be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

How to be happy?

It's not about how I feel, and what I want and don't want.

It's not about how others feel, and what others want and don't want.

It's not about how others think and feel about me or themselves, and how others act/react and don't act/react.

It's not about what I can do and cannot do, and how much I have done and didn't do for myself and others.

It's not about what others can do and cannot do, and how much they have done and didn't do for themselves and others.

It's not about positive thinking, optimism and hopefulness.

It's not about give others happiness and take away others' unhappiness.

It's not about pleasing others to make others happy.

It's not about ignoring, denying, and supporting others' ignorance, so that others won't be unhappy.

It's about the absence of the idea of 'I' and egoism, in this mind.

It's about the absence of attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation towards this mind and others.

It's about the presence of non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation towards this mind and others.


Be kind to this body and mind, and let it go.

Be kind to others, and let it go.

May all be happy, including those who have been selfish, difficult, and unkind, and including this mind, that is imperfect, selfless, and impermanent.

It's okay that this body and mind doesn't know many things.

It's okay that this body and mind cannot do and achieve many things.

It's okay that this body and mind has certain limitation and weakness.

It's okay that if the mind still couldn't understand all these.


What others think and feel, and how others act and react, is others' freedom.

What this mind thinks and feels, and how this mind acts and reacts, is its own freedom.

Regardless of how much hardship, pain, and difficulty in this present moment, choose forbearance, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, openness, kindness, cheerfulness, contentment, and peace.

Let go selfishness, bitterness, resentment, vengeance, jealousy, pride, arrogance, anger, and hatred.

If others are being ignorant, selfish, bitter, hard, difficult, unkind, wrongful, discontent, greedy, evil, cruel, violent, jealous, prideful, arrogant, angry, and hateful, let them be what they are, and let them go.

More importantly, this mind is not being determined or disturbed by them, being what they are, as they are.

This mind doesn't need to be like them.

This mind can choose not to become one of them.


If this mind can truly understand "May all be happy", and wish all and everyone "Be happy", unconditionally, this mind will be happy as it is, regardless of whether others are happy, or not.

Be happy as it is, unconditionally, it doesn't mean that there are no negative thinking, disagreement, or unpleasant feelings and emotions arising and passing away in the mind, but the mind understands that all these are impermanent, and it's not 'I', while not being determined, disturbed, influenced, or over-powered by all these selfless impermanent modifications of the mind, standing as a witness towards all these names and forms, without association, attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation.

Regardless of what is happening in the body and mind, in life, in all kinds of relationship/ties and connection, and in the surrounding environment/the world, and whether it's something pleasant/unpleasant, agreeable/disagreeable, desirable/undesirable, or soothing/painful, the mind can still be happy as it is, if the mind knows and understands towards selflessness and impermanence.

Be open. Be wise. Be compassionate.

Be free. Be happy. Be peaceful.

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