be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, August 7, 2023

Higher education and academic achievement doesn't guarantee correct understanding in the mind

Many people, particularly those who are in the field of any kind of empowerment, would think and believe that happiness, peace and harmony in individual and the community in the world is based on higher financial status that comes from success and achievement in education and career. They believe that lack of education or low education is the reason for low financial status, where they believe that low financial status is the reason why there's unhappiness, peacelessness and disharmony in individual and the community, while higher education and higher achievement in education and career will lead to higher financial status that will bring happiness, peace and harmony in individual and the community.

Happiness, peace and harmony in individual and the community is nothing to do with higher financial status that comes from success and achievement in education and career. It's deriving from having correct understanding.

Correct understanding is nothing to do with the presence and absence of basic or higher academic education. One can be having correct understanding without receiving any formal academic education or higher education. While one might not have correct understanding even after receiving formal basic or higher academic education, attaining success and achievement in career, and having a higher financial status.

Receiving basic or higher academic education and attaining high achievement in academic education doesn't necessarily guarantee success and achievement in career, while success and achievement in career doesn't necessarily lead to higher financial status that is inline with the rising cost of living and property market under the exploitation of capitalism, where success in career or higher financial status doesn't necessarily come from higher education achievement, and higher financial status or success in career doesn't necessarily lead to happiness, peace and harmony in individual or the community in the world.

Similarly, some people would think and believe that happiness, peace and harmony in individual and the community is coming from having a particular cultural, spiritual or religious belief, values and practice. Regardless of whether people are having a particular cultural, spiritual or religious belief, values and practice, or not, it's about the presence and absence of correct understanding in the mind that is determining whether there's happiness, peace and harmony in individual, or not, that will contribute more peace and harmony into the community, or not, regardless of whether there is peace and harmony in the community, or not, due to not all individuals in the community are all in happiness, peace and harmony, depending on the presence and absence of correct understanding in each individual.

It's all about whether the mind is having correct understanding, or not, upon the absence or presence of ignorance, egoism and impurities in the thinking mind.

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