be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The absence of fear vs the presence of courage

There's neither right nor wrong with the many different 'approaches' for the different minds functioning under different degrees of understanding towards oneself, or towards the selfless modification of the mind, in order to deal with certain things in the body and mind, or in life, that are not necessarily the way that they would like it to be.

Many positive empowerment training workshops in the world is about countering what the minds perceived and recognized as fear/weakness/negativity/inferiority/dissatisfaction/unhappiness/low self-esteem/lack of confidence/non-accomplishment/meaninglessness with developing/empowering/achieving/possessing the opposite of that, a.k.a. courage/strength/positivity/superiority/satisfaction/happiness/high self-esteem/high confidence/accomplishment/meaningfulness.

That might give the mind some momentary relief from certain states of the mind or conditions/limitations/shortcomings that are not how the mind would like it to be, but that doesn't really free the mind from continuously be determined/conditioned by the mind perception of duality, or the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, to be identifying as who/what they are.

As even all kinds of so called 'good', 'positive', 'righteous', or 'superior' qualities, are also conditional, and impermanent, that will increase or decrease being conditioned/influenced by the different experiences, situations, or physical/mental conditions that are impermanent.

The presence/development/empowerment/possession of high degrees of courage doesn't necessarily correlate with the absence of fear.

The teachings and practice of yoga and buddhism, is to free the mind from all that, or to free the mind from being determined/conditioned/limited by the mind perception of duality or the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, by going beyond or transcending all kinds of duality via non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation.

It's not about the presence/development/empowerment/achievement/possession of what the passionate egoistic minds perceived and recognized as courage/strength/positivity/superiority/satisfaction/happiness/high self-esteem/high confidence/accomplishment/meaningfulness.

It's about the absence of attachment/identification/craving towards all those 'good'/'higher'/'superior'/'top' qualities that most minds like and desire to be identifying as who/what they are, as well as the absence of attachment/identification/aversion towards what the mind perceived and recognized as the opposite of all that, a.k.a. fear/weakness/negativity/inferiority/dissatisfaction/unhappiness/low self-esteem/lack of confidence/non-accomplishment/meaninglessness, that most minds don't like and don't desire to be identifying with as who/what they are.

Courage is useless or needless, upon the absence of fear. So as positivity and the sense of meaningfulness is useless or needless, upon the absence of negativity and the sense of meaninglessness.

All that can be eliminated from the selfless modification of the mind via the annihilation of ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism.

Upon the annihilation of ignorance and egoism, devoid of the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, or upon the mind transcends all kinds of duality or the mind perception of selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, there is no need to have the presence of something good/positive/superior to counter something bad/negative/inferior that doesn't exist in the mind at all. Such mind doesn't need to be empowered, to be strong, to be positive, or to be confident.

Even when the selfless modification of the mind is still not yet completely be free from being determined by duality or the mind perception of names and forms, where there is fear, or some other kind of impurities arising and occupying in the mind, from time to time, that's okay too, as the mind that has certain degrees of correct understanding towards itself, or towards the selfless modification of the mind, where the mind is endowed with certain degrees of non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation, this mind will be aware of what is going on in the modification of the mind, without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, while allowing the thought activities (regardless of what the mind perceived and recognized as something good or bad/positive or negative/superior or inferior/agreeable or disagreeable) to be arising, changing, and passing away, as they are, without being over-powered by all these selfless impermanent thought activities of different qualities of names and forms arising and passing away, knowing that all these desirable and undesirable, or pleasant and unpleasant different qualities of names and forms in the mind, are all selfless and impermanent. All these different qualities of names and forms are not 'I', and there is no 'I'.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

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