be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Unconditional love and peace is within us, but for some people it appears to be so far away...

Yoga is about realizing unconditional love and peace. It's nothing to do with attaining good physical condition, physical strength and flexibility, good health, longevity, or worldly happiness.

It is right here in this moment, right here within us, but somehow, for some people it appears to be so far away, that we need to take a long time and to go a long way to reach it.

It's because it is beyond the mind perceptions of names and forms, it is beyond all the qualities of names and forms, and unconditioned by any qualities of names and forms. That's why it appears to be very far away, or it's almost unreachable for some people, as the untrained egoistic and impure mind is unwittingly and unceasingly attached onto all the qualities of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses from moment to moment, being busy or restless all the time, and constantly looking for love and peace in the qualities of names and forms that is impermanent, and this is what make it appears to be so difficult to realize the unconditional love and peace that is always here.

Just like the mind is always busy looking at objects of sights via the eyes, recognizes this and that, admiring this and that, desiring this and that, but it doesn't and couldn't see itself. It doesn't know itself.

If this love and peace is determined by the qualities of names and forms, is influenced by what we eat or don't eat, or what we do or don't do, or what we have or don't have, then it will be so easy for everyone to attain this love and peace. If so, by eating certain types of food, and doing certain types of activities, and having certain types of objects will allow us to be peaceful and compassionate. But, it doesn't, as unconditional love and peace is undetermined by any qualities of names and forms, uninfluenced by energy and elements, and unaffected by what we eat and don't eat, what we do and don't do, or what we have and don't have.

The state of mind will always be determined by qualities of names and forms, be influenced by energy and elements, and be affected by what we eat and don't eat, or what we do and don't do, or what we have and don't have, but the unconditional love and peace is not part of the impermanent states of the mind being influenced by energy and elements. It is beyond all the different states of the mind that are impermanent.

On top of that, it's not determined by the egoism of who we think we are, or what we are, or how we are, or where we are. It is also nothing to do with the physical health and fitness condition and abilities to do this or that. It is nothing to do with how much knowledge we know about this and that. It is nothing to do with all the pleasant and unpleasant life experiences. It is nothing to do with whether our behavior is nice or not nice, good or not good.

The love that is in a form of feeling, of affection towards certain qualities of names and forms that we like and agree with, and the peace that is coming from the mind being influenced by energy and elements, being determined by what we eat or don't eat, what we do or don't do, what we have or don't have, is conditional love and peace that is impermanent. It is not the unconditional love and peace as mentioned in the teachings of yoga and meditation, which is unlimited and unconditional, which never increase nor decrease, that doesn't exist or cease existing due to cause and effect.

Go beyond the mind perceptions of qualities of names and forms, go beyond all the different states of the mind, by practicing non-attachment and non-identification persistently, freeing the mind from egoism, ignorance and impurities, without craving for a particular state of mind, without aversion towards a particular state of mind, allowing the selfless state of mind being impermanent, while being undisturbed, unaffected, uninfluenced, and undetermined by the mind perceptions of names and forms, and realize this unconditional love and peace, and be truly free.

Just like a movie is being determined and influenced by many different elements and efforts from many people to make it into a movie, to be available on the movie screen for people to watch, but the screen is not affected, or disturbed, or influenced, or determined by the movie that is being projected onto the screen.
When there's attachment, peace is absent. Peace is there as it is upon the absence of attachment.
All kinds of yoga and meditation practice is for developing non-attachment while witnessing the selfless modification of the mind. Unattached towards the action, and unattached towards the fruit of action.
Om shanti.

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