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May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Karma - Cause and effect - Action and consequences of action

Those who know karma, or cause and effect, or action and the consequences of action, and have realized non-duality, selflessness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness, there's no craving towards 'good' karma and there's no aversion towards 'bad' karma. There's neither 'good' karma nor 'bad' karma. Karma is not a belief. It's just how things are. Whether people understand or don't understand, agree with or disagree with karma, impermanence or selflessness, the truth of karma, impermanence and selflessness is still what it is. Just like all kinds of names and forms exist and cease existing due to cause and effect, and they are impermanent and selfless, all actions and the fruit of actions are also impermanent and selfless. All actions bring consequences of actions, maybe pleasant experiences, maybe unpleasant experiences. Karma/cause and effect is just being what it is. It's neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, neither positive nor negative, neither agreeable nor disagreeable, neither enjoyment nor suffering, neither happiness nor unhappiness.

Those who think they know karma, and they haven't transcended/gone beyond the modification of the mind that gives rise to duality, egoism, names and forms and quality, there's attachment and identification towards actions and the fruit of actions, or cause and effect, or karma. There's craving towards 'good' karma and aversion towards 'bad' karma. For them, karma is a belief where they think they believe in karma. They would think and believe that the accumulation of 'good' karma will bring happiness and pleasurable enjoyment and will be void of unhappiness and painful suffering, while the accumulation of 'bad' karma will bring unhappiness and painful suffering and will be void of happiness and pleasurable enjoyment. And what is good and bad for them is based on their particular social/cultural/spiritual/religious thinking and belief.

To those who are free from ignorance and egoism, karma or cause and effect is not a belief but it's the truth of things along with impermanence and selflessness. There's no attachment towards action as well as the pleasant or unpleasant consequences of action. The minds that are free from ignorance and egoism are undisturbed and undetermined by the actions and the fruit of actions, or cause and effect, or karma. There's no judgment towards this and that action are good or bad, right or wrong that based on a particular social/cultural/spiritual/religious thinking and belief. There's no expectation towards this is good action that will bring pleasant fruit of action, and that is bad action that will bring unpleasant fruit of action. It's just action and the fruit of action, regardless of pleasant or unpleasant.

Only those who are not free from ignorance and egoism will have such idea or thinking about "This is my good/bad action, and this is my good/bad fruit of action. I am enjoying the pleasant fruit of good action and I am suffering from the unpleasant fruit of bad action."

An apple seed brings the fruit of an apple tree.

An orange seed brings the fruit of an orange tree.

Apple seed won't bring the fruit of orange tree and orange seed won't bring the fruit of apple tree.

Neither apple or orange is 'good'. Neither apple or orange is 'bad'.

Different apple trees bring the fruit of different tastes and textures apples. Some like it sweeter and softer, while some like it tangier and crispier. Neither sweet and soft apples or tangy and crisp apples are 'good' or 'bad'.

Different orange trees bring the fruit of different tastes oranges. Some like it sweeter, while some like it tangier. Neither sweet oranges or tangy oranges are 'good' or 'bad'.

Some people like and enjoy eating apples and don't like/don't enjoy eating oranges, while some like and enjoy eating oranges and don't like/don't enjoy eating apples.

Neither the apples or oranges have the quality or intention to bring happiness or unhappiness, enjoyment or non-enjoyment to anyone who like or doesn't like eating apples or oranges, who enjoy or doesn't enjoy eating apples or oranges.

Many people who think and believe that they have been doing many 'good' actions and believe that they should be enjoying the fruit of 'good' karma derived from 'good' actions are not necessarily peaceful and happy being free from disturbs, hurts, disappointment, anger, fear and painful suffering. Peaceful and happy, or not, and being free from disturbs, hurts, disappointment, anger, fear and painful suffering, or not, is undetermined by actions and the fruit of actions, or cause and effect, or karma. It's whether the mind is free from ignorance and egoism, or not. Some people have to go through many unpleasant experiences and don't experience much pleasant experiences, but still can be peaceful as they are. Some people go through many pleasant experiences and don't experience much unpleasant experiences, but are not necessarily peaceful.

Even if one strongly believes in one has lots of 'bad' karma as life is full of hardship, obstacles and difficulties, one can still be free and have peace, if one knows how to be free from ignorance and egoism. Even if one strongly believes in one has lots of 'good' karma as life is easy and comfortable, one won't be free or peaceful, if one doesn't know how to be free from ignorance and egoism.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Gurus, and many saints and sages in the past had to go through many difficulties, challenges, threats, or unpleasant physical/mental/emotional painful experiences before they attained liberation, does that means they all had had lots of 'bad karma'? If so, it's not a bad thing at all having 'bad karma'.

Inquire the truth of everything. Do not blind-believing, blind-following, blind-propagating, or blind-practicing anything.

Be free.

"He who is devoid of 'mine-ness' will not be bound by Karma whether he dwells in his house or wanders in a forest." - Swami Sivananda

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