be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Be free from craving and aversion towards identification with good or bad quality

None need to be 'good' or 'good enough' to have peace, not to say to be 'perfect'.

Free this mind from egoism of craving towards certain quality of names and forms that the mind would like to possess or be identifying with as 'I'.

Free this mind from egoism of aversion towards certain quality of names and forms that the mind wouldn't like to possess or be identifying with as 'I'.

Accepting the imperfection of all kinds of names and forms as it is.

All the 'perfect' and 'imperfect' qualities of names and forms are impermanent and they are not 'I'. There's needless of the egoistic identification with any quality of names and forms as 'I', or 'I am this/I am not that'.

Be free from aversion towards the acknowledgement of 'being stupid' or 'not smart enough' in learning or doing something in this world. One doesn't need to try very hard to 'not being stupid' or try to 'be smart'.

It's okay sometimes the egoistic mind realizes and acknowledges itself is being stupid or not as smart as one would like oneself to be, and would make certain mistake unwittingly or doesn't understand about something and doesn't know how to do certain things. Whether it's something that the mind perceives or acknowledges as 'perfection' or 'imperfection', 'good' or 'bad', it's impermanent and it's not 'I'. The mind that is free from the idea of 'I' or the ego, has no such 'problem' or 'reaction' towards the quality of names and forms that is impermanent and selfless.

Then even though one is aware of oneself is not as smart as one would like oneself to be or is less smart than many other people, but the understanding of non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-comparison and non-expectation, is already being wiser than many people who are under the influence of ignorance and egoism, who try very hard to 'be smart' or try to 'outsmart' other people in order not to be acknowledged by oneself and others as 'I am stupid' or 'I am not smart enough', or to be acknowledged by oneself and others as 'I am not stupid' or 'I am smart enough', and would be very disappointed, frustrated and unhappy with oneself for being acknowledged as 'being stupid' or 'being not smart enough'.

Be free.

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