be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Increasing one's knowledge about many things is good, but self-inquiry is highly important

It's very good that the mind is being interested in certain subjects in the world, and is being fascinated by coming in contact with all kinds of knowledge about many things that oneself never knew before, and is being motivated to be coming in contact with more and more knowledge towards certain subjects that oneself is interested in, or also towards some other subjects that oneself doesn't know much, but is being curious and motivated to learn more and more different types of knowledge about many things in this world and the universe.

However, it is highly important to be performing self-inquiry towards the truth of everything that oneself comes in contact with, of all kinds of knowledge or information about many different things, as well as even more important than inquiring towards the truth of all those worldly knowledge and information about all and everything in the world and the universe, is about self-inquiry towards what is going on in one's mind, or the modification of the mind, or what is the 'I' in the thinking mind that the mind thinks and believes and identifies as itself, or what is the cause of certain physical, mental and emotional disturbance or suffering, and inquiring towards the truth of the selfless impermanent worldly mortal life existence, about what is selflessness and impermanence, by observing, inquiring and knowing all kinds of selfless impermanent changes that are happening ceaselessly throughout the physical body and the modification of the mind, or the thought process, or the thought activities, in this present moment, to know Thyself.

The minds that know Thyself, they are not being determined, or disturbed, or hurt by anything, or any unpleasant, disagreeable or undesirable physical, mental or emotional experiences, or more precisely, what is going on in the restless modification of the mind, of all kinds of agreeable and disagreeable names and forms ceaselessly arising, changing, and passing away, consisting what is being perceived through the senses in the present moment, as well as some flashback memories of the past perception of names and forms or experiences, and the wild imaginations and anticipations towards something that doesn't exist in this present moment, and hence, these minds are undisturbed and are resting in unconditional peace, transcending the selfless impermanent changes within the selfless impermanent physical body and modification of the mind, regardless of all kinds of selfless impermanent changes being what they are, as they are, being pleasant or unpleasant, agreeable or disagreeable, desirable or undesirable.

Having been coming in contact with and accumulating many different types of fascinating knowledge and information about many different things in the world and the universe, if without knowing Thyself, then the mind doesn't know what is going on in the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, and is being determined and disturbed by the mind perception of certain kinds of unpleasant, disagreeable and undesirable names and forms or experiences that the mind doesn't like and doesn't want, or not being able to come in contact with certain kinds of pleasant, agreeable and desirable names and forms or experiences that the mind likes and wants, and hence, it has no peace, or it is being in a disturbed suffering state of mind.

The mind that doesn't know Thyself, it will be clinging towards something that it likes and wants, that is here in the present moment, while constantly craving and longing towards something that it likes and wants, but it is not here in the present moment, or it is missing something that it likes and wants, that was there in the past, but it is not here in the present moment, or it has aversion towards something that it doesn't like and doesn't want, but is here in the present moment, or was there in the past but it is not here in the present moment, regardless of whether it's some impermanent changes in the physical body and modification of the mind, or it's the presence and absence of some pleasant or unpleasant experiences or impermanent changes that it likes and doesn't like, agrees and doesn't agree with, and desires and doesn't desire.

For example, if the mind wants to be able to experience or do something that is fascinating and interesting to itself, but somehow, for some reason, it couldn't experience or do what it wants to experience or do in the present moment, and it is being determined and disturbed by that, and being irritated, frustrated, disappointed, dissatisfied, unhappy or angry. Or, if the process of experiencing or doing something that it likes and wants, in the present moment, is being disturbed by something, and the mind is being determined and disturbed by that, and being irritated, frustrated, disappointed, dissatisfied, unhappy or angry.

For many minds, that is nothing wrong, and it's very normal behavior of human beings or all sentient beings, but that thinking and understanding is merely due to the minds are being ignorant towards what is going on in the mind, or being ignorant towards the truth of all kinds of physical, mental or emotional disturbance and suffering, or not knowing Thyself, even if the minds are highly knowledgeable and being fascinated by many different types of knowledge and information about many things in the world and the universe.

The accumulation of knowledge and information about all and everything, is very good, however, it doesn't free the mind from ignorance and the suffering that derived from ignorance, if without knowing Thyself.

Such as, the minds that are interested in psychology and the behavior of human beings and other life forms, and might have been studying and accumulating many knowledge and information about such subject, however, if without knowing Thyself, these minds might still be determined and disturbed by certain kinds of life experiences or selfless impermanent changes that are not the way that they like, agree with or desire, in their life, or in their family ties, social connections, relationships and interactions with some others, or being disturbed by the undesirable selfless impermanent changes in the physical body, or being disturbed by what is happening in the surrounding environment or in the world that are unpleasant, disagreeable and undesirable to the mind.

The mind that knows Thyself, there are no past 'traumatic', or 'hurtful', or 'unpleasant, disagreeable and undesirable' experiences that can be continuously disturbing or hurting the mind in the present moment.

The mind that doesn't know Thyself, there are many past 'traumatic', or 'hurtful', or 'unpleasant, disagreeable and undesirable' experiences that are continuously disturbing and hurting the mind in the present moment.

The mind that knows Thyself, it knows what is ignorance and the suffering deriving from ignorance, it doesn't suffer for the ignorance and ignorant behavior of others. It will try to stay away from the ignorant minds as much as possible, that has the power of causing random destruction, just like any natural disasters.

The mind that doesn't know Thyself, it doesn't know what is ignorance and the suffering deriving from ignorance, it 'allows' itself to be suffering for the ignorance and ignorant behavior of others, and then, blaming others' ignorant behavior for its suffering. It also doesn't know how to stay away from the ignorant minds, but constantly mingling and interacting with the ignorant minds, even if it has been being hurt by the ignorance and ignorant behavior of others many times, and it doesn't like that, and it feels disturbed and hurt by that.

Under the disturbed suffering state of mind without correct understanding, the mind might be constantly hurting itself and others, either wittingly or unwittingly, while thinking and believing that it's absolutely normal behavior, action and reaction of all human beings or all kinds of sentient beings. Such minds are expecting understanding, sympathy and empathy from others towards its disturbed suffering state of mind and it's hurtful behavior, action and reaction out of the disturbed suffering state of mind, where it might blame itself, or blame others, or blame the experiences or names and forms as the cause of its disturbed suffering state of mind and its hurtful behavior, action and reaction, instead of trying to inquire and understand towards what is going on in its own modification of the mind, towards why it feels in certain way towards what it is experiencing, and towards why it behaves, acts and reacts in such hurtful way to itself and others.

Don't just be fascinated by and interested in certain or many kinds of knowledge and information about certain or many things in the world and the universe, and accumulating and increasing all kinds of knowledge and information in the mind, but inquiring the truth of everything through self-inquiry, to know the truth of names and forms, about selflessness and impermanence, especially knowing Thyself.

One will have peace instantly, and stops hurting oneself and others, either wittingly or unwittingly.

If the mind knows Thyself, then even though it is not being fascinated by certain or many things, and it doesn't have much interest towards certain or many things in the world and the universe, or not having been accumulating many kinds of knowledge and information about many things, but it has peace, and it doesn't hurt itself or others, either wittingly or unwittingly, under any kind of life experiences, circumstances, conditions and situations, being free from the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, craving, aversion, judgment, desire or expectation, and being free from ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

Similarly in yoga and buddhism. One doesn't even need to read any books on yoga and buddhism written by anyone, to be observing the selfless impermanent changes in the selfless physical body and in the modification of the selfless mind, to realize what is selflessness and impermanence, and be free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, void of the disturbed suffering state of mind. Not to say, by reading many books on yoga and buddhism, but doesn't perform inquiry towards all those knowledge and information about the teachings and practice of yoga and buddhism written by someone, that are not necessarily dhamma as it is. One must not blind-believing and blind-following any information coming from anyone else, not even directly from Buddha or Guru itself, but to perform self-inquiry to attain self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence, to know Thyself, by looking into one's selfless modification of the mind.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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