be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Thursday, May 21, 2015

All kinds of different yoga practice exist to suit every beings with different types of temperament, ability and condition

All kinds of different yoga practice and path exist to suit every beings with different types of temperament, ability and condition.

There's neither superiority nor inferiority.

The only thing that will make a difference is that no matter what type of yoga practice and path that we are taking, it is whether we have the patience, perseverance, determination, self-discipline, self-control, self-awareness, dispassion, right discrimination, concentration, tolerance, forbearance, adjustment, adaptation and accommodation, to be keep practicing without judgment, comparison or expectation, to free the mind from ignorance, egoism and impurities, until the mind is completely purified and be free form ignorance and the by-products of ignorance.

Watch out for the ego, when we start to think and believe that my path and my type of practice is the most superior form of yoga, that everyone should also follow this path and this type of practice.

Om shanti.

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