The genuine yogi/buddhist, or the adept yoga/buddhism practitioner, or the selfless impermanent mind that has intense yearning towards liberation, inquires towards the truth of everything under a calm, quiet, purified, and open mind, including all the teachings of yoga as mentioned in the Scriptures or the Yoga/Buddhism Sutras, being commentated or interpreted by anyone, of many different Gurus or teachers under different lineages from different timings, without blind-believing, blind-following, blind-agreeing, blind-worshiping, blind-practicing, or blind-propagating.
To inquire towards the all-pervading selfless universal consciousness as mentioned in the teachings of yoga, the mind can inquire towards the selfless impermanent limited existence of the limited conditional physical body with the perceptive thinking mind, that cannot exist or function independently by itself, where it needs to depend on many different selfless elements and selfless energy to be supporting its selfless impermanent existence and function, as well as depending on certain autonomous functions of the bodily systems for it to be surviving or keep existing and functioning up to a certain extend.
The existence and function of the limited conditional physical body with the perceptive thinking mind is selfless and impermanent. Without the existence and function of this particular physical body with the perceptive thinking mind, there is no worldly life existence of this particular selfless impermanent body and mind.
Anything that cannot and doesn't exist permanently, independently, or infinitely, that exists depending on certain supportive elements and energy, that is made out of substances, that comes under certain qualities of names and forms, that has a limited period of existence where it is constantly changing and decaying, and eventually disintegrating, that is limited and conditioned by time, space, and causation, that has a beginning of existence (birth/arising) and an end of existence (death/passing away), is selfless and impermanent.
If there is something infinite and timeless, that exists or stands alone independently unchanging and non-decaying, that is undetermined, or uninfluenced, or unlimited by anything, that cannot be hurt or be destroyed, that is not being limited or conditioned by time, space, and causation, then it is something substanceless, attributeless, nameless, formless, beginningless, endless, changeless, timeless (beyond time, space and causation, devoid of births and deaths a.k.a. impermanent changes), unlimited, unconditional, permanent, and selfless, even if it exists independently and infinitely before, during, and after the impermanent existence of all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms (devoid of an individual existence, or identification of 'I', that generates separateness between 'I' and 'mine' as well as 'what is not I'.)
The infinite space is selfless, substanceless, weightless, limitless, attributeless, nameless, formless, beginningless, endless, changeless, and/or timeless. Devoid of inside or outside, or separateness, as it pervades all and everything, while not being affected/contaminated/increased/decreased by all and everything being what they are.
One cannot see, or hear, or smell, or taste, or feel, or touch, or influence, or contaminate, or hurt, or destroy, or detect, or measure the space, but the space is always there as it is, hosting or accommodating all and everything being there as they are, without separateness or discrimination. As if without the space to host/accommodate all and everything, all these selfless impermanent names and forms, all kinds of selfless elements and selfless energy, and all kinds of protons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, neurons, cells, and etc, that come under certain attributes, names and forms, that are inter-supporting and inter-influencing all and everything to be arising, changing, and passing away, cannot be here.
The space doesn't belong to any selfless impermanent names and forms, and vice versa.
Regardless of whether there is goodness or badness, positiveness or negativeness, purity or impurity that is occupying the space, but the space is neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, neither pure nor impure.
Regardless of what is the content of the images or movies that is being reflected/screened/played on the projector screen, the projector and/or the projector screen is never being determined or contaminated by the content of the images or movies. The content of the images or movies can be good or bad, positive or negative, pure or impure, but the projector and/or the projector screen is neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, neither pure nor impure.
The selfless universal consciousness (the selfless projector of the universe) pervades the infinite space (the selfless silent projector screen that hosts/accommodates/reflects the universe), or is identical with and non-separated from the limitless space. The projector and the projector screen is non-separated. All kinds of names and forms arising from and passing away upon the selfless universal consciousness.
The selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind (the selfless projector of the modification of the mind perceiving a selfless impermanent worldly life existence) pervades the modification of the mind (the selfless silent projector screen that hosts/accommodates/reflects the mind perception of names and forms or the selfless impermanent worldly life existence), or is identical with and non-separated from the modification of the mind. The selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind (the projector) and the selfless modification of the mind (the projector screen) is non-separated. All kinds of perceived names and forms arising from and passing away upon the selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind.
All and everything are manifested/forming and disintegrating/deforming selflessly upon the limitless space (the selfless silent projector screen). Just as each and every single thought, arising and passing away selflessly upon the selfless modification of the mind (the selfless silent projector screen).
The thoughts activities, or the impure egoistic modification of the mind, or the mind perception of a worldly life existence can be good or bad, positive or negative, pure or impure, but the selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind (the projector) or the modification of the mind (the projector screen) is not being determined or contaminated by all that.
The selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind (the projector) or the modification of the mind (the projector screen) is neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, neither pure nor impure.
The selfless universal consciousness is the selfless 'projector of the universe'. The space is the selfless silent 'projector screen' that hosts/reflects all kinds of names and forms (the universe) upon it.
Without the space, what is the universe? Similarly, without the selfless modification of the mind, what is the mind perception of a worldly life existence of selfless impermanent names and forms?
The selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind is identical with or non-separated from the selfless universal consciousness.
The selfless universal consciousness or the space doesn't belong to any names and forms, and vice versa.
The selfless consciousness of the perceptive thinking mind or the modification of the mind doesn't belong to any perceived names and forms, and vice versa.
Without the selfless 'projector' and/or the selfless 'projector screen' being what they are, that projects and hosts/reflects all kinds of names and forms as they are, what is the world of names and forms?
Without the selfless universal consciousness, what are all kinds of selfless elements and selfless energy?
Without the selfless elements and selfless energy, what is the selfless physical body with the selfless function of a perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind?
Without the selfless physical body with the selfless function of a perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind, what is the mind perception of a selfless impermanent worldly life existence?
Without the space, there is nothing.
Without the modification of the mind, there is no world of selfless impermanent names and forms.
And hence, the essence of the teachings of yoga and/or buddhism, or the aim/goal of the yoga and/or buddhism practice - All kinds of practice lead towards the annihilation of the modification of the mind, or Silence, or Samadhi.
Devoid of selfless impermanent changes (a.k.a. timelessness).
Devoid of restless thoughts activities, or restless modification of the mind, or ceaseless births and deaths (a.k.a. peace, or birthlessness and deathlessness, or devoid of restlessness).
Above all, there is no 'I' (a.k.a. selflessness).
Even when there is no 'I', it's highly essential for the selfless minds to be free from ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism and impurities, so that the minds won't be generating unnecessary hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction out of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism and impurities, that hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment, ignorantly, during their momentary selfless impermanent existence and function.
All kinds of separateness and discrimination, selfishness and possessiveness, discontentment and greed, dissatisfaction and disappointment, anger and hatred, fear and worry, offensiveness and defensiveness, violence and unrest, hurtful and damaging behavior/action/reaction, and the consequences of all that, of all kinds of unnecessary suffering, are the by-products of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness (the absence of correct understanding and peace). And hence, the highly importance of looking after the mental health of all minds, even when all minds are selfless and impermanent.
Peace, is a very basic, and yet, upmost important element in the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.
Inquire the truth of everything.
Monday, December 4, 2023
The infinite space and the selfless universal consciousness
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About Yoga
Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'.
Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything.
Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.
About Meng Foong
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