be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Friday, March 8, 2019

'Equality' and 'non-discrimination'?

Many people think and believe that in order to achieve 'non-discrimination' in the society, everyone should be perceived/treated 'equally' in all aspects/fields regardless of everyone's different qualities of names and forms.

But 'non-discrimination' is really nothing to do with 'everyone is being perceived/treated equally regardless of different qualities of names and forms'.

'Non-discrimination' and 'equality' are two different things.

Inequality is the truth of all and everything that come in different qualities of names and forms. It's not a 'negative', or 'bad', or 'wrong' understanding/thinking. All the different qualities of names and forms are indeed being unequal or different from one another.

Worldly egoistic minds desire to be better or more superior than others, want to achieve a higher social status, to achieve higher results than others, or deserve to enjoy higher reward/salary/profit than others whom one thinks are less good/experience/qualification/efficient than oneself, or don't work/achieve as much as one does. And there's nothing wrong with some people earn more than many others doing the same kind of work, as some people are more efficient and productive than some others working at the same work in the same field, regardless of among the same or different gender/race/nationality/educational background, and etc.

It's impossible to have everything 'being equal to one another' as all and everything that come with their very own distinctive qualities of names and forms, different abilities and limitations, and there's nothing wrong or discriminating for being unequal or different to one another, or having different function, duty, responsibility, ability and disability, but, it's possible to be free from 'discrimination' among all the 'inequality' or 'differences' among the different qualities of names and forms.

Just like it's impossible to defy impermanent changes or death/the end of this life existence, but it's possible to go beyond impermanent changes and death/the end of this life existence, by accepting and respecting the law of impermanence and going beyond/transcending death/the end of this life existence, without attachment and identification towards the impermanent and selfless existence and function of the physical body and the mind perception of a worldly life existence, of all kinds of relationships/experiences/actions and the fruit of actions.

For example, many women want to be seen/perceived/treated as equally to men by trying to do things that men do, and vice versa, in order to fight against gender discrimination.

The truth is, there's nothing wrong or discriminating when women can't do certain things that men can do, or when men can't do certain things that women can do. It's perfectly okay when some people can do certain things that other people can't do, and vice versa, restricted by physical and/or mental limitation, regardless of whether among the same gender or among the different gender.

Non-discrimination is about accepting and respecting everyone as they are, regardless of everyone's different gender/genital organ, sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, family/educational background, race, culture, political view, social and financial status, physical and mental abilities and disabilities, thinking and belief, behavior, personality, intelligence, interests, talents, skills, livelihood/job/profession, values, practice and way of life, achievements and non-achievements, and so on.

Non-discrimination is there as it is, naturally, effortlessly, when the mind is free from ignorance and egoism, upon the realization of selflessness, where the mind is free from being conditioned or determined by all the different qualities of names and forms that are impermanent and selfless, including the condition, appearance, and the ability/disability of the physical body and the modification of the mind, and the realization of compassion, or the unconditional selfless loving kindness that exists in all and everything that supports/allows all and everything to be co-existing here in this space that doesn't belong to anyone.

There's nothing wrong for being unequal/different to one another.

Some people are more smart and intelligent while some are less smart and intelligent. Some are more hardworking while some are less hardworking. Some are more educated and highly experienced while some are less educated and less experienced. Some behave nastily while some behave nicely. Some are more loving and forgiving while some are less loving and forgiving. Some are more strong and flexible while some are less strong and flexible. Some are more patient and tolerant while some are less patient and tolerant. Some are more successful and have easier life condition while some are less successful and have harder life condition. Some are more healthy and active while some are less healthy and less active. Some are more sociable while some are less sociable. Some are more obedient while some are more rebellious. Some are fairer while some are darker. Some are taller/heavier while some are shorter/lighter. Some are more talented and skillful while some are less talented and less skillful. Some are more expressive while some are less expressive. Some are extrovert while some are introvert. Some are more aggressive while some are less aggressive. Some like the taste of sourness while some dislike the taste of sourness. Some like spicy food while some dislike spicy food. Some believe in spirituality and God while some disbelieve in spirituality and God, and so on.

Above all, what people want, is about having 'equal rights' to live and move freely in this world. That's what most people are fighting for, to have 'equal rights' regardless of all the different qualities of names and forms. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Above all, there is no need to have or fight for 'equal rights' if there is no 'any kind of discrimination' existing in this world that is run by ignorant egoistic human beings under a system that is based on the existence of 'legalization'/'criminalization'/'who deserve or don't deserve certain rights'/'approval'/'non-approval'/'recognition'/'non-recognition' and so on, that are created by human beings functioning under ignorance and egoism that shouldn't be existing in the first place.

Human beings are being conditioned to live life in certain way to conform to certain standard that is 'acceptable', 'sanctioned', and 'approved' under the regulation of such egoistic system created and run by ignorant egoistic human beings under the influence of impurities.
All these names and forms matter very much to those who don't know thyself, who haven't realize the truth of names and forms, or 'who/what I am', and whether wittingly or unwittingly, there's discrimination from oneself towards oneself and towards others due the attachment and identification towards certain qualities of names and forms that one likes and dislikes, agrees and disagrees with. There's always comparison, competition, judgment, criticism, and expectation towards oneself and others based on the particular standard of quality of names and forms that one likes and dislikes, agrees and disagrees with. There's longing for receiving acknowledgement, acceptance, respect, agreement, approval, recognition, deserving treatment, cooperation, and support from others towards one's thinking/belief/actions/advocacy/ambition/desires. There's fighting against something that the mind think is 'bad', 'wrong', 'unfair', or 'undeserving'.

But the existence and non-existence of all the different qualities of names and forms, and the worldly national/political/social/religious/cultural game of 'equal rights' and 'non-equal rights', really doesn't matter to those who know thyself, who realized the truth of names and forms, of impermanence and selflessness, or who/what is this 'I'.

Oneself is free from judgment, expectation and discrimination towards all the different qualities of names and forms, while allowing others who have judgment, expectation, and discrimination towards oneself and others to be what they are, but without being disturbed or determined by the judgment, expectation and discrimination from others, or not being given the 'equal rights' or 'deserving treatment' from the 'authority' or 'society' that is functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism. One is not interested in attaining 'equal rights' or 'deserving treatment', as that is conforming to and empowering the 'game' of the ignorant and egoistic human beings. As whether everyone is being given 'equal rights' and 'deserving treatment', or not, it doesn't change the truth of impermanence and selflessness, and it doesn't guarantee/determine that all the minds will be free from ignorance and egoism and suffering, or not.
Be free.

Women doesn't need to compete with men, or with other women, and vice versa, to show that one can be as good as or better than the other. No one are equal to one another. None need to be having the same/similar/equal quality/ability/achievement like one another. No doubt that there will be higher and lower quality existing in all the different names and forms, which all are subject to impermanence and selflessness. Even the best or highest quality in the world will also change and pass away. It's okay if some people are 'better' than some others in certain things, and vice versa. There's also nothing wrong that in all kinds of competition, where somebody will standout, excel and win while the others didn't win. Somebody wins a competition because there are the others who don't standout/excel as much as the one who wins that allows 'this person' to win, it doesn't mean that those who didn't win are 'bad', or 'not good', or 'not good enough'. Those who understand this will never feel bad or bitter when they didn't win in any competition.

Acknowledging, accepting, and respecting all the differences among each other. Each has their very own duty, responsibility, function, condition, limitation, ability and disability, while all and everyone/everything existing to be complementing and supporting one another.

Beyond all the different qualities of names and forms, it's selflessness, oneness, non-separateness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness. There's neither 'discrimination' nor 'non-discrimination'. There's neither 'equal rights' nor 'non-equal rights'. There is no need to have 'non-discrimination' and 'equal rights' if there is no 'discrimination' and 'unequal rights' in the first place.

In the end, everyone will realize that all are equal, anyway, under the nature's law of cause and effect, under the truth of selflessness and impermanence, where all and everything will change, decay, and pass away, regardless of all the different qualities of names and forms, having easy life or difficult life, what kind of achievements and non-achievements, and be given 'equal rights' to do and achieve what we want to do and achieve, or not.
Being undetermined or undisturbed by the worldly ignorant egoistic game of 'unequal rights', 'prejudice', 'oppression' and 'discrimination' doesn't mean that one is supporting those names and forms, or one should be standing there to receive ignorant treatments of 'unequal rights', 'prejudice', 'oppression' and 'discrimination' deriving from the ignorant egoistic human minds. One can choose to move away from such society, without the thinking of "I have the rights to be here. Why should I move away?" or "They should change. There shouldn't be such unequal rights, prejudice, oppression and discrimination in the world." As no one can change another, not even by sacrificing oneself would remove the ignorance from the others, or from the world.
All the past saints and sages renounced the world, staying away from the society that was, and will always be occupied by minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, as much as possible, not wasting any effort and energy into dealing with the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance in the worldly egoistic society. Even after Buddha or Guru attained enlightenment and they came back to the society to disseminate the teachings and practice towards attaining Self-realization to free the mind from ignorance, they didn't and couldn't change the people, or remove the ignorance from the minds or from the world. It has to come from the mind itself to be aware of ignorance and be initiated/disciplined to work diligently by oneself alone to free one's mind from ignorance.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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