be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The practice of non-attachment and the end of the practice

Under the veil of ignorance, either the mind is unwittingly being determined or disturbed by the modifications of the mind, or the mind is aware of itself is being determined or disturbed by the modifications of the mind, however, it doesn't know how to be free from being determined or disturbed by the modifications of the mind via non-attachment.

If the mind knows what is non-attachment towards the modifications of the mind, and there's an effort coming from the mind to be performing an action or a practice of to be unattached, then this mind is practicing non-attachment towards the modifications of the mind, in order to be undetermined and undisturbed by the modifications of the mind, or the mind perception of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses. There's still separateness between the mind and the practice and the object of the practice.

The action or practice of non-attachment comes to an end, when it is no longer an action or practice that requires certain effort from a practitioner, upon the realization of selflessness, non-separateness, or oneness. There's no separateness between the practitioner and the practice and the object of the practice.

There's no need an effort to be not attaching towards anything, under the absence of ignorance and egoism, where all and everything, the perceiver and the perceived, the subject and the object, are all selfless, and are subject to selfless impermanent changes.

The mind that is void of suffering doesn't need to be free from suffering. What is non-attachment, who is non-attaching, what is to be unattached, in silence, in selflessness?

Before that, the mind that still perceives separateness and duality under the veil of ignorance, that still perceives doubt and suffering, and is still in searching for the end of suffering, will still have to make an effort of keep practicing detachment and non-attachment.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

How to be free from the sense of separateness

Regardless of what the mind thinks and believes and identifies itself as this and not that, and what the mind thinks and believes and identifies others as this and not that, all and everyone are selfless and impermanent.

Regardless of what are the different qualities that exist in the different names and forms, all and everything are selfless and impermanent.

Regardless of what the mind thinks and believes and judges as good or bad, right or wrong, kind or unkind, selfish or unselfish, positive or negative, meaningful or meaningless, strong or weak, common or uncommon, normal or abnormal, ordinary or extraordinary, healthy or unhealthy, knowledgeable or non-knowledgeable, educated or uneducated, talented or untalented, happiness or unhappiness, joy or sorrow, pleasant or unpleasant, agreeable or disagreeable, enjoyment or suffering, living beings or non-living objects, sentient or non-sentient, intelligent or non-intelligent, wise or ignorant, perfect or imperfect, egoistic or selfless, passionate or dispassionate, peaceful or restless, gain or loss, deserving or non-deserving, holy or unholy, pure or impure, 'unbreakable' or fragile, and so on, all and everything are selfless and impermanent.

Keep performing the same inquiry towards all and everything, from ancient until the present, regardless of whether it's something from within the same category or it's something among the many different categories, all and everything are selfless and impermanent. All are arising/forming, changing/decaying, and passing away/disintegrating.

Keep inquiring until the mind starts to see beyond all kind of different qualities in all kind of names and forms that appear to be distinct and separated from one another, as well as names and forms that appear to be having the same uniform quality with the same name and form, where the mind sees only the one same nature of all and everything, which is, selfless and impermanent.

The sense of separateness will disappear from the mind as it is.

This mind will be void of discrimination, or hatred, or intimidation towards any names and forms.

This mind will respect all kind of names and forms being what they are, as they are, and they are changing, slowly or rapidly.

There's no sense of loneliness in this mind.

All and everyone and everything that the mind likes and dislikes, agrees and disagrees with, loves and doesn't love, are changing and passing away, eventually, slowly, rapidly, or suddenly.

There's no grief or painful sorrow.

There's neither meaningfulness nor meaninglessness.

Be free.

Just by coming in contact with the teachings about non-separateness, and intellectually 'understand' about non-separateness, but if without direct experience and realization towards non-separateness, the mind will still be determined by the different qualities of names and forms that the mind likes or dislikes, agrees or disagrees with under the influence of ignorance and egoism, attaching and identifying with certain qualities of names and forms as 'I', where the mind unwittingly comparing, judging and expecting itself and all and everything based on the particular thinking, belief, values and practice that it upholds and feels proud of, that generates the sense of separateness between 'I' and all the others that are not 'I', that are different from 'I' and are contradicting with 'I' and 'my', and hence, naturally, there's discrimination, aversion, rejection, hatred and intimidation arise in the mind towards what the mind dislikes and disagrees with, based on the particular thinking, belief, values and practice in the mind, that it upholds and feels proud of, which also influences the mind thinking and believing itself and others are somehow deserving or not deserving certain things, reactions, treatments, or experiences.

Upon the vanish of the sense of separateness, there's neither deserving nor non-deserving this or that.

This is contradicting with all the different kinds of thinking, beliefs, values and practices in the world, where although they are distinct from one another, they have the similar values about being proud of and protective/defensive towards their own particular thinking, belief, values and practice, and there's deserving and non-deserving, as well as judgment and expectation towards themselves and all the others, based on what their thinking, belief, values and practice judges and refers as good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative, meaningful and meaningless, and so on.

It's everyone's freedom for their own thinking, belief, values and practice, for all their desire and don't desire, action and reaction.

Those who are not interested in yoga or practicing yoga, they don't need to perform this inquiry.

Be happy.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Inquire towards what we have been told to learn, believe, follow, practice, admire, aspire and become

Inquire towards everything that we have been told about this and that by everyone, including our parents, care takers, or elders, not to say, what we have been told by relatives, friends, community, famous people, successful people, wealthy people, inspirational people, powerful people, all kinds of teacher, all kinds of leader, all kinds of group, all kinds of social media influencer, content creator, advertiser, movie maker, story teller, book writer, news reporter, philosopher, researcher, activist, and etc.

Find out what are the intentions behind all kinds of saying, guidance, advice, teaching, motivational speech/story, inspirational speech/story, or sentimental speech/story, including all the teachings of yoga and/or buddhism coming from the many different lineages and teachers.

Regardless of whether it's something out of good or bad intention, it makes no difference in the path of self-inquiry and self-realization.

As if it's out of bad intention, there are things that are not necessarily incorrect or completely untrue.

Even if it's out of good intention, there are things that are not necessarily correct or completely true.

There are many made up stories and/or distorted/corrupted/incomplete/manipulated/misinterpreted/exaggerated/add on information in many things that we have been told by everyone everywhere, regardless of whether there is good or bad intention behind them, in order to be achieving certain agenda/desire/ambition.

That's why the importance of open mind (non blind-believing, non blind-following, non blind-practicing, non blind-propagating, non blind-agreeing/disagreeing), mind purification (the observation of renunciation, dispassion, seclusion, solitude, silence, the elimination of egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, comparison and expectation, renouncing the fruit of action, and etc), self-introspection and self-inquiry to attain direct self-realization.

Many loving parents, would have certain good but yet selfish intention to be molding/conditioning/educating/training their children to be in certain way that they think and believe as good, right, positive, successful and meaningful, and they won't feel comfortable to encourage or allow their children to investigate the truth of everything, particularly what they think and believe is the best for the children, that they want their children to learn, to believe, to follow, to value, to respect, to uphold, to practice, to be proud of and to propagate, so that their children will be influenced by and following those advice/teachings/belief/guideline to think, judge, behave, desire, act and react, and live life in certain way, to become the person that the parents think and believe is the best, where there are many things are not necessarily true, or completely true, in the process of influencing, molding and leading the children and/or the next generations to become what they think is the best.

The wise parents or teachers will only guide the children or students towards developing the essential independence for looking after themselves and being responsible for their own thinking, desire, action and reaction, and the consequences of their thinking, desire, action and reaction, and developing the ability/basic skill to investigate the truth of everything independently without the influence of any particular ancestral/cultural/social/spiritual/religious belief and disbelief or values and teachings, allowing them to be free to be growing, failing, doubting, exploring, learning, understanding, investigating, realizing and becoming what they are, as they are, without intention or expectation to be influencing, molding or expecting the children or the students to be or not to be in certain way.

When the children or the students come to the parents or the teachers, and ask, "Is this true, or not true?" The parents or the teachers don't tell them, "This is true." or "This is untrue." But telling them, "Go and find out the answer by yourself."

Just as teaching the basic skill of how to bake to people, but not giving them any specific recipes and telling them "This is the best way of baking" and "These are the best recipes," or "That is how and what you should or shouldn't be baking," while allowing everyone to explore, learn, experience and realizing many different ways of baking and finding many different recipes, failing and learning, and eventually, discovering their own ways and recipes, and/or what is best to them.

There's nothing wrong with the minds that think and believe in something that they think is right and good or very good, they will have the good intention of to be inspiring, influencing and desiring all the others to also like, agree with and appreciate that. That is what happening in the world of egoism, where people have the tendency to inspire, motivate, invite and convert as many people as possible to also take up and believe in something that they think is right and good or very good. Meanwhile, the selfless yogis are free from such intention or aspiration to be inspiring, influencing or converting all the others to also like, agree with or appreciate yoga, but merely being what they are, as they are, while allowing and respecting all and everyone whether they will be interested in yoga and appreciate yoga, or not, and whether they want to be free from ignorance and egoism to realize unconditional peace, or not.

Out of good intention, many yoga practitioners or yoga teachers who love yoga very much, who have been benefited a lot from their sincere regular yoga practice, but somehow, they are not free from ignorance and egoism yet, and hence, they would have the tendency of hoping their community/family/spouse/partner/friends/children would also be interested in yoga and practice yoga. Especially those who have children and they love their children very much, might have the natural tendency of desiring and expecting their children will also pick up yoga, love yoga, and will become great yogis.

It's okay and there's nothing wrong, if the children/spouse/partner/family/friends/community of the yoga practitioners have no interest or very little interest towards yoga, or even, have great aversion towards yoga.

It's everyone's freedom of how they want to think, judge, feel, desire, act and react towards everything as they are, and how everyone want to teach and bring up their children. There's neither right nor wrong with the different thinking that have different agreement and disagreement. However, if the mind feels annoyed, intimidated, threatened or offended upon coming in contact with something that it disagrees with, that is contradicting to its belief, values and practice, then it reflects what egoism is about.

Be free.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Don't want to be restricted or limited by anything?

It's normal that all and everyone have the basic instinct or desire of want to be free, being unrestricted or unlimited by anything.

Somehow, if without correct understanding, some people are being disturbed and unhappy towards many existing inevitable restrictions and limitations of the physical body and the thinking mind in the world of selflessness and impermanence, not to say, towards many unnecessary restrictions and limitations that are created by many minds that are under the influence of ignorance and egoism to be restricting the freedom of thinking, actions and speech of all and everyone, under the great aspiration or ambition to be creating and controlling a world the way that they desire.

It's normal that all and everyone don't want and don't like to be restricted by some others for anything.

If without correct understanding and self-control, out of disagreement, dissatisfaction, resentment and rebelliousness, one might be behaving, acting and reacting in the way that would hurt oneself and/or others, and the surrounding environment, to express one's disagreement and dissatisfaction towards certain restrictions and limitations imposed by some others in the world of ignorance and egoism.

Due to ignorance, many minds might also think that self-control is a form of self-imposed restriction limiting one's own freedom of thinking, action and speech.

Many people not only don't like to be controlled or restricted by others, but also don't like to have self-control, time management or self-discipline, or be flexible on doing something that one likes to do but not necessarily at the timing or in the way that one would like it to be, where one needs to be making certain adjustment, adaptation and accommodation in order to be doing certain things that one would like to be doing, but then it's being restricted and limited by certain timing, duty and responsibility, condition and situation, weather and unforeseen circumstances. People want to be able to do whatever they want to do, at anytime and in anyway that they desire, or else, they will be disturbed and unhappy for not being able to do what they want to do at the exact timing and in the exact way that they desire, due to certain restricted timing, duty and responsibility, condition and situation, weather and unforeseen circumstances.

Self-control actually doesn't contradict with the freedom of thinking, action and speech at all. One is having control over what oneself want or don't want to think, do, or say, and not being a slave of ignorant, incorrect and hurtful thinking, actions and speech.

Self-control under the correct understanding towards selflessness and impermanence in the momentary limited life existence of a body and mind, and in all kind of names and forms, where the mind is not being over-powered by the desire of craving and aversion, but knowing what are the current limitations of the physical body and mind that are selfless and impermanent, while having self-control to be managing one's life and whatever oneself wants to do, without forcing and hurting one's body and mind, or generating disharmony in oneself and/or others, or the surrounding environment, as much as possible.

It doesn't mean that one is losing or sacrificing one's freedom of thinking, actions and speech if one needs to be having self-control and flexibility over one's thinking, actions and speech, or certain actions are being restricted by inevitable selfless impermanent changes and certain unforeseen circumstances, where certain things are not necessarily being done in particular timing or in particular way that one desires, but then, it could be done if oneself makes some adjustment, adaptation and accommodation towards certain things that are not in one's control to be exactly the way that one desires.

The inner flexibility of adaptation, adjustment and accommodation to move around and go beyond obstacle, difficulty, challenge and limitation in life, that can be developed through observing many of the observations in yoga or buddhism, enables the mind to transcend all kind of obstacle, difficulty, challenge and limitation, not by fighting against or removing the obstacle, difficulty or restriction, but to move around the obstacle, difficulty and restriction.

Not being determined by the obstacle, difficulty or restriction, but being flexible to make changes in accordance to the existing obstacle, difficulty or restriction, is real freedom, even though one doesn't necessarily doing something in the exact timing or in the exact way that one initially desired.

Being flexible to be making certain necessary changes or adjustments to adapt and accommodate certain inevitable or unnecessary restrictions and limitations is not limiting, or losing, or sacrificing one's freedom of thinking, actions and speech at all, just as many minds might think and understand in such way.

Being determined by the thinking and desire of "I should be able to think what I want to think, do what I want to do, and say what I want to say, at anytime and in anyway that I desire, without the need of self-control, time management and discipline, is freedom of thinking, actions and speech," while being disturbed and unhappy upon being restricted by certain inevitable or unnecessary restrictions or unforeseen circumstances to think, do and say at the exact timing and in the exact way as one desires, is no freedom at all.

It's the prideful ego that thinks and says, "I am weak, and I am being defeated by restrictions, obstacles, challenges and difficulties, if I am the one that has to make any changes and adjustments. I shall not adapt or accommodate, but to fight against all kind of restrictions, obstacles, challenges and difficulties, at all cost, until they move out of my way, to prove that I am strong, that I am stronger than them." That's everyone's freedom of thinking, desire, action and reaction.

The strength in yoga and buddhism is about being free from attachment and not being the slave of the passionate egoistic desire of craving and aversion, not being determined or disturbed by the selfless impermanent changes. Being able to do what is possible in the present moment, while let go or make changes towards what is impossible in the present moment, is real strength and flexibility. Physical strength and flexibility is nothing, if without inner strength and flexibility.

The ability of allowing one's mind to be opened to inquire the truth of everything, to conquer the impurities and restlessness in the mind, to free the mind from ignorance and egoism, not blind-believing, not blind-following, not blind-practicing, not blind-propagating and not blind-agreeing/disagreeing towards anything, and void of attachment, longing and craving, is the great freedom that cannot be given or taken away by anyone, even if one's organ of action and speech are being restricted by certain inevitable or unnecessary restriction and limitation.

Be free, by being able to be flexible to change, to adjust, adapt and accommodate, transcending all kind of inevitable or unnecessary restrictions, obstacles, challenges or difficulties.

All are compassionate beings deriving out of compassion

All and everything, regardless of agreeable or disagreeable, are existing under the presence of compassion, the many different intentionless selfless elements that enable all and everything to be forming, changing, decaying and disintegrating, or to be arising, changing and passing away, under the influence of the nature's law of cause and effect.

All are compassionate beings deriving out of compassion, regardless of whether they are under the influence of ignorance and egoism, or not, and whether they are behaving, acting and reacting in the way that the minds refer as good or evil, kind or unkind, selfish or unselfish. Without compassion, and without the cause for it to be existing, there's none and nothing.

Compassion is nothing to do with what the worldly passionate egoistic minds refer as being good and kind, good actions, kindness, non-violence, righteousness, unselfishness, charity, generosity, forgiveness, caring, sympathy, or empathy. It doesn't belong to those who are being recognized by oneself and others as good and kind beings, or unselfish beings, or empathetic and compassionate beings, under the presence or possession of certain qualities that the minds refer as the quality of good, kind, unselfish, empathy or compassion.

Compassion is not a particular quality, or sentiment, or behavior, or action and reaction, or way of life, or choice of food consumption.

It's what all and everything are, regardless of whether the minds are good and kind, or not. It exists in all, that allows all and everything being what they are, including the most evil beings, ignorant beings, or suffering beings.

It's whether the minds realized or haven't realized that.

Upon the realization towards selflessness and compassion, the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all kind of names and forms is still what it is, it doesn't change into something else that it is not, however, the minds can be free from restlessness and suffering, transcending all kind of pleasant and unpleasant, desirable and undesirable, agreeable and disagreeable selfless impermanent changes, not being determined or disturbed by the selfless impermanent changes, or the good and bad, agreeable and disagreeable actions and reactions and their consequences, interactions and experiences, conditions and situations in the world.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

About Meng Foong

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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