be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, September 3, 2018

Teaching yoga to others and performing one's self-practice

Yoga teachers who teach yoga to other people must not neglect one's self-practice.

Usually, one needs to perform one's practice to attain self-realization, being free from ignorance, egoism, impurities, restlessness and suffering, then naturally, one can disseminate the teachings to others and guide others to perform the practice, which is nothing to do with attending yoga teachers training courses to learn how to teach yoga to other people or attaining yoga teachers training certification to qualify one to teach yoga to other people. 
While most people who have attended yoga teachers training courses and are teaching yoga classes to other people are not necessarily be free from ignorance, egoism, impurities, restlessness and suffering. As those who are free from ignorance, egoism, impurities, restlessness and suffering, they don't need to attend 'yoga teachers training courses' to learn how to teach yoga, to attain some 'internationally recognized certificates' to conduct 'yoga classes' for them to disseminate yoga to other beings. And hence, even though one is teaching yoga classes because one has learned some knowledge on the yoga practice and possesses teacher training certification to teach yoga classes, one must take importance in one's practice, to look after one's mind, and be persevered and determined to silent the mind, to free the mind from ignorance, egoism, impurities, restlessness and suffering.

Quite many people who teach yoga classes think that they don't really need to perform their own practice, as they think that they have been performing the yoga practice while teaching the many yoga classes for many times/hours everyday. Or, their body and mind are already too exhausted from teaching many classes everyday as well as engaging in many daily worldly activities or social interactions. Yoga teachers need to know how to conserve energy to focus on one's practice.

When the yoga teachers demonstrating the yoga practice while teaching classes, it's not the same as performing one's practice in silence.

When teaching classes, the teachers turning the mind outward paying attention onto teaching others by talking and giving instructions while demonstrating the yoga practice and disseminating the teachings, and are observing or supervising the yoga students' practice and 'assessing their performance', even though, yoga practice is nothing to do with 'good/bad performance' at all.

During self-practice in silence, the body and mind retreat from worldly affairs, activities and interactions, one is fully immersed and relaxed into the yoga practice and paying full attention onto one's practice by turning the mind inward, withdrawing the senses from the sense objects, which is what yoga practice is about.

It's the same for the yoga students. After attending yoga classes following the instructions of the yoga teachers to learn about the yoga teachings and how to perform the yoga practice for some time, one must also develop one's self-practice in silence, turning the mind inward while immersing and relaxing into the yoga practice, withdrawing the senses from the sense objects, without listening to instructions or looking at the yoga teacher demonstrating the yoga practice, without talking, discussion, debate or asking questions, without judgment or assessment towards the practice, not to say, it's needless to be assessed by other people towards one's performance about 'whether I am good or not good'. Completely unattached towards one's actions and practice or the result/fruit of actions and practice, just doing one's best and allowing the result/fruit of actions and practice to be there as it is, which is what yoga practice is about.

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