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May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Inquire towards the selfless modification of the selfless mind

What is the mind or the modification of the mind?

The mind is the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty that is existing and functioning selflessly and impermanently being powered by the supportive elements and energy, being part of the different selfless bodily systems or functions in the selfless impermanent physical body, where all these cannot and don't exist and function without the support of the supportive elements and energy.

Just as a car cannot function without fuel or electricity as well as many other supportive elements to be working efficiently that makes the car being what it is.

There is no existence and function of the selfless perceptive thinking and acting mind, if without the existence and function of the selfless physical body.

The selfless physical body could still be existing and functioning under the autonomous bodily systems being supported by the supportive elements and energy up to a certain extend, even if under the absence of any awareness or being unconscious, void of the partial or complete function of the perceptive thinking and acting faculty, such as being in coma, or being unconscious, or in deep sleep.

The selfless thinking mind could still be existing and functioning either partially or completely being supported by the supportive elements and energy up to a certain extend, even if there are certain damage, or injury, or illness, or weakness, or limitation, or deform in certain part of the physical body, or when the physical body is suffering from partial or complete paralysis, and when one or some or all of the senses and sense organs don't function as they are.

Without the supportive elements and energy that are also selfless and impermanent, both the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty cannot and doesn't exist, or the body and mind cannot and doesn't function as what it is.

The rise of thoughts activity (ceaseless thought after thought arising and passing away continuously, generating a continuous stream of thoughts or thinking) gives rise to the selfless impermanent modification of the mind that is ceaselessly changing or transitioning between different states of mind, which is being referred as restlessness.

Without the supportive selfless elements and energy existing and functioning selflessly supporting the selfless formation of the selfless existence and function of the selfless impermanent physical body, there's no physical body, there's no mind, there's no modification of the mind, there's no mind perception, there's no selfless impermanent worldly life existence, because there isn't the selfless existence and function of a selfless physical body that comes with the selfless function of a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, to be perceiving, or experiencing, or under going a selfless impermanent worldly life existence being perceived or experienced through the selfless senses via the selfless sense organs of the selfless physical body, while expressing and performing actions via the selfless organs of action and expression or speech of the selfless physical body.

There's no 'I' in every single supportive selfless element or in the selfless energy that support all the neutrons, cells and atoms to be existing and functioning being what they are.

There's no 'I' in every single neutron, cell and atom that are forming the entire selfless bodily structure, systems and functions.

There's no 'I' in every single thought (of ceaseless function and activity, thinking, perception, cognition, reasoning, understanding, acting, reacting, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, sensing, feeling, visualizing, imagining, anticipating, projecting, planning, scheming, plotting, desiring, attaching, identifying, comparing, judging, discriminating, as well as all kinds of emotions, impurities, and etc, that are being generated either wittingly or unwittingly) arising and passing away ceaselessly and continuously that gives rise to the continuous stream of thoughts activity, that gives rise to the selfless modification of the selfless thinking faculty that is appearing and interchanging in between different states of mind.

There's no 'I' in the entire selfless existence and function of the selfless physical body or the selfless thinking faculty.

However, under the presence of the veil of ignorance and egoism, there is an idea of 'I' existing in the form of thought, under a continuous stream of thoughts or thinking, occupying the selfless modification of the mind, where there is the identification arising in the selfless modification of the mind, to be identifying as 'I' or 'This is I', that appears to be a solid permanent independent individual existence, under the selfless function of memory, attaching and identifying towards the selfless impermanent worldly life existence, the selfless impermanent physical body, the selfless impermanent functions/modifications/states of the selfless thinking faculty, consisting of all kinds of ties and connections and relationships, affairs, interactions, experiences, thinking, belief, values, practice, desires, feelings, emotions, imaginations, anticipations, memories, accumulated learning and knowledge, possessions, the surrounding space or environment, the impermanent changes, actions and reactions and the consequences of actions and reactions, conditions, abilities, disabilities, limitations, superior or inferior qualities, countless different names and forms, self-identity, self-image, group identity, group image, self-esteem, pride, all kinds of duality, the sense of goodness and badness, rightfulness and wrongfulness, happiness and unhappiness, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, accomplishment and disappointment, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, positiveness and negativeness, selfishness and unselfishness, appropriateness and inappropriateness, success and failure, gain and loss, pleasantness and unpleasantness, desirable and undesirable, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, wants and don't wants, enjoyment and suffering, and etc.

No doubt that the condition and function of the selfless thinking faculty is very much being determined by the condition and function of the selfless bodily systems of the selfless physical body. Such as under the good condition and efficient function of the bodily systems that give rise to a very fit and healthy selfless physical body might be determining the good condition and efficient function of the selfless thinking faculty as well, especially under the absence of illness or injury. However, the good and bad condition, and the high or low efficiency of the different functions of the physical body and the thinking faculty doesn't correlate with the presence or absence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or it doesn't determine whether there is correct understanding in the mind, or whether there is peace in the mind, and vice versa.

That's why a yogi is not being determined by the selfless impermanent limited and conditional condition and function of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty. It's about whether the modification of the mind is free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or not.

That's why even though one can be gaining or enjoying lots of physical and mental health and fitness benefits by performing certain yoga practice regularly for many years, that improves and maintains the good condition and efficient function of the bodily systems and the thinking faculty, constantly enhancing the different functions of the selfless thinking faculty by improving the function of the intellect and reasoning power, the cognition or understanding, the awareness or attentiveness, the will power or self-control, the memory power, the knowledge and skill in doing certain things, but if without working on eliminating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, it doesn't lead the mind towards the liberation from all that, to attain correct understanding and self-realization, to realize unconditional peace, be free from disturbance and suffering, be free from generating hurtful damaging actions and reactions out of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, that give rise to the hurtful damaging consequences of actions and reactions unto oneself and others and the surrounding environment.

The way of thinking, the states of the mind, the reasoning (intellect) and the understanding (cognitive) of the thinking faculty that is very much being conditioned by the inherited or adopted family/cultural/spiritual/religious/tribal/national/political/commercial ideas, belief, values and practice, that is conditioning and determining the mind behavior pattern that is influencing the desire, behavior, action and reaction of the selfless thinking and acting faculty, where all these are irrelevant to the efficiency of the function, or the good and bad condition of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty.

The mind can be highly intelligent and knowledgeable, might have very good learning and memory power and highly talented and skillful in certain things or many things, and have very strong attentiveness and will power, but the states of the mind, the mind behavior pattern, the thinking, the reasoning, the understanding, the desire, the behavior, and the action and reaction might be operating under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, and hence, perceiving all kinds of disturbance, painful sorrow and suffering deriving from all that. Meanwhile, the mind might generate hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction that hurt itself and others and the surrounding environment out of such disturbed suffering states of mind, either wittingly or unwittingly, directly or indirectly.

Such as, the minds under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness could be performing certain hurtful damaging actions under the presence of super extraordinary intelligence, knowledge, talent, skill, attentiveness and will power, out of intense anger, hatred, resentment, vengeance, greed, selfishness, pride, fear or jealousy, or even out of intense excitement, that might cause certain hurtful damages to oneself and others or the surrounding environment.

The selfless minds are capable of generating ignorant hurtful damaging behavior being over-powered by intense pride and excitement. Just look at the human's ignorant damaging behavior in the world, regardless of whether they win or loose a game or match, either under the intense pride and excitement of winning or under the intense humiliation and dissatisfaction of losing.

That's why it is upmost important to be freeing the selfless thinking and acting faculty from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, to attain correct understanding and self-realization, to know Thyself, to have unconditional peace, so that the selfless thinking and acting faculty won't be generating hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction that would be hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment during its momentary existence and function in the world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone.

Inquire towards the truth of everything.

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