Just as the presence and absence of all kinds of origins, backgrounds, experiences, education, study, learning, training, practice, skills, talents, achievements, status, title, qualification, certification, physical appearance, health condition, fitness level, ability, disability, intelligence, or accumulated information and knowledge, the proficiency in any particular type or many different types of language(s), doesn't determine the state of mind and the behavior of anyone.
Knowing how to proficiently speak, read, write, express, communicate, and interact in all kinds of languages that are existing in this world also doesn't and cannot determine the state of mind and the behavior of anyone.
Wisdom, compassion, peace, understanding, kindness, openness, patience, tolerance, determination, non-possessiveness, non-attachment, non-craving, non-aversion, non-interference, the ability to let go/adjust/adapt/accommodate/withstand, the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, as well as the ability to allow and respect the perceived reality as it is, and to respect all and everyone and everything as they are, to be sharing the space that doesn't belong to anyone with all and everyone and everything, regardless of whether the perceived reality and all and everything appeared to be something pleasant or unpleasant, desirable or undesirable, and agreeable or disagreeable, are not being determined by the presence and absence of all those names and forms/qualities/abilities/achievements/possessions/identities.
It's very common that most people would ask/question others that they don't know, that they refer as 'foreigners', "Who are you? Where you came from? Where is your origin or birth place? What is your country? Why are you here (in my village/town/country)?"
Many people think and believe that they came from a particular land, that they think and believe is where they belonged, as their ancestors and themselves were born on that land in that space, where they claimed ownership and possession towards the land and the space to be "This is our home, our land, and our space. All these here are ours," and refer themselves as the original inhabitants or the rightful owners/citizens of the land and the space, where they express, speak, read, write, communicate, and interact among themselves under one or a few common language(s) that they think and believe is "Our language(s) and our culture." And they refer all the others that are not (already) one of them, that only exist/arrive/live/make a living on the land and space after them, that have some other backgrounds or cultures, as 'foreigners'.
There are also many people think and believe that many of their social/national problems are caused by the presence of 'foreigners' from other different backgrounds that arrive/exist/live/make a living in their country that belongs to them.
Inquire the truth of everything.
Before the presence of any other 'foreigners' in any particular land and space in this world that doesn't belong to anyone,
All kinds of humanity/mentality/behavior/family/relationship/community/national problems have already been existing in anywhere and everywhere, among one another where all the people among the one same community that have the one same background of particular ancestry family heritage, ethnicity, culture, belief, values, and practices, where people express, speak, communicate, and interact among themselves under the same common language(s).
All kinds of dissatisfaction, discontentment, irritation, annoyance, frustration, anger, hatred, greed, discrimination, jealousy, selfishness, possessiveness, offensiveness, defensiveness, cruelty, ill treatment, violence, corruptions, mischievous conducts, hurtful behaviors, misunderstanding, non-understanding, disagreements, arguments, fighting, unrest, disharmony, fear, pride, arrogance, control, hypocrisy, lies, backbiting, backstabbing, blame, politics, interference, exploitation, wars, and etc, have always been existing in the minds within the one same family, community, or nation of the similar ancestry/social/national background.
Ceaseless conflicts have always been existing in oneself in one's own mind, among the different ceaseless thoughts and desires that are selfless and impermanent, not to say, with another mind, among partner/couple, among parents and children, among siblings, among relatives, among friends, among neighbours, among villagers, among all and everyone of the same origin and background. There are lots of craving, aversion, selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy, anger, resentment, disagreement, argument, interference, intimidation, threat, or power and control.
Human beings (The minds) have been hurting oneself, and their own family members, partner/spouse, parents, children, friends, relatives, and community of the one same origin, background and culture, under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I' (the ego), egoism, impurities and restlessness, either wittingly or unwittingly.
Making all and everyone to adopt one's particular language and culture, or one's belief, way of living, way of doing things, values and practices, doesn't prevent or remove all kinds of existing 'problems' that derived from the minds functioning under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness.
All kinds of 'problems' don't come from 'foreigners'.
'Foreigners' of different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, values, practices, or languages, with different personalities and desires, are not the cause of all kinds of 'problems'.
It's the presence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism in the minds, on top of the selfless intentionless attributeless survival instinct that exists in all kinds of organisms, that give rise to all kinds of impurities and restlessness in the minds, that contribute to all kinds of 'problems' in this world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.
"Stay away from cult. Stay away from politics." - Swami Sivananda
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