle and changing/experimenting different lifestyles, be inspired, be ambitious, self-worth, self-pamper, enjoying life to the fullest, and fulfilling all your desires," is being welcome by the world of capitalism and commercialism. In fact, such idea is the creation of the world of capitalism and commercialism. The sustainability and growth of the economy is highly depending on the people who were being influenced and conditioned by such ideas since birth, to make more and more money, to accumulate more and more wealth, to have the spending power in order for them to live life passionately, to fulfill all their ambitious desires of constantly doing something, going places, buying something, celebrating something, actively socializing, and indulging in pleasurable physical and mental enjoyment of the senses. Those who are contented with living a simple quiet way of life with enough basic needs of food and shelter, who are being peaceful and happy as they are, and those who encourage simple quiet way of life in the world, are not welcome by the world of capitalism and commercialism.

Human minds are being conditioned and encouraged to never be contented with a simple way of living, or how things are (even when one's life is already full of many different things, enjoyments and activities), to be empowered to become highly ambitious and greedy, to keep spending money on buying new things and regularly throwing out 'old' or 'outdated' things, to be decorating the physical body as well as their possessions such as one's home, car, children, or pets with many different types of trendy accessories that generate specific sights, smells, sounds, tastes or sensations, and to be actively sociable. Where all these names and forms are the fuel for the world of capitalism and commercialism that give rise to all kinds of exploitation towards nature, natural resources, human beings and non-human beings, and many things.

Some mental health advocates might also encourage those who suffer from the sense of tiredness, burnout, stress, loneliness, boredom, grief, low self-worth, low self-esteem, dissatisfaction, unhappiness and meaninglessness, to find certain passions in life, or to find certain excitements to stimulate the mind, or to develop certain desires and aspirations to motivate the mind, or to make more social connections, or to develop and empower certain attachment and identity (particularly something new and different), or to be doing and achieving something regularly that makes the mind feels satisfied, positive, good and happy, in order to boost the sense of self-worth, self-esteem, pride, satisfaction, joyfulness, success, worthiness, confidence and meaningfulness, by actively engaging in certain physical, mental or emotional activities, where all these names and forms are indeed the root cause of those mental suffering in human minds.

It's like, "Oh, we know that the minds are suffering from restlessness or over stimulation (physical/mental/emotional exhaustion) due to the way of life in the world. However, we think that they shouldn't stop being restless or stimulated, because they would be suffering from quietness. They just need to keep being restless or stimulated with some other new and different passions, desires, toys, relationships, activities and enjoyments. That will make them feel great again. Once they start getting sicked with those (new) passions, desires, toys, relationships, activities and enjoyments, then they should find some other new and different passions, desires, toys, relationships, activities and enjoyments. If they are not happy or satisfied with something, they can always try to change it, or they can find a new one or a different one. Once they are getting sicked or dissatisfied with the 'changes' or the 'new and different' one, then they can always change it again, or find some other new and different ones. They don't need to stop chasing after what makes them feel satisfied and happy, even though everyone knows that it doesn't last, it's impermanent, and they will always be dissatisfied and unhappy after some time."

That's why the importance of seclusion and solitude.

Swami Sivananda - "Be aware of cults. Live alone. Eat alone. Walk alone. Meditate alone. Do not mix. Do not hoard disciples. Do not build ashrams. You are left alone now."

It's not an easy path, as the ignorant mind has great difficulty of letting go the attachment and identification towards their particular existing thinking, belief, values and practice since birth, being surrounded by everyone that are also being conditioned deeply by such attachment and identification to live life, think, judge and behave in certain way. In the beginning, it's very much depending on the effort of letting go, when the mind is still having doubt, hesitation and fear towards letting go such attachment and identification. No doubt that it's quite a 'scary' process. Just as it's normal for the minds to be fearful towards the unknown. Even if the mind is not completely be free from the egoistic attachment or identification yet, but it's okay. It's part of the process. Because that effort of trying to let go the existing thinking, belief, values and practice, by renouncing the worldly habitual behavior pattern and way of life consisting ties, relationships, connections and interactions for a prolonged period of time, will allow the mind to be able to see the play of ignorance and egoism in itself, and upon that self-realization towards ignorance and egoism in itself, without any expectation, without any fear, doubt and hesitation, the mind will be able to let go effortlessly, or, all kinds of attachment and identification will drop-off by itself naturally, which simultaneously, leading the mind towards the realization of selflessness, or unconditional love and peace.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Want to learn and practice yoga? (29)

Only through renouncing passionate egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation, one can truly love and be kind to oneself and others, and perform selfless actions that would be benefiting the world of diversity without any selfish possessiveness or desire.

The minds that know this, they are not being determined, disturbed, exhausted, frustrated, disappointed, angered or hurt by all kinds of unpleasant and disagreeable names and forms, ignorant actions and reactions, or the consequences of ignorant actions and reactions in the world of ignorance and egoism, while performing actions that benefit the well-being of all kinds of diversities in the world without discrimination or expectation.

The minds that have good intention and aspiration, to be performing actions that would benefit the world as well as to stop others from performing actions that would harm the world, but somehow, the minds are not, or don't know how to be free from attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation, and thus, they are being determined, disturbed, exhausted, frustrated, disappointed, angered and hurt by all kinds of unpleasant and disagreeable names and forms, ignorant actions and reactions, or the consequences of ignorant actions and reactions in the world of ignorance and egoism.

It's useless to be confronting or fighting against ignorance. By being angry and hating towards the ignorance in the minds and the ignorant thinking and behaviors in the world, doesn't remove the ignorance in the minds, and doesn't stop or reduce the presence of ignorant thinking and behaviors in the world. It only disappoints and hurts oneself even deeper.

Letting go, without possessiveness, without desire, without identification, without expectation, without the urge to control, is the true love, is the real loving kindness, is the unconditional love, is compassion, towards all and everything in this world, regardless of whether it's within a family, or a personal relationship, or love relationships, or friendships, or particular community and global community.

Look into the historical events in the world, and the human being's affairs in individual, family, love relationship, friendship and community, as well as everything that is happening now in one's life and in the surrounding environment. All kinds of man made sufferings deriving from ignorant thinking, actions and reactions, are all relating to survival instinct, possessiveness, desire/aspiration/greed, identification, expectation and the urge to control the world, the family, the children, the relationships, the friendships, the particular community or global community to be and not to be in certain way according to one's particular thinking, belief, values, desires and aspirations.

Everyone are not just trying to paint the world to be in their own particular favorite colours, but, also dislike, disagree with, or be offended, and don't allow all the others to have their own particular favorite colours that are different from their own favorite colours.

To love the world, is not by making or changing the world to become something that is likable, agreeable and desirable to one's desire or vision. It's by letting go.

Similarly, to love someone or everyone, is not by possessing, controlling or expecting them to be and not to be in certain way, but it's letting go. Let everyone being what they are, as they are.

Yoga teachers can only show the way by delivering the teachings, that's all.

Similarly, parents or leaders that really want the family, the community or the world to have peace and harmony, can only show the way by guiding their children or communities towards the importance of respect and harmony among all kinds of diversities, with self-control of 'non-harming' oneself and others.

There are those who don't really want to have peace and harmony in themselves or in others, but only interested in gratifying one's selfish and limitless desires and ambitions, while generating unrest and disharmony in themselves and in others, constantly be offended by the things that they dislike, disagree with and don't desire, who enjoy or indulge in violent and hurtful behavior, as well as influencing their children or communities to also think, believe and behave like them, it's like a psycho training a group of psychos surrounding oneself. Let it be. One can't reason with a psycho, or someone who is under the influence of intoxication, but can only do one's best to stay away from one.

Just like the sun, the water, the wind, the earth and the space, they don't interfere with the law of nature, of cause and effect, and they have no intention to be something good or bad, to give or take, but only being what they are.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

About Meng Foong

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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