be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Death is just a natural process of impermanence

Death might be perceived by many people as something sad, bad, dark, inauspicious, negative or terrible, but for those who understand the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all kinds of perceived names and forms, including the existence and function of this body and the modification of the mind, death is just a natural process of impermanent changes of this selfless body and mind.

It's everyone's freedom for what they think and how they feel towards 'death' of oneself and others, especially someone or something that oneself cherishes very much. It's normal and nothing wrong that people would perceive 'death' as something sad, bad, dark, inauspicious, negative or terrible.

There's nothing wrong with the different thinking, beliefs, reactions and emotions towards 'the inevitable natural process of changing, decaying and disintegrating since the moment of birth or the forming of names and forms', where everything is going through a continuous process of changes approaching death/disintegration, even after ceaseless effort of maintenance and enhancement being spent on the impermanent objects of names and forms, depending on how the different states of the minds perceive and understand everything differently from one another.

For some people, it depends very much on the ongoing, prolonged and current condition and situation in one's life existence and in the world, where during certain moments, being alive could be something far more challenging, complicated and painful than 'death' itself.

While for some others, life goes on no matter it's easy or difficult, and maybe, if possible, making good use of this impermanent selfless life existence to be doing something beneficial with this body and mind that will benefit oneself and others in this world of impermanence.

It's not about developing the sense of meaningfulness to be the motivation for continuing living especially under extreme harshness, but it's going beyond the good and bad condition and situation in life and in the world, appreciating what is possible in the present moment and letting go what is impossible in the present moment, without the need of developing the sense of meaningfulness to be the motivation to keep living, respecting all the selfless impermanent changes being what they are, as they are.

For yoga and buddhism practitioners, there's no 'I' existing to be going through the natural process of selfless impermanent changes, but merely the objects of names and forms, or the decaying selfless physical body and the restless modification of the perceptive thinking mind, being what they are, and they are selfless, and impermanent. These minds are able to appreciate all the good condition and situation or relationship that is existing in the present moment without attachment, and be able to let go, when good condition and situation or relationship has changed or is no longer available in the present moment.

Those who understand this, would be able to go and/or live somewhere else without any fear or hesitation when the condition and situation in a particular place is no longer suitable for living.

It's everyone's freedom, if people have very strong sense of belonging (attachment and identification) towards a particular place, as there is where they were born and grew up, and they think and believe that there is where they live and where they die, as well as there is where their family, relatives and friends are, and they feel reluctant to go anywhere else even when the condition and situation is no longer suitable for survival, not to say, for living a life.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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