be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Verbal diarrhea?

The yoga and meditation practice are supposed to be quieting the restless outgoing talkative mind. Usually after a complete session of traditional yoga practice or a meditation sitting in silence, the mind would be rendered so quiet that there's nothing to say, or talk, or share, or complain about, especially for the next few hours or so. However, there are some restless minds that are suffering from 'verbal diarrhea' might can't stop talking immediately after the practice session finished, after being restrained from talking during the 2 - 3 hours of yoga practice or 1 - 2 hours of meditation sitting in silence. This is a common behavior (sort of a side-effect) of the restless mind especially after people finish a long silent yoga and/or meditation retreat. Sincere yoga practitioners need to know how to free the mind from 'verbal diarrhea', especially after a long time observing silence.

Yoga practitioners need to be aware of whether their minds are suffering from 'verbal diarrhea', which is a sign of a seriously restless mind.

Meanwhile, there are some people who don't really know/understand about the meaning of yoga and meditation practice which is mainly to silent/quiet the restless outgoing talkative mind, and they would want to engage in social conversation with other people immediately after the 'yoga class' finished, they might feel offended by some people whose minds are in silent mode after the yoga and meditation practice, where they are not interested in engaging in social conversation with anyone, but would rather be isolated from the rest of the people, to be alone, to be 'resting' in the state of quietness for as long as possible.

Those who attend sincere 'yoga retreat' that is about quieting the mind should have an understanding about this, so that they wouldn't feel offended by some people who's minds are in silent mode after the practice, and try not to 'disturb' these minds that are resting in silence during and after the yoga and meditation practice, which is the 'precious' state of mind for sincere yoga and meditation practitioners.

Majority of the people in the society who encourage 'active engagement in conversation or talking with other people' for promoting a 'happier' state of mind or 'better' physical/mental/emotional health, might not understand the greatness of silence, where the mind is free from all kinds of disturbs, unhappiness or suffering, being in the present moment free from desire of craving and aversion, being undisturbed/undetermined by pleasant/unpleasant or agreeable/disagreeable experiences, where people have nothing that they need to be 'talking', 'sharing' or 'complaining' about to other people.

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