be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Inquire toward the selfless function of memory

The selfless function of memory is neither good nor bad. It exists as an essential selfless function being part of the entire complex function of a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind for it to be what it is, being part of the essential selfless function of the selfless physical body, to be perceiving, processing and experiencing a selfless impermanent worldly life existence that is limited by time, space and causation.

If without the essential function of memory and memory storage being part of the selfless function of the perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, then what is the function of thinking and acting? What is the mind perception of a worldly life existence? What is 'I' and 'mine'? What are ties and relationships? What is worldly personal and group identity? What is intellectual reasoning and cognitive understanding? What is learning? What is knowledge and skill? What is likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements? What is belief/disbelief and values? What is desire and greed? What is goodness and badness, righteousness and wrongfulness, happiness and unhappiness, or meaningfulness and meaninglessness? What is enjoyment or suffering? What is separateness and loneliness? What is craving and aversion? What is self-esteem and self-worth? What is success and failure? What is pride? What is superiority and inferiority? What is humiliation? What is hurtful or traumatic experience? What is yoga practice and practicing yoga? And etc.

It's like the essential 'SAVE' and 'OPEN FILE' function of the memory storage of the CPU of a computer, regardless of whether the basic essential programming for the operating system and all kinds of data and information are being saved in the internal built in memory storage or the external memory storage. The 'OPEN FILE' function to recall or playback saved data or information, is similar to the function of remembrance of the selfless thinking and acting faculty for it to be functioning 'normally'.

The selfless thinking and acting faculty cannot function (properly or normally) as what it is, if without the essential selfless function of memory, where the selfless function of the cognition and the intellect are useless. The selfless thinking faculty doesn't remember or recall anything that it perceives, or any thought of any name and form that is arising, changing and passing away upon the modification of the mind, in order to be processing whatever it perceives that is reflected in the form of a continuous stream of thought after thought, through the selfless function of the intellect and cognition, to be reasoning, to be understanding, to be learning anything, or to be developing any skill, to be remembering all and everything that the selfless perceptive thinking and acting faculty perceived and processed, where all perceived names and forms are being saved autonomously in the memory storage, either consciously, half-consciously or unconsciously.

There might still be the selfless function of the perception being functioning as what it is, perceiving all kinds of names and forms through the selfless senses via the selfless sense organs, even if under the absence of the function of memory, or cognition, or intellect, to be remembering, knowing, reasoning, learning and understanding anything, even if the memory storage is there keeping all kinds of memories or knowledge and understanding, however, if without the function of memory, the cognition (knowledge and understanding) or the intellect (reasoning) would be useless, as the reasoning are based on the existing knowledge and understanding that is being stored in the memory storage.

Just as a video camera can still be displaying the captured images on the screen if there's enough battery for it to be operating as what it is, capturing images and reflecting them upon the screen, but it cannot record anything to become video clips for playback, if without a valid and vacant memory card or storage. Even the basic essential programming of specific operating system that is enabling the video camera to be operating in certain way also needed to be stored somewhere in the memory storage. And if there is memory space to be recording the images into video clips, but if there's absence or malfunctioning of the playback function, the recorded video clips cannot be displayed, which is similar to the function of remembrance, where the selfless thinking and acting faculty cannot recall or remember certain or all memories that are stored in the memory storage, if there's deficiency or malfunctioning of the function of remembrance.

The selfless physical body can still be operating autonomously, under the support of the selfless elements and energy that is available up to certain extend before it's completely depleted, even if all the different functions of the modification of the mind are non-functioning, just as in the deep sleep state, where the thought process of thinking, reasoning, understanding, desiring and acting is absent. That's why the entire world will be so peaceful, if all minds went into deep sleep state, or are absent, even just for a few moments.

Under the function of the memory, the selfless thinking faculty could recall what it can recall from the memory storage, of what it has been perceiving through the senses and processing through the intellect and cognition, of certain conscious, half-conscious or unconscious mind inputs and thought process, upon waking up from deep sleep state or unconsciousness, remembering time and space, remembering some, or most, or all of its ties and relationships, personal and group identities, duties and responsibilities, appointments and plannings, accomplishments and non-accomplishments, desirable and undesirable experiences or events, different names and forms, experiences, interactions, learning, skills and knowledge, likes and dislikes, desires and don't desires, and hence, it can be functioning as what it is, continuing its everyday life routine under certain familiar built up habits, performing its many different activities, duties and responsibilities under different identities, ties or relationships, learning new knowledge and skill, exploring new experiences, even if the function of memory is not highly efficient, where it might not be able to remember all and everything exactly as what it was. And all these traits, ties, relationships, identities, duties, responsibilities, interactions, habits, routines, activities, thinking, reasoning, understanding, learning, desires or actions of a selfless impermanent worldly life existence would not be possible, if the function of memory is completely absent or non-available since the beginning of conception.

There are different types and degrees of memory deficiency or malfunctioning.

Someone who might not remember what it had perceived and experienced in the last few months, but might be remembering what it perceived and experienced many years ago.

Under certain cases, the selfless 'normal' thinking and acting faculty that has been learning and remembering many things, knowledge and skills, but then it suffers short term or long term memory deficiency or malfunctioning due to certain reason at certain stage, where it couldn't remember some/many/all things from then onward, but it might still can be performing certain activities or skills autonomously deriving from the existing memory storage of what had been experienced, learned, processed and stored before the memory malfunctioning happens, even if the selfless thinking faculty has no idea of "I remember and know what is this or how to do this." Such as someone who had been learning and playing guitar, but somehow it couldn't remember or recall many things due to memory deficiency, or doesn't remember the name of this instrument, can still pick up the guitar and starts playing without thinking or remembering.

That's why the built up habit, addiction, egoism, way of thinking, beliefs, values, reasoning, understanding, desires, intentions, or mind behavior pattern that is influencing the behavior, action and reaction, is conditional, where it was and is continuously being conditioned in certain way, and hence, it can be re-conditioned, or be modified and changed.

That's why the early childhood up bringing by the parents or care taker, the surrounding environment, the mind inputs, the mingling and interactions with other minds, as well as the type of educational learning and training that the selfless thinking and acting faculty has been receiving, that is influencing and conditioning its way of thinking, reasoning, understanding, desire, intention and behavior pattern in certain way, is highly important. And most minds are being conditioned in the way that is based on the idea of 'I', egoism and ignorance. The good thing is that, all that is conditional, which means all that could be modified and changed by the effort of itself, under the presence of awareness and will power, or the desire of wanting to change itself, or the yearning towards liberation to be liberated from ignorance and its by-products.

That is also why the upmost importance of the observation of dispassion, seclusion, solitude, silence and renunciation of moving away from all kinds of worldly passionate egoistic ties, connections, communications, interactions, activities, inputs and affairs for the serious yoga and/or buddhism practitioners to activate the mind purification process, to be purifying or re-conditioning the modification of the mind, effectively.

If there's no function of memory in the modification of the thinking and acting faculty to be remembering the ceaseless thought process or thought activities of all kinds of perceptions and experiences arising, changing and passing away, there will be no idea of 'I' can be existing in the form of a continuous stream of thoughts that the thinking and acting faculty can remember and be identifying as 'I'. There's no attachment or identification towards any names and forms can be happening, as there's no remembrance towards any perceived names and forms. There's not even the idea of "Who am I?" or "I don't remember who I am." Unless it's a partial memory malfunctioning where the selfless thinking and acting faculty could still remember certain things while couldn't remember some other things.

Without the function of remembrance, there's no recollection of whatever have been perceiving by the selfless function of perception, where all kinds of perceived names and forms being reflected in the modification of the mind, ceaselessly arising, changing and passing away, not to say, to be remembering the process of learning, experiencing, knowing, reasoning and understanding, where all actions and reactions are being generated autonomously and spontaneously under the influence of the existing habits or behavior pattern that was and is continuously being conditioned in certain way.

Likewise, under the function of memory, the selfless thinking and acting mind can modified or changed the built up habits, way of thinking, belief/disbelief, values, behavior pattern or the states of the mind, through certain practice or training under the presence of correct understanding and will power.

There's no egoism can be existing in such mind that is completely void of the function of memory, as there's no remembrance towards anything or any thought for the selfless thinking faculty to hold onto, to attach onto, to be identifying with, to be associating with, to be generating craving or aversion upon, to be comparing or judging upon, and to be having any expectation towards anything to be or not to be in certain way, where all these egoistic traits are based on the existence of accumulated experience, learning, knowledge, intellectual reasoning and cognitive understanding that solely depending on the function of memory to be remembering as much as possible towards all perceptions, experiences, thought process or thought activities, learning, training, knowledge, skill, belief/disbelief, values, reasoning and understanding towards the perceived names and forms.

It's due to the function of memory, there's the idea of 'I' and egoism arising from ignorance, existing in and occupying the selfless modification of the mind. It's also due to the function of memory, there's possibility of performing certain practice to be eradicating the idea of 'I' and egoism and ignorance from the selfless existence and function of the modification of the selfless thinking and acting faculty.

It's actually beneficial for the selfless thinking and acting faculty to be functioning 'normally' and 'healthily' for not being able to remember all and everything, of all kinds of conscious, half-conscious and unconscious receptions or inputs, as it could give rise to constant restless disturbance in the selfless modification of the mind, especially if under the presence of ignorance and egoism, there is egoistic attachment, identification, association and the desire of craving and aversion being generated towards all kinds of names and forms that the mind has been perceiving and remembering since the beginning of the forming of the selfless existence and function of the selfless thinking faculty. There won't be any disturbance or problem if there's no egoistic attachment, identification, association or the desire of craving and aversion being generated towards all and everything that the selfless thinking faculty could remember since the beginning of its selfless existence and function.

Most minds have very limited memory power, and would not be able to remember all and everything exactly as it is in the last hour, not to say, since the beginning of the existence and function of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty along with the forming of the selfless physical body. Although there might be some minds might be able to remember all and everything clearly and exactly as what it was, which is also neither good nor bad, depending on the presence or absence of correct understanding or ignorance.

The function of memory is being influenced, determined and affected by the inevitable growing, decaying and aging process, and can be affected or impacted by certain illness, injury, malnutrition, imbalanced physical and mental activity and inactivity, or some other impactful factors, such as certain 'traumatic' experiences.

A highly efficient memory power of being able to remember all and everything exactly as it was, is neither good nor bad.

Short term or long term memory deficiency or malfunctioning of being unable to remember certain or many things or experiences, either partially, periodically, or completely, is also neither good nor bad.

The memory storage is what is, storing all kinds of memories of perceived names and forms, and it's not being affected by the efficiency of the function of memory or remembrance. Just as the malfunctioning of the playback function of the video camera, or the malfunctioning of the 'OPEN FILE' function of the computer, doesn't affect the recorded video clips in the memory card, or the saved data and information in the memory storage. However, the recorded video clips or the saved data and information could be corrupted due to certain malfunctioning or corruption of certain functions, regardless of whether the playback function of the video camera or the 'OPEN FILE' function of the computer is functioning properly, or not.

Similarly, the accumulated memories that were being stored in the memory storage could be corrupted due to the malfunctioning or corruption of the different functions of the selfless thinking and acting faculty, regardless of whether the selfless thinking and acting faculty can or cannot remember certain things or many things.

The good thing about having highly efficient memory power is that the selfless thinking and acting faculty can be processing and memorizing and recalling all kinds of learning and knowledge and skill training that it comes in contact with, effortlessly. Just like a high speed CPU of a computer with unlimited storage power and unlimited access to the unlimited data and information being kept in the memory storage that are available on the internet, can have high efficiency of being what it is, provided if there is battery or power available. The most advanced and efficient computer also cannot be operating, if without battery or power.

However, having a extremely high efficiency of memory power and unlimited storage capacity that can remember all and everything with tiny little details exactly as they are, doesn't necessarily correlate with the truth of what things were or what things are. Just as the high speed CPU of a computer with unlimited storage power (memory power and memory storage) and unlimited access to the unlimited data or information (knowledge) that are available on the internet, but not all stored and accessible data, information or knowledge are the truth of what things are, and even the most advanced high-tech CPU is also limited, as it is being programmed (conditional way of thinking, belief/disbelief, values, practice, reasoning, understanding, desire, intention, decision making, behavior pattern, or the states of mind) by certain programmers (influential factors that are limited and conditional) for it to be functioning or not functioning in certain way (the behavior, actions and reactions).

Regardless of whether there is high or low efficiency of memory power and memory storage capacity to be remembering what the mind can remember as much as possible towards all its mind perception of all kinds of names and forms, of ceaseless thoughts activities, either consciously, half-consciously or unconsciously, the accumulated memories in the memory storage is based on the limited mind perception of names and forms, or the limited and conditional modification of the mind, that is being limited by time, space and causation, that is most probably functioning under the veil of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, being conditioned by certain egoistic impure way of thinking, belief/disbelief, values and practice, where the thinking, knowledge, reasoning and understanding are not necessary correct or the truth of what things are.

Such as the recorded video clips might be displaying the images as they are, only limited to what are not being hidden behind certain objects and that are within the range of capturing depending on the camera lens dimension, but it cannot display all and everything else that are either hidden behind certain objects, or what are outside the range of capturing. And so, it's partially true, but not necessarily all the truth of what is happening at that time, even if the video clips are being recorded under extremely high definition with highest quality super clear images. Similarly, the mind perception of everything is very limited, even if the memory power is highly efficient with unlimited memory storage.

Cause and effect, or actions and consequences of actions, is still what it is, even if the selfless thinking and acting faculty cannot remember all its actions and reactions that are happening either with or without awareness, either autonomously or intentionally, under the presence or absence of correct understanding.

It could be something terribly unpleasant or disturbing, if the mind can remember all and everything as it is, where the mind is constantly restless being occupied by all the memory of all and everything, on top of the ceaseless perception of names and forms that the mind perceives in the present moment now, especially if the mind doesn't know what is non-attachment, non-identification, non-association, non-craving or non-aversion.

Such as most minds are continuously being determined, affected and disturbed by the repetitive remembrance towards certain past unpleasant, disagreeable and undesirable experiences, from time to time, and have no peace. Not to say, to be constantly remembering all that, all the time. Constantly missing and craving towards something pleasant and desirable, while being disturbed by and aversion towards something unpleasant and undesirable, due to incorrect understanding under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

Most of the memories of perceived and processed names and forms, of directly or indirectly coming in contact with countless objects, affairs, experiences, learning, knowledge, information, countless mind inputs of all kinds of images, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, feelings, emotions, visualizations, movies, videos, dramas, theatre plays, shows, advertisements, talks, sermons, news portals, social medias, books, articles, fairy tales or stories, and so on, in different timings and in different places, that the selfless mind can remember in the form of memory, even if it was something that the mind perceived just a few moments ago, are most probably not exactly what it was, as the selfless function of mind perception is highly limited, not to say, on top of the accumulated memories are a mixture of distorted or partial memories, of ceaseless thought activities being processed under the veil of ignorance and egoism, where all kinds of inputs/information/ideas/stories/beliefs are not necessarily the truth of what things are, of wild imaginations, anticipations, projections, fantasies, wishful thinking and dreams.

One cannot reason, or debate, or argue with someone that has extremely high efficiency of memory power, that can remember everything with all tiny little details exactly as they are, while oneself doesn't really remember all and everything exactly as it is. One also cannot reason, or debate, or argue with someone who has memory malfunctioning, who is suffering from partial or complete memory deficiency where it couldn't remember some or all that it had said and done, what it had witnessed or experienced, or where it had been to, or, someone that is lost in its distorted or mixed up memories that are not what things really are, that is remembering things differently from what they really were, or remembering things that didn't happen or exist at all.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Monday, October 23, 2023

It's the responsibility of the selfless thinking faculty towards its actions and reactions and their consequences

Who or what is there to be responsible towards any actions and consequences of actions, if all and everyone and everything are selfless? How come there is still cause and effect or action and consequences of action in the selfless actions upon the annihilation of the idea of 'I' and egoism?

All actions are selfless actions, and all actions give rise to consequences of actions, regardless of conscious or unconscious; whether the selfless mind attains self-realization, or not; knowing the truth of selflessness, or not; is free from the idea of 'I', egoism, ignorance, impurities and restlessness, or not; and transcending the restless suffering of ceaseless births and deaths transitioning in different realms, of selfless impermanent changes and the ceaseless thought after thought arising and passing away forming the continuous stream of thought activities that generates the impermanent states of mind governed by cause and effect, that is happening within the selfless physical body and the selfless modification of the mind, or not.

The nature's law of cause and effect, or action and consequences of action doesn't disappear or change into something else upon self-realization, or upon the realization of selflessness and impermanence of ceaseless selfless births and deaths within the selfless body and mind, or while performing selfless actions or selfless service that is without egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment or expectation.

It doesn't mean that selfless actions or selfless service don't generate the consequences of actions.

It doesn't mean that actions before self-realization that are being performed under egoism, are not selfless actions, while actions after self-realization that are being performed without egoism, are selfless actions.

All minds are selfless. All kinds of actions being performed by the selfless minds via the selfless organs of actions and expression/speech of their respective selfless physical body, are all selfless. And hence, all actions are selfless actions. The difference is that whether the actions are being performed under the presence or absence of the idea of 'I' and egoism.

The selfless mind is not being determined or disturbed by cause and effect, or the actions and the fruit of actions, or all kinds of pleasant or unpleasant affairs/conditions/situations/ties and relationships/interactions, and is resting in unconditional peace under any conditions or situations, when the mind is free from the idea of 'I' and egoism, where all actions are being performed without the idea of 'I' and egoism. And vice versa.

Such as the yoga practitioner can be performing the yoga asana practice regularly without egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving or aversion, comparison, judgment or expectation, while allowing the effect of the practice to be there as it is. The practitioner that is free from the idea of 'I' and egoism is not being determined or disturbed by the practice and the fruit of practice being what it is. While the practitioner that is under the influence of the idea of 'I' and egoism is being determined by the practice and the fruit of the practice, and is being disturbed by the practice or the fruit of practice that is not the way that the practitioner would like it to be. The effect of the practice is still what it is, it doesn't become more or less, or it doesn't change into something else, regardless of whether the practitioner performs the practice under the presence or absence of egoism, whether the practitioner knows or doesn't know what are the names and the effects of the different yoga asana poses or exercises.

Some minds might think and believe that, it's the sole responsibility of the supportive elements and energy towards the selfless impermanent changes in all and everyone and everything, or towards the transformation or the outcome of all and everything, especially the selfless impermanent life existence of all sentient beings that come with a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, where the functions, or the modifications, or the mind behavior pattern, or the states of the mind, is very much being determined or influenced by the presence and absence of different elements and energy fields, where there's no individual freewill to be altering/modifying or transcending all that, because all are selfless, there's no 'I' existing, but only existing and functioning selflessly governed by the 'existing' cause and effect, influenced by elements and energy.

There's nothing wrong with that understanding under the veil of ignorance. That understanding is due to the minds still haven't realized or couldn't comprehend that the selfless thinking and acting faculty has certain degrees of limited and yet conditional will power or freewill that enabling the selfless thinking faculty to be transcending the conditional and influential elements and energy, or the selfless impermanent functions, or modifications, or states of the mind, of ceaseless impermanent thoughts arising and passing away, knowing how to respect while at the same time transcending cause and effect or actions and consequences of actions, not being determined, or influenced, or disturbed by cause and effect, or the actions and the fruit of actions, not by interfering, controlling, changing, modifying, escaping or going against cause and effect, or the inevitable selfless impermanent changes of decay and disintegration, but by eradicating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, rendering the modification or the state of the mind calm and clear, that allows the selfless thinking faculty to reflect the truth of itself as it is, and reflecting the truth of all kinds of names and forms as they are.

The selfless parents are only responsible towards giving birth to a selfless existence and function of their child under the support of the supportive selfless elements and selfless energy, and are responsible towards how they bring up, guide or teach the child, and what inputs that they feed to their child physically and mentally until the child attains physical and mental independence, that is very much molding, influencing and conditioning the basic foundation of the physical and mental condition, the way of thinking, belief and disbelief, reasoning, understanding, values and practice of the child. However, as the child grows older and starting to be exposed to some other selfless minds and different inputs, ideas, learning, interactions, activities or experiences, that are also influencing or conditioning and changing the way of thinking, belief and disbelief, reasoning, understanding, values and practice in certain way, which is not the responsibility of the parents.

The child grown up falling in love with someone, and gets into a relationship with someone by its own choice, and either is being happy or unhappy in that relationship with someone, or is being angry, offended and disturbed by something that it doesn't like, doesn't agree with and doesn't desire, of all its actions and reactions and the consequences of all that, is not the responsibility of the parents.

All kinds of impermanent thoughts activities or behaviors, actions and reactions as well as their consequences are arising from the selfless modification of the mind of the child, that generate the impermanent states of the mind of the child, are also not the responsibility of the parents. The child eaten something poisonous by its own choice, either intentionally or unintentionally, and suffer painful consequences, it's the responsibility of the child itself, unless someone else fed the child with the poison, either intentionally or unintentionally. But still, it's the child that is having the painful suffering of being poisoned, either inflicted by itself or by others, either intentionally or unintentionally. The parents don't suffer the painful consequences of being poisoned. The parents might be worrying and be disturbed by the child's painful suffering, but, they cannot take the child's painful suffering for the child. All impermanent thinking, belief/disbelief, reasoning, understanding, desires, intentions, behaviors, actions and reactions and their consequences, and all kinds of pleasant and unpleasant life experiences of the child, are the responsibility of the child itself.

The physical and mental independent child that has its own selfless thinking and acting faculty can choose to continue believing or stop believing in certain belief and values, and continue practicing or stop practicing certain practice being passed down by the parents.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Swami Sivananda and Ajahn Chah were great minds and great teachers that reflect the teachings or the dhamma as it is, simply by being what they were, by resting in correct understanding and unconditional peace, transcending the selfless impermanent modifications of the mind that has been rendered calm and clear, void of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, while reflecting the teachings, the dhamma, or the truth by living in the teachings, the dhamma and the truth, and respecting the truth, cause and effect, or selflessness and impermanence, as it is, while at the same time, not being determined or disturbed by cause and effect or selfless impermanent changes of decay and disintegration of the selfless existence and function of the limited and conditional body and mind, and everything that the selfless mind perceived through the senses, and not by going against the truth, or trying to escape cause and effect or selfless impermanent changes of decay and disintegration or mortality, or trying to change the truth to be something else that it is not.

Respecting the truth of selflessness and impermanence doesn't mean that one doesn't, or couldn't, or shouldn't do anything to free the mind from ignorance and the consequences of ignorance, to have peace, to be free from perceiving and generating unnecessary suffering deriving from ignorance, to stop generating ignorant hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction that hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment during one's momentary selfless existence and function in the world of diversities that doesn't belong to anyone.

Just as under the presence of the knowledge about 'this is poisonous', the selfless mind can have the correct understanding and freewill of refraining from consuming this poison. That is nothing to do with not respecting or going against the truth. If not knowing 'this is poison', and somehow, one consumes this poison and is suffering the consequences of that, that is due to ignorance. If knowing 'this is poison', and still one consumes this poison, and hence, one is suffering the consequences of that, that is due to great ignorance.

Ignorance is conditional. Knowledge is conditional. Reasoning power is conditional. Thinking and belief is conditional. Will power is conditional. Behavior pattern is conditional. Action and consequences of action is conditional. The impermanent states of the mind is conditional. There are certain things that are limited, that cannot be changed, such as the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, or the past cannot be changed or undone, but anything else that is conditional, it can be modified, where the selfless mind can be free from many unnecessary ignorant behavior, action and reaction and the consequences of all that, by eradicating ignorance from itself, by itself.

No doubt that the selfless thinking faculty being one of the selfless functions of the selfless physical body cannot be existing or functioning, if without the selfless support of the supportive elements and energy, to be forming and powering its selfless impermanent existence or function, however, it's not the responsibility of the supportive elements and energy towards the different conditional thinking and acting process of each and everyone of the many different selfless minds that are existing and functioning under these selfless support, where different minds have different belief and disbelief and different values and practice, that are conditioning and influencing their different reasoning, different understanding, different intention, different desire, different decision making, different behavior, different action and reaction and inaction, not to say, the different consequences of behavior, action and reaction and inaction, being generated by the different selfless thinking minds themselves via the selfless organs of action and expression/speech of their respective different selfless physical body.

It's the responsibility of the selfless thinking faculty itself towards the entire thinking and acting process, towards what or how it thinks, believes and disbelieves, reasons, understands, intents, desires, decides, behaves, acts and reacts, regardless of under the presence or absence of awareness and correct understanding, even when there's no existence of 'I' existing in the selfless thinking and acting faculty, and even if the selfless thinking faculty and/or the selfless physical body doesn't and cannot exist or function, if without being supported and powered by the supportive elements and energy.

Just as a car doesn't exist, if without being supported by the many different components (elements) that formed the entire structure and the different functions/systems of the car, and it cannot function if without being powered by certain type of fuel (energy), but how the driver (the thinking and acting process of the selfless thinking faculty) drives the car, either skillfully, thoughtfully and attentively, or not, and how the driver makes use of the car under what intention or for what purpose (the modifications or the states of the mind, the reasoning, the understanding, the attentiveness, the effort, the decision, the intention, the desire, the behavior, the action and reaction), it's not the responsibility of the different components (elements) or the fuel (energy).

The selfless elements and energy can affect the functions, or the modifications, or the states of the mind, but the thinking and acting process of the selfless thinking faculty is at its own responsibility, just as the different components and the different types of fuel can affect the over-all efficiency of the many different cars, but, the driver is the one that decides whether to go faster, or slower, or to stop, and to go left, or go right, or go straight ahead, or make a U-turn, upon coming to a junction, or to maneuver the car in certain way to avoid crashing into certain objects, or what is the destination that the driver want to go with the car.

Unless, in certain exceptional cases, the car could be completely out of the control of the driver, due to some unforeseen malfunctioning of certain components/functions/systems of the car, just like when there is certain physical immobility due to certain deformity, or injury, or illness, or damage in the central nervous system, or the peripheral nervous system, or in certain physical structure or system. Or, when the selfless thinking faculty is totally lost or insane, without any self-awareness, self-control, correct understanding or sanity, either due to certain deformity, illness or injury that is affecting the normal functions of the brains, or due to deep rooted and empowered ignorance, where the thinking and acting process is either completely or partially dysfunction or corrupted. Similarly, a driver that is unfit to drive a car, or insane, or reckless, or under the influence of intoxicants while driving a car, might be causing lots of unnecessary damages to the car, or some other cars, or some other life forms, or some objects, or the surrounding environment.

Even the breakdown or malfunctioning of certain components or systems of the car, is not the intention of the selfless elements and energy for being what they are, being absence or presence, that is influencing the decaying process or the malfunctioning of the different components or systems, where the over-all condition of the car is very much depending on the car-user knowledge and driving skill of the driver, whether it's being over-used or under used, as well as the presence and absence of regular care and maintenance from the driver or the user.

And no matter how much care and maintenance is being shown upon the car by the driver or the user that is also impermanent, that won't be continuously looking after the car infinitely, and the car will eventually come to a point of stop functioning or stop existing, either before or after the driver or the user ceased functioning and ceased existing. Just as the over-all condition or well-being of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty can be enhanced and maintained as much as possible by the selfless thinking and acting process, but still, it will eventually come to a point of ceased functioning and ceased existing.

That's why it's the responsibility of the selfless thinking faculty for all its thinking, belief and disbelief, values, practice, reasoning, understanding, decisions, intentions, desires, behaviors, actions and reactions and the consequences of all that, even if all that cannot be existing or happening if without being supported by the supportive selfless elements and energy for it to be existing and functioning.

'The car driver' exists due to the existence of the car, or 'the car driver' doesn't need to be existing if the car is non-existing, and a car doesn't go anywhere or do anything if without being operating by 'the car driver', while the selfless thinking faculty doesn't exist if without the selfless existence and function of the selfless physical body, and the selfless physical body doesn't go anywhere or do anything if without the selfless function of the selfless thinking and acting faculty.

The same driver can be driving the car in different manners on different timing under the different states of the mind, while the same selfless thinking and acting faculty that is under the many different selfless impermanent states of the mind gives rise to different behaviors, actions and reactions in different timing via the selfless organs of action and expression/speech of the selfless physical body.

The only difference is that, the car can have many different drivers and the same driver can be driving many different cars in different timing because the driver is something completely separated from the car, while the selfless existence and function of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking and acting faculty is non-separated.

It's always the same selfless thinking and acting faculty being part of the selfless functions of the same selfless physical body, even though the same selfless physical body is under going impermanent changes of growth, decay and aging impermanently, or under going ceaseless births and deaths that are happening within in the present moment now, where countless neurons, cells or atoms ceaselessly arising, changing and passing away (that's why it's never the same appearance and condition from moment to moment even though it's still the same physical body structure), while the same selfless thinking and acting faculty of the same selfless physical body is also under going ceaseless changes impermanently, of ceaseless births and deaths happening within the selfless modifications of the mind in the present moment now, where countless thoughts arising, changing and passing away, forming the different states of the mind, transitioning in different realms.

Those who have very obvious changes in between multiple personalities of very different behaviors or constantly swapping in between multiple identities in different timing, either shortly or prolongedly, which was being recognized by many people under different worldly egoistic ideas and beliefs as 'being possessed by different entities' (particularly happens when the energy level is extremely low or is imbalanced/hay-wired, where the different functions of the selfless thinking and acting faculty cannot function properly as they are), are merely because of the extremely weak will power/freewill during those moments of extremely low or imbalanced/hay-wired energy level, on top of the existing intense attachment and identification towards the different states of the mind, where the selfless thinking and acting faculty is being over-powered by the different collections of distorted and mixed up memories, arising and passing away in the selfless modifications of the mind, forming/manifesting/reflecting the different personalities and identities in different timing. These minds are merely lost and confused in the many different impermanent states of the mind under many distorted and mixed up memories arising and passing away due to certain short-term (low or imbalanced energy level/imbalanced diet or activity/illness/injury) or long-term (inherited genetic deformity/non-rehabilitate illness or injury) malfunctioning of the brains, where the selfless functions of the perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty cannot function properly as what it should be.

No doubt that the energy level or the energy field is affecting or influencing the degrees of the will power or the modifications/states of the selfless mind, but the energy level/field is conditional, and hence, it can be modified, or be enhanced, or be balanced through engaging in certain influential practices under the awareness and effort of the selfless thinking and acting faculty. The selfless thinking and acting faculty has influencing power to be influencing the energy level/field in certain way, and hence, it can influence, or modify, or render the modifications/states of the mind in certain way. The selfless thinking and acting faculty can choose what type of inputs that feed the body and mind, unless there are no options. That's why the existence of all these yoga and/or meditation practice being available for the selfless thinking and acting faculty to do something about its own modifications/states of the mind.

Even the so called state of trance, or hypnotism, or half-conscious/unconscious/autonomous physical and mental activity, or out of the body experience, or mystical transcendental experience, is also part of the selfless impermanent manifestation within the selfless physical body and modifications of the mind under certain influential influences. They are merely some momentary side-effects induced by some influential factors. They are not the goal, or the accomplishment, or the end of yoga or meditation practice.

That's why both the teachings of yoga and buddhism emphasized strongly on non-grasping or non-attachment towards all kinds of states of the mind, going beyond all kinds of physical and mental experiences, allowing all perceptions of names and forms being there as they are, arising, changing, and passing away, as they are, without craving or aversion. As well as the high importance of mental and emotional independence, dispassion and renunciation, seclusion and solitude, of moving the mind away from worldly egoistic affairs, activities, ideas, beliefs, values and practice, to be purifying the mind efficiently. Whatever the minds recognized as all kinds of super extraordinary transcendental experiences are still part of the selfless modifications of the mind, it's nothing to do with self-realization, or the liberation from ignorance and suffering. Keep practicing until the total annihilation of the modifications of the mind where the thought activities subsided, or Samadhi, or Silence, takes place - Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah.

What the mind perceives through the senses might not be its own choice or freewill, but it can choose whether to react or not to react, and choose how and when it wants to react towards the perceived names and forms. The selfless function of the perception perceiving names and forms as they are, is limited, but the reaction towards the perceived names and forms, is conditional. The cognition, the intellect, the reasoning, the understanding, the mind behavior pattern, the intention, the desire, the decision making, the will power, the awareness, the clarity, the attentiveness, the effort, the behavior, action and reaction, and the consequences of all that, that are determining the states of the mind being what it is, are all conditional.

Upon there's an urge to pee or shit, the selfless thinking and acting faculty can have certain degrees of awareness and will power to hold the pee or shit for certain amount of time until it gets to a toilet. Unless there's certain malfunctioning of the system or disease where one just pees and shits itself anytime and anywhere, without any awareness or control at all.

Upon there's a thought of anger arising in the mind, the selfless thinking and acting faculty under the presence of correct understanding can have certain degrees of awareness and will power to be unattached towards the thought of anger, not feeding or empowering the thought of anger, allowing the thought of anger to be there, changing and passing away. It doesn't have to be over-powered by the thought of anger, and act or react under the influence of the thought of anger. Or, under the absence of correct understanding, the selfless thinking and acting faculty is being over-powered by the thought of anger, while under certain degrees of awareness and will power, continuously feeding or empowering the thought of anger to become a continuous stream of intensified anger that lasts longer in the modification of the mind, while acts or reacts under the influence of the continuous stream of intensified anger. That's why the degrees of the awareness and will power are neither good nor bad, but most important, is the presence or absence of correct understanding, or the absence or presence of ignorance.

Peace, or not, it's up to the mind. To let go, or not, it's up to the mind. To be angry and hating, or not, it's up to the mind. To do something about the presence of ignorance and suffering in the mind, or not, it's up to the mind. To move the hand away from hot burning object, or not, it's up to the mind. To live a healthy way of life, or not, it's up to the mind. To stop thinking, behaving, acting and reacting ignorantly, selfishly and hurtfully, or not, it's up to the mind. To accept the possibility and impossibility, or not, after trying one's best to do and achieve something, it's up to the mind. Even if the mind is existing and functioning selflessly and impermanently. Meanwhile, all its desires/intentions/decisions/actions that give rise to the consequences of desires/intentions/decisions/actions are inevitably affecting its own life existence and others and the surrounding environment in certain way, during its momentary selfless existence and function in this world that doesn't belong to anyone.

It's also the responsibility of the selfless thinking faculty itself while it still has certain degrees of awareness, freewill, correct understanding or sanity, to be initiated and determined to free itself from the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or not, to attain self-realization and transcending suffering, or not, before it's too late to be doing anything about it.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Limitation in speech, expression, communication, language, literacy, knowledge or intelligence

Limitation in speech, expression, communication, language, literacy, knowledge or intelligence doesn't determine the presence or absence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or the absence or presence of correct understanding, loving kindness, unselfishness, non-possessiveness, non-greed, non-discrimination, non-violence, respect, compassion, wisdom, peace and harmony in the mind.

The mind that is endowed with super extraordinary talent and skill in speech, expression and communication, knowing all kinds of languages that are existing in the world, being highly literate, knowledgeable and intelligent, and vice versa, doesn't guarantee that there is the absence or the presence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or there is the presence or the absence of correct understanding, loving kindness, unselfishness, non-possessiveness, non-greed, non-discrimination, non-violence, respect, compassion, wisdom, peace and harmony in the mind.

Unless there's certain serious deformity or non-rehabilitate illness, injuries or damages in the brains, where the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty cannot function properly, all minds can be free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, if there's an intense yearning for liberation, perseverance and determination, under right understanding, right concentration and right effort, and can attain correct understanding that gives rise to loving kindness, unselfishness, non-possessiveness, non-greed, non-discrimination, non-violence, respect, compassion, wisdom, peace and harmony in the mind, regardless of the presence of certain limitation in speech, expression, communication, language, literacy, knowledge or intelligence, even if the mind was being conditioned or influenced by certain incorrect thinking and understanding, that has been influencing how the mind thinks, believes, reasons, understands, feels, desires, behaves, acts and reacts in certain way, just like Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Swami Sivananda, or Ajahn Chah.

Even Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Swami Sivananda and Ajahn Chah were also having certain limitation in certain things, and they still managed to attain self-realization through intense yearning for liberation, perseverance and determination, under right understanding, right concentration and right effort.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Inquire towards selflessness, oneness and non-separateness

Some minds might be confused by the teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism, as the minds might be misinterpreting the observation of dispassion, renunciation, seclusion, solitude, mental and emotional independence as a form of 'anti-community', while misinterpreting the teachings and realization of selflessness, oneness or non-separateness as a form of 'anti-individualism'.

The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism is nothing to do with either 'anti-community'/'pro-individualism' or 'anti-individualism'/'pro-community'.

Both ideas, values and practice of 'anti-community'/'pro-individualism' and 'anti-individualism'/'pro-community' are the by-products deriving from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

The minds that are under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness would think and believe that all and everyone must choose to adopt either one of these ideas, values and practice to be what they are and to live life, where they cannot go beyond such duality, where they cannot comprehend that both these ideas, values and practice can either be existing together without any contradiction, or don't even need to be existing at all, where none need to adopt any of these ideas, values and practice to be what they are and to live life, as they are, where one can be embracing a community way of living, or embracing a solitude secluded way of living, or embracing and balancing both way of living, or embracing any other ways of living, as there is neither right nor wrong, neither good nor bad, neither meaningful nor meaningless in the many different ways of living under different desires or preferences.

The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism is about freeing the mind from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, so that the mind can have correct understanding and unconditional peace and harmony, regardless of what way of living that oneself prefers, desires, and is embracing, while being non-interfering towards all the others who are having their own many other different ways of living in the world of diversities, respecting all and everyone has their own freedom towards what they want to be, how they are, how they want to live their life in certain way that they prefer and desire, that they are embracing and feel most comfortable with.

The realization of selflessness, oneness, or non-separateness upon the annihilation of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, void of egoism of attachment and identification towards all kinds of names and forms, being free from any individual or group identification with any quality of names and forms as 'I' or 'us', enabling the mind to respect all and everyone in the world of many diversities to be what they are, as they are. Where the mind doesn't interfere with all and everyone being what they are, as they are, nor trying to control, change, influence, convert, threaten or force others to be or not to be in certain way. It's nothing to do with 'anti-individualism'.

The observation and practice of dispassion, renunciation, seclusion, solitude, mental and emotional independence, is highly essential for the minds that have intense yearning for liberation, to be liberated from ignorance and the suffering deriving from ignorance, to be initiating the mind purification process, to purified the intellectual reasoning power, to be free from the influence of worldly passionate egoistic ideas, beliefs, values and practice to be reasoning and inquiring towards the truth of everything, to be eradicating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness efficiently, to be attaining direct realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence, to attain correct understanding (the annihilation of the veil of ignorance) and realize unconditional peace. It's nothing to do with 'anti-community'.

The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism are existing here for the minds whether to come in contact with, or not; to be interested, or not; to be picking up and practicing, or not; to inquire and realize, or not; and to be free, or not.

Regardless of all the different kinds of diversities of many different qualities of names and forms that all and everyone has or is identifying with, all and everyone is selfless and impermanent.

Selflessness, without a permanent independent infinite individual existence of 'I' existing in all and everyone and everything, of all kinds of names and forms, it doesn't mean that there is no selfless impermanent inter-dependent individual mortal existence of each and everyone that comes with their own respective selfless physical body with the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, where each and everyone has their own particular personal perception and non-perception of what they come or don't come in contact with/experience or don't experience/perceive or don't perceive/know or don't know, thinking and not thinking, believing and disbelieving, understanding and non-understanding, desire and don't desire, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, and the limited freewill or freedom of decision and choice making, where all intentional or unintentional behaviors, actions and reactions give rise to the consequences of behaviors, actions and reactions, respectively, where the past cannot be undone, or the cause cannot be made disappear, while the process of cause coming into effect in the present moment can be modified or changed up to a certain extend depending on the availability or non-availability of the supportive elements, or how the mind is being conditioned or influenced to think and behave, act and react towards everything can be modified, purified, or disciplined under the presence of awareness, freewill, desire and effort of the mind itself.

Selflessness, where there's no existence of a permanent independent infinite existence of 'I' in the selfless impermanent physical body and mind to be under going selfless impermanent changes as well as to be responsible for the actions and the consequences of actions, it doesn't mean that the selfless physical body with the selfless thinking and acting mind doesn't exist, or doesn't go through selfless impermanent changes, or doesn't be responsible for the actions and the consequences of actions coming from this selfless thinking and acting mind via the selfless organs of action and expression/speech of the selfless physical body.

All kinds of human's suffering of unnecessary man made restriction, non-freedom, oppression, conflict, invasion, interference, discrimination, separateness, anger, hatred, resentment, vengeance, bully and violence are deriving from the presence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness in the selfless minds, that give rise to the sense of separateness, discrimination, selfishness, possessiveness, protectiveness, fear, greed, control, interference, pride, superiority, authority, offensiveness, defensiveness, dissatisfaction, disturbance, annoyance, anger and hatred, that give rise to all those unnecessary suffering in the world of many diversities.

All these hurtful destructive elements are not caused by the ideas, values and practice of community or individualism. It's deriving from the presence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness in the selfless minds.

Introducing more and more restrictions on restricting human's freedom of existence, living, moving, surviving, being, expression, thinking, belief, behavior, action and reaction doesn't lead to the vanish of all those hurtful destructive elements in the selfless minds, or doesn't lead to more peace and harmony in the world of many diversities, but only inflicts or triggers more and more unrest and disharmony, dissatisfaction and desperation in all minds, because of the suffering deriving from the lack of freedom or being restricted for being what all and everyone is, for being different from one another, for being where and how they are, or just for being able to survive and live momentarily in this world that doesn't belong to anyone.

The mind that has peace and harmony in itself, void of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, will not be thinking, behaving, acting and reacting in the hurtful destructive way that hurt itself and others and the surrounding environment, naturally. It doesn't need to be 'controlled' or 'regulated' by some others to think, behave, act and react in certain way or not in certain way. It just needed to be free from ignorance and have correct understanding, via its own awareness, desire and freewill, self-discipline and self-effort, self-inquiry and self-realization, that leads to unconditional peace and harmony in itself, that contributes to world peace and harmony and respect among the many diversities.

The only way to have peace and harmony among the many diversities of many different minds of different names and forms, is the annihilation of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness in oneself, by oneself.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Inquire towards positive thinking as in the teachings of yoga

If everything is just what it is, neither positive nor negative, then why is there about positive thinking in the teachings of yoga, especially in the lineage of Swami Sivananda?

There are two elements in the positive thinking under the teachings of yoga in the lineage of Swami Sivananda.

The first one -

The minds that are thinking in certain way that lean towards negativity even before trying to do something, such as "I can't ...," or "I won't be able to ...," then they need to change and overcome such mentality, by thinking, "I will try my best, and see what happens," without egoism. And after they have tried their best to do something without attachment, identification, craving or aversion, comparison, judgment or expectation towards the action and the fruit of action, they learn how to accept the fruit of action as it is, either "It's possible," or "It's not possible," and there's nothing wrong and it's okay, if after trying to do something, but it's not possible to do it in the present moment. While there's no pride and arrogance if it's possible of doing something with great success.

The second one -

Positive thinking is not about 'thinking positively' as what many minds would be interpreting or understanding towards 'positive thinking'.

It's not at all about "I am positive," "I am strong," "I am good enough," "I am superhuman," "I can ...," or "I will be able to ..." in order to make the mind feels good and confident about itself by motivating the mind to be performing certain actions to achieve certain accomplishment in its momentary life existence.

It's about having a healthy mental health of clarity thinking and peace of mind, by developing and having correct understanding towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence, what is the mind or the modification of the mind, how the mind works, what is going on in the modification of the mind, what is the mind behavior pattern, what is action and reaction, what is cause and effect, what is action and consequences of action, what is suffering or unhappiness, what is ignorance, what is the ego, what is egoism, what is impurity, what is restlessness, what is the root cause of suffering or unhappiness, how to be free from suffering or unhappiness, and what is the 'I' that the thinking mind thinks and believes and identifies as itself (the self-inquiry towards Who am I?), and etc, under the purified intellectual reasoning power that is reasoning everything as it is, without being influenced by any particular worldly passionate egoistic ideas, belief, values and practice.

It's about the understanding or the capability of accepting and respecting the selfless impermanent body and mind, life and the world being what it is, as it is, without egoism of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment and expectation. And hence, the mind is void of the suffering deriving from perceiving the ceaseless impermanent changes in all and everything in this selfless impermanent worldly life existence, that are not necessary pleasant, agreeable and desirable.

By thinking positively and being motivated to perform many kinds of actions achieving many accomplishment in life doesn't necessarily mean that the mind is or will be having correct understanding and unconditional peace, not being determined by all kinds of experiences or names and forms, being free from all kinds of suffering or unhappiness deriving from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or being free from generating hurtful damaging behaviors, actions and reactions that hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment.

And it's definitely not about having positive mind power to be changing and making everything to become all positive and nothing negative in the world.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Monday, October 16, 2023

It has to come from the mind itself to let go and be free

If all minds can let go all kinds of attachment, identification, desire, possessiveness, or the past, there will be peace in the world.

It's not about eliminating ignorance, egoism, impurities, selfishness, greed, fear, anger, hatred, resentment, vengeance, or violence in the world. It's impossible.

Peace in the world is the reflection of peace in the minds.

It has to come from each and every mind themselves, to let go and be free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, and have peace.

None can tell or advise another mind to let go and be free.

It has to come from the mind itself to let go and be free from all kinds of attachment, identification, desire, possessiveness, or the past.

All kinds of fear, anger, hatred, resentment, vengeance, or violence don't exist in the mind that doesn't hold onto any attachment, identification, desire, possessiveness, or the past.

Whatever happened and is happening in the world, especially under the era of higher and higher advance science and technology, it only indicates how much unnecessary destruction and suffering that the human minds can generate into the world under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

Inquire the truth of everything, and have peace in oneself, regardless of all kinds of madness in the world of ignorance and egoism.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The selfless mind can overcome the limited condition and function of itself

There might be certain limited imperfect default condition and function in the selfless physical body on top of the many conditional and influential factors that affect the impermanent condition and function of the selfless thinking faculty, but the selfless thinking faculty can overcome or transcend the limited impermanent imperfect condition and function of itself, not to say, to be overcoming or transcending the limited impermanent imperfect condition and function of the selfless physical body, if the selfless thinking faculty is free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism and impurities.

Such as the selfless mind can be aware of and acknowledging the presence of the different selfless impermanent states of the mind, the ceaseless selfless thoughts, feelings or emotions arising, changing and passing away, the presence and absence of certain knowledge or skill, the different degrees of the intelligence, reasoning, cognition, attentiveness, alertness, clarity, memory and the power or speed of learning, as well as certain limitation, weakness or deficiency of certain functions due to genetic inheritance, or due to insufficient nutrients, insufficient rest, over or under sleeping, lack of good quality sleep, extremely low or excessively high energy level, physical and mental over-tiredness, over-use, over-stimulation, over-depressant, over or under activity, over or under eating, sensory or mind inputs over-loading, or due to certain illness and injury, while without egoism of attachment, identification, association, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, knowing how to bring everything back into balance and equanimity patiently without attachment or expectation, and have peace regardless of what is the state of the impermanent condition and function of itself, not to say, the impermanent condition and function of the selfless physical body.

A lot of time, it's about decision making of whether to be performing or not performing certain action, that is determining the direction, or the transformation, or the outcome of the selfless impermanent life existence in certain way.

The mind that is free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness has no difficulty to be making the best decision at the respective timing in accordance to the condition and situation, or the possibility and impossibility in the present moment now, without attachment.

The mind that is under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, being over-powered by doubt, guilt, regret, blame, fear and worry under the absence of correct understanding, might be having difficulty of decision making, or has fear towards making decision. That's everyone's freedom for being what they are and how they are. While the mind that is in the process of eradicating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, will be over-coming or transcending even that egoistic impure condition that is also impermanent in the selfless modification of the mind, even if the mind is not completely be free from all that.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Inquire towards the selfless modification of the selfless mind

What is the mind or the modification of the mind?

The mind is the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty that is existing and functioning selflessly and impermanently being powered by the supportive elements and energy, being part of the different selfless bodily systems or functions in the selfless impermanent physical body, where all these cannot and don't exist and function without the support of the supportive elements and energy.

Just as a car cannot function without fuel or electricity as well as many other supportive elements to be working efficiently that makes the car being what it is.

There is no existence and function of the selfless perceptive thinking and acting mind, if without the existence and function of the selfless physical body.

The selfless physical body could still be existing and functioning under the autonomous bodily systems being supported by the supportive elements and energy up to a certain extend, even if under the absence of any awareness or being unconscious, void of the partial or complete function of the perceptive thinking and acting faculty, such as being in coma, or being unconscious, or in deep sleep.

The selfless thinking mind could still be existing and functioning either partially or completely being supported by the supportive elements and energy up to a certain extend, even if there are certain damage, or injury, or illness, or weakness, or limitation, or deform in certain part of the physical body, or when the physical body is suffering from partial or complete paralysis, and when one or some or all of the senses and sense organs don't function as they are.

Without the supportive elements and energy that are also selfless and impermanent, both the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty cannot and doesn't exist, or the body and mind cannot and doesn't function as what it is.

The rise of thoughts activity (ceaseless thought after thought arising and passing away continuously, generating a continuous stream of thoughts or thinking) gives rise to the selfless impermanent modification of the mind that is ceaselessly changing or transitioning between different states of mind, which is being referred as restlessness.

Without the supportive selfless elements and energy existing and functioning selflessly supporting the selfless formation of the selfless existence and function of the selfless impermanent physical body, there's no physical body, there's no mind, there's no modification of the mind, there's no mind perception, there's no selfless impermanent worldly life existence, because there isn't the selfless existence and function of a selfless physical body that comes with the selfless function of a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, to be perceiving, or experiencing, or under going a selfless impermanent worldly life existence being perceived or experienced through the selfless senses via the selfless sense organs of the selfless physical body, while expressing and performing actions via the selfless organs of action and expression or speech of the selfless physical body.

There's no 'I' in every single supportive selfless element or in the selfless energy that support all the neutrons, cells and atoms to be existing and functioning being what they are.

There's no 'I' in every single neutron, cell and atom that are forming the entire selfless bodily structure, systems and functions.

There's no 'I' in every single thought (of ceaseless function and activity, thinking, perception, cognition, reasoning, understanding, acting, reacting, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, sensing, feeling, visualizing, imagining, anticipating, projecting, planning, scheming, plotting, desiring, attaching, identifying, comparing, judging, discriminating, as well as all kinds of emotions, impurities, and etc, that are being generated either wittingly or unwittingly) arising and passing away ceaselessly and continuously that gives rise to the continuous stream of thoughts activity, that gives rise to the selfless modification of the selfless thinking faculty that is appearing and interchanging in between different states of mind.

There's no 'I' in the entire selfless existence and function of the selfless physical body or the selfless thinking faculty.

However, under the presence of the veil of ignorance and egoism, there is an idea of 'I' existing in the form of thought, under a continuous stream of thoughts or thinking, occupying the selfless modification of the mind, where there is the identification arising in the selfless modification of the mind, to be identifying as 'I' or 'This is I', that appears to be a solid permanent independent individual existence, under the selfless function of memory, attaching and identifying towards the selfless impermanent worldly life existence, the selfless impermanent physical body, the selfless impermanent functions/modifications/states of the selfless thinking faculty, consisting of all kinds of ties and connections and relationships, affairs, interactions, experiences, thinking, belief, values, practice, desires, feelings, emotions, imaginations, anticipations, memories, accumulated learning and knowledge, possessions, the surrounding space or environment, the impermanent changes, actions and reactions and the consequences of actions and reactions, conditions, abilities, disabilities, limitations, superior or inferior qualities, countless different names and forms, self-identity, self-image, group identity, group image, self-esteem, pride, all kinds of duality, the sense of goodness and badness, rightfulness and wrongfulness, happiness and unhappiness, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, accomplishment and disappointment, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, positiveness and negativeness, selfishness and unselfishness, appropriateness and inappropriateness, success and failure, gain and loss, pleasantness and unpleasantness, desirable and undesirable, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, wants and don't wants, enjoyment and suffering, and etc.

No doubt that the condition and function of the selfless thinking faculty is very much being determined by the condition and function of the selfless bodily systems of the selfless physical body. Such as under the good condition and efficient function of the bodily systems that give rise to a very fit and healthy selfless physical body might be determining the good condition and efficient function of the selfless thinking faculty as well, especially under the absence of illness or injury. However, the good and bad condition, and the high or low efficiency of the different functions of the physical body and the thinking faculty doesn't correlate with the presence or absence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or it doesn't determine whether there is correct understanding in the mind, or whether there is peace in the mind, and vice versa.

That's why a yogi is not being determined by the selfless impermanent limited and conditional condition and function of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty. It's about whether the modification of the mind is free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or not.

That's why even though one can be gaining or enjoying lots of physical and mental health and fitness benefits by performing certain yoga practice regularly for many years, that improves and maintains the good condition and efficient function of the bodily systems and the thinking faculty, constantly enhancing the different functions of the selfless thinking faculty by improving the function of the intellect and reasoning power, the cognition or understanding, the awareness or attentiveness, the will power or self-control, the memory power, the knowledge and skill in doing certain things, but if without working on eliminating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, it doesn't lead the mind towards the liberation from all that, to attain correct understanding and self-realization, to realize unconditional peace, be free from disturbance and suffering, be free from generating hurtful damaging actions and reactions out of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, that give rise to the hurtful damaging consequences of actions and reactions unto oneself and others and the surrounding environment.

The way of thinking, the states of the mind, the reasoning (intellect) and the understanding (cognitive) of the thinking faculty that is very much being conditioned by the inherited or adopted family/cultural/spiritual/religious/tribal/national/political/commercial ideas, belief, values and practice, that is conditioning and determining the mind behavior pattern that is influencing the desire, behavior, action and reaction of the selfless thinking and acting faculty, where all these are irrelevant to the efficiency of the function, or the good and bad condition of the selfless physical body and the selfless thinking faculty.

The mind can be highly intelligent and knowledgeable, might have very good learning and memory power and highly talented and skillful in certain things or many things, and have very strong attentiveness and will power, but the states of the mind, the mind behavior pattern, the thinking, the reasoning, the understanding, the desire, the behavior, and the action and reaction might be operating under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, and hence, perceiving all kinds of disturbance, painful sorrow and suffering deriving from all that. Meanwhile, the mind might generate hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction that hurt itself and others and the surrounding environment out of such disturbed suffering states of mind, either wittingly or unwittingly, directly or indirectly.

Such as, the minds under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness could be performing certain hurtful damaging actions under the presence of super extraordinary intelligence, knowledge, talent, skill, attentiveness and will power, out of intense anger, hatred, resentment, vengeance, greed, selfishness, pride, fear or jealousy, or even out of intense excitement, that might cause certain hurtful damages to oneself and others or the surrounding environment.

The selfless minds are capable of generating ignorant hurtful damaging behavior being over-powered by intense pride and excitement. Just look at the human's ignorant damaging behavior in the world, regardless of whether they win or loose a game or match, either under the intense pride and excitement of winning or under the intense humiliation and dissatisfaction of losing.

That's why it is upmost important to be freeing the selfless thinking and acting faculty from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, to attain correct understanding and self-realization, to know Thyself, to have unconditional peace, so that the selfless thinking and acting faculty won't be generating hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction that would be hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment during its momentary existence and function in the world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone.

Inquire towards the truth of everything.

Friday, October 13, 2023

The selfless thinking faculty is merely a function of the selfless impermanent physical body

Whatever and whenever there's a 'thinking', or a 'thought', or an 'idea' arises in the mind, thinking and believing and identifying as "I am this or that" and "I am not this or that", it's merely part of the selfless function of the selfless thinking faculty being part of the selfless function of the selfless physical body.

That's why no matter what the thinking faculty thinks and believes and identifies as 'I', or "This is I" and "This is not I", it's incorrect.

That's why in the traditional lineage of zen meditation, the teacher will 'spank' the students regardless of what the student answers or doesn't answer, thinks or doesn't think, believes or doesn't believe, identifies or doesn't identify with something or anything, upon being asked, "Who 'am' I?".

If the self-inquiry or investigation towards "Who 'am' I?" is being replaced with "What 'is' I?", or even more precise, "What is the 'I' that the mind thinks and believes and identifies as 'I' and 'not I', or doesn't think and believe and identify as 'I' and 'not I'?", the mind would be having a clearer approach towards the self-inquiry towards selflessness or 'I'lessness.

There is no 'I' existing to be answering or not answering, to be thinking or not thinking, to be believing or not believing, to be identifying or not identifying with something or anything, including nothing. Such as there's no "I am selfless" if it's something selfless.

More importantly, selflessness without a permanent independent existence of 'I' in the body and mind or in any organism and objects, doesn't mean that the selfless impermanent life existence of a selfless impermanent physical body with the selfless impermanent function of the selfless thinking faculty doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that all these that the selfless thinking faculty is perceiving now, doesn't exist. Neither past nor future, as well as 'all these are not real', also doesn't mean that all these that is happening now in the present moment doesn't exist. But all and everything are existing, changing and ceased existing in this present moment, selflessly and impermanently.

The one that answers or doesn't answer, thinks and doesn't think, believes and doesn't believe, identifies and doesn't identify with something or anything, it's merely the selfless function of a selfless thinking faculty being part of the selfless impermanent existence and function of the selfless impermanent physical body.

Under the presence of the idea of 'I' under the influence of the veil of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, being conditioned by worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, values and practice to be reasoning and understanding everything, the mind couldn't grasp or comprehend towards selflessness.

Many thousand years ago, when 'scientific research' wasn't a common thing in the world, even though science is 'the truth of what things are', that exists forever, regardless of whether human beings know or don't know about what things are, while 'technology' hasn't been well developed yet, where self-inquiry and self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence was being seen as something 'mystical' and yet 'insane' and 'impossible' for most minds that are functioning under the idea of 'I' under the veil of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

All minds that had attained self-realization via self-inquiry and meditation under a calmed and purified modification of the mind towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all kinds of names and forms, especially in the complex function of the selfless impermanent physical body that comes with the complex function of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting faculty, are all great scientists of the world, even without the help of advanced technology to be performing detailed research onto the formation and function of the mortal selfless impermanent physical body, where they know what many minds don't know, where their way of thinking, reasoning, understanding, desire, behavior, action and reaction are being different from most minds that are still functioning under the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, where they are resting in unconditional peace while most minds that are under the influence of ignorance are struggling and drowning in different kinds of suffering, or some minds are even 'enjoying' in generating many kinds of suffering into the world out of ignorance.

However, even though there are many advanced technologies in this era, to be looking into the complex formation and function of the physical body and the thinking faculty, the many highly intelligent and knowledgeable minds that are interested in science or scientific research might still be encountering difficulty towards knowing or comprehending selflessness, as the minds are deeply being ingrained with and conditioned by the worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, values and practice that based on the idea of 'I'.

It's not that difficult for the minds to experience, see, know and understand towards the truth of impermanence in all and everything, however, it's a great challenge and even impossible for the mind to experience, see, know and understand the truth of selflessness. That's why the importance of the observation of silence, dispassion and renunciation in seclusion and solitude for activating the mind purification process to free the mind from being conditioned or influenced by worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, values and practice based on the idea of 'I', to inquire, investigate, reason and understand everything, as it is.

The idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, is the root cause of all kinds of humanity problems and behavior problems in the world, that give rise to many kinds of unnecessary painful sorrow and suffering deriving from the existence of corruption, incorrect reasoning and understanding, selfishness, possessiveness, separateness, greed, fear, discrimination, hatred, oppression, conflict, fighting, bullying and violence in the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

Just as Swami Sivananda mentioned in his teachings while being a medical doctor himself, "One can cut open the body, and still couldn't find, see or know the mind."

Buddhism, yoga, self-inquiry and meditation, as well as selflessness and impermanence, timelessness and non-separateness, are science.

It's not a belief. It's not a religion. It's not a culture. It's not a ritual. It's not something mystical or untouchable.

It's definitely not just a physical and mental health and beauty and fitness exercise, although it can be, if without dispassion and the renunciation from worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, values and practice, and without working on the annihilation of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

The teachings and practice exists as the selfless guidance and tools for the minds to help and guide itself towards the attainment of self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and thus, be free from the unnecessary suffering deriving from being ignorant towards "Who am I?" or "What is I?", as well as be free from generating hurtful damaging behavior, action and reaction, either wittingly or unwittingly, directly or indirectly, that hurt itself and others and the surrounding environment out of the ignorant selfish disturbed dissatisfied fearful desireful suffering restless states of mind, under the influence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, during its momentary selfless existence and function in this world of selfless impermanent names and forms.

Inquire towards the truth of everything, including all the teachings of yoga and buddhism that the mind comes in contact with, including all that is here.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The selfless mind is still the same selfless mind while under going self-transformation and upon self-realization

In the teachings of yoga, all kinds of teachings and practice served the purpose of enabling the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind to be free from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, to realize the truth of selflessness and impermanence, to know itself, and thus, be free from the suffering deriving from ignorance and its by-products.

That transformative process is being referred as self-transformation or self-evolution, however, the mind is still the same mind, it doesn't change into something else that it is not, even having under going many transformational modifications or changes. The mind might be thinking, understanding, feeling, desiring, behaving, acting and reacting differently from before, the states of the mind is never the same from moment to moment, the modifications of the mind is constantly changing, but it is still the same selfless mind existing and functioning selflessly and momentarily under the selfless impermanent existence and function of the same selfless physical body that is constantly changing, where the selfless physical body is not the same appearance or condition from moment to moment, but it is still the same selfless physical body.

There's neither right nor wrong when the different minds understand that "It's not the same body (in terms of appearance and condition) and mind (in terms of the states of mind and behavior pattern) every moment because of selfless impermanent changes" and "It's still the same body and mind even though it's under going ceaseless selfless impermanent changes, transforming into different physical appearance and condition, and transitioning in different states of the mind and behavior pattern, from the moment it exists until it ceased existing." Both are equally correct under different points of view. It's nothing contradicting at all. But regardless of the different understanding due to the different points of view, the body and mind is selfless and impermanent is the inevitable truth, where there is no permanent independent individual infinite existence of 'I' existing in the selfless impermanent mortal body and mind that is constantly changing, decaying and disintegrating.

The car is still the same car, even if it's under going ceaseless impermanent changes of decaying, and eventually, it will be retired and ceased functioning, where the exterior appearance and the interior compartments and decorations, might have been being modified or replaced in countless times that it is not the 'same' car every moment, even if it has been going through changing owners and/or registration plate number.

Some minds might be confused towards how come the mind is still what it is, that the mind is still the same mind, even when it is under going all kinds of practice to be modifying itself, experiencing self-transformation, and attaining self-realization? Such as quite many 'buddhists' would think that one will become a 'buddha' upon enlightenment, where 'buddha' is someone or something that is superior, being separated or distinct from an inferior mind, or person, or living being that is ignorant, selfish, evil, greedy and impure.

One doesn't perform certain practices and become a 'buddha', or one doesn't become 'selfless' and 'compassionate'. All and everything are 'buddha', all are selfless and compassionate, regardless of whether one performs or doesn't perform certain practices, knows or doesn't know that, realizes or doesn't realize that, and attaining enlightenment, or not.

No doubt that there are certain gross and subtle changes or transformations happening to the selfless function, or modification, or state of the mind, while the mind is performing certain practices that served the purpose of disciplining the mind, purifying the mind and quieting the mind, in order to be eliminating the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

However, the mind is still the same mind, it is still what it is, being selfless and impermanent, it doesn't change into something else that is not what it is, regardless of whether all these modifications, changes or transformations are happening, or not.

The only difference is, when this selfless mind is functioning under the veil of ignorance and its by-products, it doesn't know or doesn't understand itself, or what is going on in itself, or why it perceives suffering, or what is suffering, or what is the cause of suffering, and hence, it might think, reason, understand, feel, desire, behave, act and react in the way that hurt itself and others and the surrounding environment due to being ignorant, or it is functioning under the influence of the veil of ignorance and its by-products.

Upon the annihilation of the veil of ignorance and its by-products, or upon self-realization towards the selflessness and impermanence in itself and in all kinds of perceived names and forms, of knowing Thyself, of knowing the truth of names and forms, the mind wouldn't be thinking, reasoning, understanding, feeling, behaving, acting and reacting in the way that hurt itself, or others, or the surrounding environment.

The selfless existence and function of the selfless mind and the selfless physical body doesn't change into something else. It doesn't become selfless. It is selfless, regardless of whether the mind knows or doesn't know about it's existence and function is selfless. It doesn't change and become something permanent, or immortal, or infinite. It is either being restless, or being less restless and more quiet, or resting in silence, during its selfless impermanent existence and function. It is the same selfless and impermanent before, during and after the transformation and upon self-realization, even though it keeps under going ceaseless selfless impermanent changes or transformations until it ceased functioning and ceased existing.

Selflessness isn't something saintly, sacred or mystical. Selflessness is not something to be attained and becoming. Selflessness doesn't only present in the enlightened buddhas, gurus, saints and sages, or is absent in the non-enlightened ignorant, selfish, impure and suffering beings. Selflessness in not about unselfishness. Selflessness is not the opposite of selfishness. All and everything don't attain selflessness and become selfless. All and everything are selfless, regardless of what.

Selflessness is there is no existence of an individual permanent independent existence of 'I' in all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms.

It's whether the mind realized selflessness under the absence of the idea of 'I' and ignorance, or hasn't realized selflessness under the presence of the idea of 'I' and ignorance.

And thus, "All and everything is dhamma. All and everything are buddha." - Siddhartha Gautama Buddha








Void of 'I'.

Void of grasping.

Void of desire.

Void of ignorance.

Void of suffering.

Void of restlessness.

Unconditional peace.



There's neither past nor future, there's only now.

It's merely selfless impermanent names and forms arising, changing and passing away, inter-depending and inter-influencing among one another selflessly, governed by cause and effect, influenced by actions and consequences of actions, under the support and influence of different selfless elements and selfless energy that are also inter-depending and inter-influencing one another selflessly.

All these different terms are one.

Dhamma, or the truth of selflessness and impermanence, is neither sacred nor non-sacred. It is what it is. It is what all and everything are. It cannot be changed, be contaminated, be hurt, be disrespected, be humiliated, be offended, or be destroyed.

Regardless of the absence and presence of ignorance, the different degrees of ignorance, the different types and degrees of suffering, the different states of mind of interchanging in different realms, the different qualities of different names and forms, the different thinking, beliefs, understanding, desires, behaviors, actions and reactions, and the different consequences of all that, all and everyone and everything is selfless and impermanent.

What doesn't change, that is permanent, that is infinite, that is timeless, is the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

Because all are selfless, there's not a permanent independent infinite 'I' existing to be identifying as "I am this" or "I am that", or "I am neither this nor that", or "I am under going selfless impermanent changes", or "I am under going the infinite restless loop of ceaseless births and deaths", or "I need to be free from all that". It doesn't mean that all these don't exist, or there's no selfless impermanent changes, or there's no restless ceaseless births and deaths, or there's no perception of suffering deriving from being ignorant.

The selfless physical body that comes with the selfless thinking and acting faculty exists selflessly and momentarily. All kinds of selfless names and forms exist selflessly and momentarily. The selfless impermanent changes are happening ceaselessly. The ones that are under going restless ceaseless births and deaths is every single selfless neutron, cell and atom in the selfless physical body, and every single selfless thought arising, changing and passing away in the selfless modification of the selfless mind. The different realms are the different states of the mind. The one that is transitioning in between the different realms is the selfless thinking faculty. Cause and effect exists. Actions and consequences of actions exists.

The one that performs actions through the selfless organs of actions, and either enjoying or suffering for the consequences of actions, that affects the selfless physical body and the selfless states of the mind in certain way, is the selfless thinking faculty. The one that is happy or unhappy, kind or unkind, ignorant or wise, selfish or unselfish, is the selfless thinking faculty.

The one that is not free, that is restless, that is in painful sorrow and suffering, being bound by selfless impermanent changes governed by cause and effect, influenced by actions and consequences of actions, as well as perceiving or experiencing suffering deriving from ignorance, is the selfless thinking faculty functioning under the presence of the veil of ignorance and its by-products.

The one that has intense yearning towards liberation, that has certain degrees of awareness and will power/freewill to be performing certain practices to be free from all that, is the selfless thinking faculty.

The one that can free the selfless thinking faculty from ignorance, is the selfless thinking faculty itself.

It's not even "I am selfless", or "I am That, which is selfless, infinite, unlimited, unconditional, beginningless, endless, birthless, deathless, timeless and changeless," as even That, is also selfless, that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, that doesn't possess or own anything, that doesn't control anything, but all and everything are arising, changing and passing away upon it, under their own cause and effect.

If something that exists infinitely is not selfless, is something sentient, that has been witnessing all kinds of names and forms arising, changing and passing away governed by cause and effect, and witnessing all kinds of painful sorrow and suffering in all kinds of sentient living beings functioning under the veil of ignorance, then that is the greatest suffering in the entire universe of all time, as that is permanent and infinite.

Just as the selfless physical body doesn't exist or function without the selfless neutrons, cells and atoms forming the entire complex selfless physical body with the function of the selfless thinking faculty, supported by the selfless elements and selfless energy, where all these are inter-depending and inter-influencing among one another to be what they are. While each selfless element, energy, neutron, cell or atom doesn't belong to the selfless physical body, and vice versa. Each selfless element, energy, neutron, cell or atom doesn't have an existence of 'I' to be identifying as "I am element/energy/neutron/cell/atom" or with the selfless physical body. And the selfless physical body doesn't have an existence of 'I' to be identifying with the selfless elements, energy, neutrons, cells and atoms.

Go beyond all kinds of identifications. Go beyond "I am That", "I am infinite", "I am all compassionate", "I am all wise", "I am all powerful", "I am all existence", "I am all knowledge", "I am strong", "I am positive", "I am happiness", and so on.

What is selfless, it doesn't have an existence of 'I' to be what it is, to be identifying with anything, to be possessing/owning anything, or to be belonging to anything.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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