be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, June 10, 2024

The world is what it is

The selfless impermanent world is existing, and it is called 'the world', because it is what all and everything are. They are non-separated.

There is no world if there isn't any kind of selfless impermanent worldly existence of names and forms being existing here in this space that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

Apart from the inevitable selfless impermanent changes due to the inevitable natural decaying process that exists along with all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms since the beginning of existence, the perceived world is merely what it is (or all and everything are merely being what they are, as they are), it is nothing but the consequences of all kinds of actions/reactions of the selfless minds, where the selfless impermanent changes in the world are indeed influenced and impacted greatly by the sum actions/reactions of the selfless minds that had been, and are occupying this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

Some minds justify that survival instinct (hunger and thirst) is the reason why there are so many selfishness, greed, discrimination, fear, occupation, fighting, and violence related affairs, events, or suffering existing in this world.

Survival instinct alone, if without the influence of ignorance and egoism, it doesn't cause unnecessary damages (or evitable suffering) to the world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything. The world exists along with all kinds of supportive essential elements for all kinds of existence to be catering the different basic needs of all kinds of names and forms to be existing, maintaining (surviving), and ceased existing. If without the presence of the selfless supportive elements, nothing can exist, there is no world.

Hunger and thirst (lack of energy/energy depletion) -> finding/consuming food and water that doesn't belong to anyone or anything (replenishing energy that doesn't belong to anyone or anything) -> either surviving (energy replenished) or ceased functioning and existing/dying and disintegrating (prolonged and complete energy depletion). Devoid of greed, hoarding, possessiveness, separateness, selfishness, protectiveness, fear, discrimination, or ceaseless and boundless desires for abundant pleasurable enjoyments of the senses beyond basic needs for survival. The earth doesn't belong to anyone. The space, the land, the air, the water, or nature doesn't belong to anyone. There are enough basic needs for all selfless impermanent existence of diverse names and forms to be shared among all and everything that are selfless and impermanent.

It's the presence of ignorance and egoism on top of the survival instinct in the minds that had been and are occupying in the world that is selfless and impermanent, that is limited and conditional, that is why there are many unnecessary human made hurtful physical/mental/emotional damages (evitable suffering deriving from ignorance and egoism) being generated by the passionate impure egoistic minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism into the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

It's not survival instinct, but it's the presence of ignorance and egoism that gives rise to the non-existing individual and community existence, separateness, fear towards unknown/death/ceased functioning and existing/non-existence/extinction, craving towards the absence of hunger and thirst (pain and unpleasantness), aversion towards the presence of hunger and thirst, clinging towards continuous supply of supportive elements for desirable comfortable enjoyable elongated life existence, hoarding, possessiveness, selfishness, greed, protectiveness, discrimination, personal and group identities, pride, ideas, beliefs, visions, aspirations, ambitions, desires, politics/power of control, ungratified desires of craving (wants) and aversion (don't wants), dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration, irritation, anger, hatred, defensiveness, offensiveness, humiliation, retaliation, intimidation, fighting, invasion, occupation, violence, and so on.

Inquire the truth of everything. Attain self-realization towards selflessness and impermanence, and be free.

One will stop generating hurtful action/reaction unto oneself and others, or the world of many diversities in this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

This (non-violence) is nothing to do with the passionate possessive impure egoistic limited and conditional loving kindness/sympathy/empathy/protectiveness under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where all and everyone are fighting against/hurting one another trying to possess and protect what they think and believe is them and theirs, that they love very much, while all and everyone are indeed hurting all and everything that they think and believe that they love very much, that they think and believe are them and theirs.

None can remove the ignorance and egoism in others for others, but only by the mind itself, alone.

The mind that knows, the mind that is devoid of ignorance and egoism, the mind that is devoid of attachment and identification/possessiveness and protectiveness/craving and aversion/fear and greed/anger and hatred/separateness and discrimination/desires and visions/intention and expectation, the mind that lets go and unattached towards all and everything, the mind that respects cause and effect, nature, or selfless impermanent changes/decaying process, the mind that is resting in silence, is free.

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