be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Go beyond sadness, grief, guilt, regret or blame

It's normal and common that most minds would react with great sadness or grief upon knowing/seeing/hearing the death of someone that they know personally, especially those who are close to them in their life, that have been interacting with them, that have been establishing certain connection or relationship with them, that they like and agree with. While they won't react with the similar degree of sadness or grief upon knowing/seeing/hearing the death of someone that they don't know personally, or someone that they dislike and disagree with. Meanwhile, they might not feel sadness or grief at all upon knowing/seeing/hearing the death of someone that they hate very much for certain reasons. It's neither right nor wrong. Just that these minds are not free from the veil of ignorance.

Some minds would be over-whelmed by intense sadness or grief towards any kind of death or suffering, upon knowing/seeing/hearing the death or suffering of anyone and any lives, regardless of someone that they know or don't know personally, or someone that they like or dislike, agree or disagree with. These minds are not free as well. Some minds might interpret that as the reaction of great compassion, but it's not. These minds are still functioning under the veil of ignorance.

Some minds would be disturbed by guilt, regret or blame towards oneself and/or others upon the death or suffering of oneself or others, for certain reasons. They want to do and achieve everything that they want to do and achieve before the death of oneself or others, hoping that there won't be any guilt, regret or blame, or if not, maybe there will be less guilt, regret or blame. These minds are not free as well.

Some minds cannot perceive any form of emotions/sensations towards anything, being emotionless, numbed or non-empathetic, due to certain dysfunction or injury in certain part of the bodily system, or under the influence of certain drugs. It doesn't necessarily mean that these minds are free from the veil of ignorance.

The minds that have attained direct realization towards selflessness and impermanence, are void of sadness, grief, guilt, regret, or blame. Not that they are emotionless, numbed, or lack of empathy due to certain malfunction in certain part of the bodily system, or under the influence of any drugs, but merely because these minds are void of ignorance and egoism. These minds are aware of certain gross and subtle emotions or sensations might be arising, changing and passing away, but there's no grasping, attachment or identification arise in the mind towards all these selfless modifications of the impermanent body and mind.

There's neither good nor bad about all these modifications of the mind, all minds are free to feel what they are feeling, or not feeling what they are not feeling, especially if the minds have certain degrees of understanding towards the impermanence of everything. However, it can be quiet disturbing/suffering to oneself and maybe others if the mind has no correct understanding, and is being over-powered by all these selfless impermanent modifications of the mind. Some minds are continuing to be disturbed by certain emotions arising and accumulating from the past experiences for years and years, that also affecting their relationships with everyone or their physical and mental performance in everyday life, unwittingly. It's not about denying, ignoring or pushing away all these emotions. but to be aware of them, without grasping, attachment or identification, allowing them to be there, arising, changing, and passing away. Just as allowing everyone and everything to be there, changing, and passing away, without judgment or expectation.

Realize this, and be free.

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