be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Online yoga class?

"Do you offer any 'online yoga class'?"

What other yoga teachers do and don't do is their freedom. What yoga practitioners/enthusiasts desire and don't desire is their freedom. There's neither right nor wrong.

I don't have any interest or intention to run or teach 'yoga classes', not to say to organize 'online yoga class'.

There were/are different type of people with different temperament/understanding and state of the mind, who want to learn yoga from us by participating in a compact yoga course in the form of yoga retreat over a few days to a few weeks. The yoga retreats emphasize on guiding and allowing the yoga practitioners/students to develop correct understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-inquiry, self-control, self-discipline and self-independence to be able to perform mental/physical self-practice internally/externally wherever they are without the need of attending 'yoga classes', by performing the different practices that serve the purpose of purifying and quieting the impure outgoing egoistic mind, to work on eliminating the ego and egoism diligently and independently, to be opened and turning the mind inward to investigate/inquire into the truth of everything, allowing the mind to see/realize the truth of names and forms as it is, to know what is going on in the restless self-cognitive thinking mind or knowing Thyself, be free from ignorance and the consequences of ignorance.

How everyone reacts towards the teachings and the different practices, or whether the students would be interested in developing the correct understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-inquiry, self-control, self-discipline and self-independence, or not, and whether they developed the correct understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-inquiry, self-control, self-discipline and self-independence, or not, it's their own freedom, effort and responsibility. Everyone has their own pace treading the path of yoga.

Many of those who 'expect' the 'yoga retreat' or the 'yoga practice' to be the way that they desire it to be, that gives them what they think they should be getting/enjoying from 'joining yoga retreat and performing yoga practice' the way that they like and want, that gives them pleasurable sensual enjoyments, that gratifies their desire of craving and aversion, that makes them feel pampered and loved, wouldn't appreciate and would reject this kind of 'yoga retreat' or 'yoga practice', and they would complain and criticize this kind of 'yoga retreat' or 'yoga practice' that they don't like, don't agree with and don't want. And that's their freedom.

Those who allowed their mind to be opened to inquire the truth of everything, while being self-initiated to perform yoga practice practically in everyday life to work on eliminating the ego and egoism diligently and independently, to free the mind from ignorance and the consequences of ignorance, who understand/realize the importance of dispassion, renunciation, seclusion, solitude and silence, would appreciate this type of 'yoga retreat' and 'yoga practice'. They would have the basic understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-inquiry, self-control and self-discipline to be performing the internal/external practice accordingly. They don't need to attend 'yoga classes', not to say 'online yoga classes' to be following some verbal/visual instructions/motivations to be motivated to perform some yoga practice or exercises, in order to stay calm/positive and healthy by keeping the body and mind busy engaging/occupying with some 'healthy positive mental/physical activity', to get rid of negativity, anxiety, boredom, or the sense of loneliness/meaninglessness due to the present global epidemic situation and prolonged social/physical distancing/isolation.

The existence of 'yoga classes', and particularly 'online yoga classes' in this present situation are very good for those who don't have the basic understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-control, self-discipline and self-independence, who need to receive motivations/encouragements/guidance to be doing some healthy physical activity, to keep occupying the mind with healthy mental/physical activity, particularly in this present global epidemic situation, where people are being isolated/refrained from their everyday habitual social/mental/physical/emotional activity and interaction. Sort of like experiencing the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms of breaking away from certain mental/physical/emotional/relationship addiction/attachment/craving/desire, which is something very common that happens to many people who attend silent meditation retreats.

There's nothing wrong with many yoga practitioners/enthusiasts who can't or reluctant to perform self-practice independently, as they don't have the basic understanding, dispassion, right discrimination, self-control, self-discipline and self-independence, and they don't have the knowledge and confidence to perform the yoga practice by themselves, even after have been attending regular 'yoga classes' for many months/years, that mostly emphasize on social/mental/emotional/physical 'connection', 'sharing', 'companionship', 'encouragement/motivation' and 'interaction' among the community of the yoga teachers and the fellow yoga students while attending yoga classes/yoga retreats. That's their freedom of thinking, belief, desire, action and reaction.

Those who know this, and/or who have been practicing yoga of renunciation, dispassion, solitude, seclusion and silence as it is, will not have any issue dealing with this global epidemic situation that requires efficient prolonged social/physical isolation/distancing for weeks/months or even years. They are free from boredom, anxiety, fear, worry, loneliness, or meaninglessness.

The sincere yoga practitioners can make use of this time being, or this great opportunity from this global epidemic situation to be starting practicing silence.

Those who aren't interested in the yoga practice of disciplining and quieting the mind, don't have to practice silence. They can continue to entertain the mind to keep the mind busy mingling and interacting with one another through all kinds of social media. It's everyone's freedom what they desire and don't desire.

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