Before the existence of 'authority' and 'laws' being introduced into the world, everyone is free being who/what they are, what they want to think and believe or not thinking and disbelieving, and be able to live/travel/wander/migrate anywhere and everywhere, unrestricted by so called 'authority' and 'laws'.
None need to be labelled as 'such and such nationality/gender/race/class'. None need to be fighting for attaining 'legal' recognition or approval for being who they are/what they want to be. None need to fight for 'equality', or 'equal treatment', or 'respect', or 'approval'. 'Human rights' and all kinds of 'rights' shouldn't be existing at all. There needn't be an 'authority' and 'laws' existing to 'authorize/sanction/judge/criminalize/punish who and what have/don't have 'such and such rights', or have more/less 'rights' than one another. Human beings just need to respect one another and be kind/thoughtful/tolerant/accommodating towards one another.
Somehow, somewhere, some people, with the excuse/aspiration of 'protecting the welfare of the world/society and keeping the world/society in order', certain people self-proclaimed ownership and authority towards lands, areas, space and the society/community, set up boundaries, labels, laws and punishments to limit/control all and everyone have to comply to certain rules and regulations based on particular thinking/belief/disbelief/ideas/values/practice/behavior/way of life under certain ethnicity/culture/religion/spirituality, and using the name of humanity for developing/protecting 'goodness and righteousness' and fighting/eliminating 'badness and wrongfulness', to uphold peace and harmony/social stability and prosperity in the world/society, and to keep the society in a 'particular order' that complying to a particular thinking/belief/ideas/values/practice, either by force, or by conversion, or by temptation, to be recruiting or building a majority of the society/community that support, empower and comply to such 'system' that gives power to certain people being 'the authority' to 'control' all the others who are ignorantly and wittingly supporting that 'system' to be 'controlled legally' by an 'authority' and be restricted/controlled by 'legally' binding laws.
None need to be labelled as 'such and such nationality/gender/race/class'. None need to be fighting for attaining 'legal' recognition or approval for being who they are/what they want to be. None need to fight for 'equality', or 'equal treatment', or 'respect', or 'approval'. 'Human rights' and all kinds of 'rights' shouldn't be existing at all. There needn't be an 'authority' and 'laws' existing to 'authorize/sanction/judge/criminalize/punish who and what have/don't have 'such and such rights', or have more/less 'rights' than one another. Human beings just need to respect one another and be kind/thoughtful/tolerant/accommodating towards one another.
Somehow, somewhere, some people, with the excuse/aspiration of 'protecting the welfare of the world/society and keeping the world/society in order', certain people self-proclaimed ownership and authority towards lands, areas, space and the society/community, set up boundaries, labels, laws and punishments to limit/control all and everyone have to comply to certain rules and regulations based on particular thinking/belief/disbelief/ideas/values/practice/behavior/way of life under certain ethnicity/culture/religion/spirituality, and using the name of humanity for developing/protecting 'goodness and righteousness' and fighting/eliminating 'badness and wrongfulness', to uphold peace and harmony/social stability and prosperity in the world/society, and to keep the society in a 'particular order' that complying to a particular thinking/belief/ideas/values/practice, either by force, or by conversion, or by temptation, to be recruiting or building a majority of the society/community that support, empower and comply to such 'system' that gives power to certain people being 'the authority' to 'control' all the others who are ignorantly and wittingly supporting that 'system' to be 'controlled legally' by an 'authority' and be restricted/controlled by 'legally' binding laws.
From some 'simple rules and regulations for keeping order in the society and to benefit all humanity' but then gradually being evolved into many 'selfish and ridiculous corrupted rules and regulations for propagating certain agendas and protecting the benefits of certain people', that gives rise to all kinds of discrimination, prejudice, unjust, corruption, oppression, intimidation, offense, punishment, restriction, intrusion, unrest, hatred, fear and violence.
A world/society that needs to be 'governed'/'supported'/'protected' by 'human rights' and all kinds of 'rights' being 'controlled/legalized/criminalized' by 'an authority' and 'laws' to be in a 'particular order' will never going to be 'healthy'.
A healthy world/society comes from correct education/understanding that allows people to be open-minded, to allow and respect all and everyone being different from one another without discrimination/prejudice/unjust/hatred/intrusion/interference/hostility or trying to over-powered one another, without the sense of superiority and inferiority, where people have the correct understanding/matured mentality to be thinking properly/calmly/clearly, for being who/what they are, while respecting others for being who/what they are, without the need of 'authorization', or 'recognition', or 'legality', or 'approval', or 'acknowledgement' from such and such 'authority' and 'laws', without anyone/authority claiming ownership/possessiveness/authorization over anything to approve/disapprove and legalized/criminalized anyone for being here or anywhere in this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone or any 'authority'.
A world/society that needs to be 'governed'/'supported'/'protected' by 'human rights' and all kinds of 'rights' being 'controlled/legalized/criminalized' by 'an authority' and 'laws' to be in a 'particular order' will never going to be 'healthy'.
A healthy world/society comes from correct education/understanding that allows people to be open-minded, to allow and respect all and everyone being different from one another without discrimination/prejudice/unjust/hatred/intrusion/interference/hostility or trying to over-powered one another, without the sense of superiority and inferiority, where people have the correct understanding/matured mentality to be thinking properly/calmly/clearly, for being who/what they are, while respecting others for being who/what they are, without the need of 'authorization', or 'recognition', or 'legality', or 'approval', or 'acknowledgement' from such and such 'authority' and 'laws', without anyone/authority claiming ownership/possessiveness/authorization over anything to approve/disapprove and legalized/criminalized anyone for being here or anywhere in this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone or any 'authority'.
People are being free to inquire the truth of things, to agree and disagree, and having the freedom of thinking/action/expression/belief/disbelief/opinion, but also having awareness and self-control over one's actions and be responsible for one's actions and the consequences of one's actions, not so much about being selfless and compassionate, but just by being thoughtful, forgiving and accommodating, where all kinds of discrimination/corruption/oppression/intrusion/unjust/hatred/hostility/violence have no reason to be existing in the world/society.
Unfortunately, due to deep ignorance and human's survival instinct, not everyone could have the correct understanding or proper/calm/clear thinking to be open-minded to accept and respect one another, to respect everyone being what they are, as they are, being different in many ways and have their own thinking/belief/disbelief/way of life/behavior/action and reaction.
Out of survival instinct and pride, most people will be selfish to protect their lives, livelihood, home, family, tribe, community, lands/areas, privilege and supremacy. Even the self-proclaimed 'good and righteous human beings' would want to protect what they think and believe is 'goodness' and 'righteousness', and fight against what they think and believe is 'badness' and 'wrongfulness'.
When people try to fight for 'certain rights', 'equal treatment', 'legal approval for doing something, or going somewhere, or living somewhere' and 'legal recognition towards particular identity, or belief/disbelief , or way of life, or sexual orientation' from an 'authority', people are unaware of they are actually acknowledging, supporting, approving and empowering the 'system', unwittingly being part of the game of the 'system'. Most people think and believe that, "We all live in the system and are part of the system. We have to comply to the system controlled by 'the authority' and 'laws' to keep everything in the 'correct' order. If we want to be 'who we are/what we want to be', we need approval and recognition from the system. We need to support the system to keep the society in order and to keep the economy alive for us to have a livelihood to survive." That's their freedom of thinking/belief.
While in Yoga/Buddhism/Science, all and everything live in one of the solar systems and are part of this particular solar system being determined by the law of nature to be surviving and existing, or not, and all are subject to the law of impermanence and selflessness and the law of cause and effect, which is nothing to do with the discriminative and oppressive system of 'human authority' and 'human regulated rules and regulations' that give power to certain people to keep everyone under their control to think/believe/behave/live life in certain ways.
"Retreat from the society, renounce the world, stay away from politics/debates/gossips/vain talks." This is the common teaching/advice from many teachers in the past.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha taught, "Dharma will disappear from the world." He didn't teach, "Save Dharma from disappearance at all cost, don't let it disappears from the world."
Swami Sivananda taught, "Even if all the leaders are taken out of the world now, the world will run on smoothly, probably more smoothly. Even if all the people retire into the forest, the world will go on."
If people truly wish for everyone being non-discriminated in this world, it's not about fighting for everyone to be given 'equal rights' by 'the authority' that created 'a system of discrimination and oppression', but it's by abandoning all the 'rights' and 'privilege' that generates all kinds of discrimination being given by 'the authority' that were not given to some other people due to 'the system of discrimination' or 'the laws created by humans say so'. But in reality, not many people want 'everyone' to be treated equally or be given 'equal rights', because they want to enjoy the benefits from the 'rights' and 'privilege' that they have, but others don't have, and most people won't give up all the 'rights' and 'privilege' that were given to them to fully support those who were not given any rights or have less rights than others being discriminated by 'the system of discrimination'. Because of 'the system', people are afraid of having 'no rights' or 'legal documentation', as one who has no rights or legal documentation cannot be here or anywhere on earth 'legally', and naturally one is a 'criminal against the law who would be punished under the law written by human beings' for the sake of keeping the world in a particular order the way that they think how it should be. How absurd is that.
Before the realization of selflessness, you are who you are/what you want to be, regardless of whether it's being recognized/approved/acknowledged/authorized/legalized by an 'authority' and 'laws', or not.
Upon the realization of selflessness, there's no 'I' being there that needs to be identifying as 'somebody with a particular identity of a quality of name and form' longing to be recognized/accepted/approved/acknowledged/authorized/legalized by oneself, or anyone, or anything.
Be free.
Unfortunately, due to deep ignorance and human's survival instinct, not everyone could have the correct understanding or proper/calm/clear thinking to be open-minded to accept and respect one another, to respect everyone being what they are, as they are, being different in many ways and have their own thinking/belief/disbelief/way of life/behavior/action and reaction.
Out of survival instinct and pride, most people will be selfish to protect their lives, livelihood, home, family, tribe, community, lands/areas, privilege and supremacy. Even the self-proclaimed 'good and righteous human beings' would want to protect what they think and believe is 'goodness' and 'righteousness', and fight against what they think and believe is 'badness' and 'wrongfulness'.
When people try to fight for 'certain rights', 'equal treatment', 'legal approval for doing something, or going somewhere, or living somewhere' and 'legal recognition towards particular identity, or belief/disbelief , or way of life, or sexual orientation' from an 'authority', people are unaware of they are actually acknowledging, supporting, approving and empowering the 'system', unwittingly being part of the game of the 'system'. Most people think and believe that, "We all live in the system and are part of the system. We have to comply to the system controlled by 'the authority' and 'laws' to keep everything in the 'correct' order. If we want to be 'who we are/what we want to be', we need approval and recognition from the system. We need to support the system to keep the society in order and to keep the economy alive for us to have a livelihood to survive." That's their freedom of thinking/belief.
While in Yoga/Buddhism/Science, all and everything live in one of the solar systems and are part of this particular solar system being determined by the law of nature to be surviving and existing, or not, and all are subject to the law of impermanence and selflessness and the law of cause and effect, which is nothing to do with the discriminative and oppressive system of 'human authority' and 'human regulated rules and regulations' that give power to certain people to keep everyone under their control to think/believe/behave/live life in certain ways.
"Retreat from the society, renounce the world, stay away from politics/debates/gossips/vain talks." This is the common teaching/advice from many teachers in the past.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha taught, "Dharma will disappear from the world." He didn't teach, "Save Dharma from disappearance at all cost, don't let it disappears from the world."
Swami Sivananda taught, "Even if all the leaders are taken out of the world now, the world will run on smoothly, probably more smoothly. Even if all the people retire into the forest, the world will go on."
If people truly wish for everyone being non-discriminated in this world, it's not about fighting for everyone to be given 'equal rights' by 'the authority' that created 'a system of discrimination and oppression', but it's by abandoning all the 'rights' and 'privilege' that generates all kinds of discrimination being given by 'the authority' that were not given to some other people due to 'the system of discrimination' or 'the laws created by humans say so'. But in reality, not many people want 'everyone' to be treated equally or be given 'equal rights', because they want to enjoy the benefits from the 'rights' and 'privilege' that they have, but others don't have, and most people won't give up all the 'rights' and 'privilege' that were given to them to fully support those who were not given any rights or have less rights than others being discriminated by 'the system of discrimination'. Because of 'the system', people are afraid of having 'no rights' or 'legal documentation', as one who has no rights or legal documentation cannot be here or anywhere on earth 'legally', and naturally one is a 'criminal against the law who would be punished under the law written by human beings' for the sake of keeping the world in a particular order the way that they think how it should be. How absurd is that.
Before the realization of selflessness, you are who you are/what you want to be, regardless of whether it's being recognized/approved/acknowledged/authorized/legalized by an 'authority' and 'laws', or not.
Upon the realization of selflessness, there's no 'I' being there that needs to be identifying as 'somebody with a particular identity of a quality of name and form' longing to be recognized/accepted/approved/acknowledged/authorized/legalized by oneself, or anyone, or anything.
Be free.
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