be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The world just need to be free from ignorance and egoism

Enforcing further and more restriction or oppression on freedom of existence, freedom of being, freedom of living, freedom of moving, freedom of surviving, freedom of expression, freedom of thinking, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom of action, and etc, trying to control the world to be and not to be in certain way, doesn't stop the world of diversity being what it is.

It's the freedom of being free from ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness in all the minds under many different names and forms that are occupying the world, that will lead to all kinds of freedom of existence, freedom of being, freedom of living, freedom of moving, freedom of surviving, freedom of expression, freedom of thinking, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom of action, and etc, that are highly important in all living beings to have a healthy living, healthy being, healthy thinking and healthy behavior, where all kinds of freedoms are free from the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, or being free from corrupted thinking and understanding, the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, possessiveness, separateness, discrimination, selfishness, fear, discontentment, greed, pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, offensiveness, defensiveness, anger, hatred, oppression, suppression, interference, invasion, violence, and etc, that will lead to more and more peace and harmony in the world of diversity, sharing a space that doesn't belong to anyone.

Neither by focusing on the restriction or the non-restriction of all kinds of freedom will lead to more peace and harmony in the world of diversity. It's about coming from the selfless mind itself, to be freeing the selfless modification of the mind from the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, to have correct thinking and understanding, that leads to peace and harmony in oneself, that contributes less unrest and disharmony into the world of diversity.

No doubt that coming from certain minds respecting the freedom of all the other minds being what they are, there will be less amount of minds contributing unrest and disharmony into the world, however, it doesn't lead to more peace and harmony in the world as all the many other minds under the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness don't know how to respect the freedom of all other minds being what they are, by restricting all kinds of freedoms in the world, that gives rise to more and more unrest and disharmony in many different individuals, that contributes to more and more unrest and disharmony into the world.

By introducing further and more restrictions on many things in the world, doesn't lead to more peace and harmony in the world.

Parents try to control their children. Leaders try to control the community. Teachers try to control the students. Organizations try to control their members.

Imagine if one's freedom of something is being taken away or being restricted, how unhappy and unhealthy that is, not to say, the freedom of many things in many individuals are being taken away or being restricted by some others.

It's about focusing and working on helping as many minds as possible to be free from the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, that leads to respecting the freedom of all and everyone being what they are, as they are.

There will be less minds suffering from unnecessary mental health issues. There will be more peace and happiness in individuals that lead to less selfish destructive hurtful behaviors, actions and reactions in the world, that contributes to more peace and harmony in the world.

It's understandable that there are many minds that strongly think and believe that they need to be able to control all and everyone else to be and not to be in certain way according to their own desire and don't desire, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, while they themselves don't like and would be offended if their own freedom of something is unavailable due to certain physical or mental limitations, or it's being restricted by some others, that they would be offended by this teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism about respecting the freedom of all and everyone being what they are, as they are, where all and everyone wouldn't be behaving, acting and reacting in selfish damaging hurtful way, upon the presence of peace and harmony in oneself, upon being free to be what they are, as they are, upon the absence of the idea of 'I', ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

That's everyone's freedom for their thinking, belief, behavior, action and reaction.

Unless people are suffering from certain serious mental illness that they cannot control their own behavior, action and reaction at all, where they would cause random damaging effects into the surrounding unwittingly, while most people who still have certain degrees of sanity, however, they might be behaving, acting and reacting in certain damaging hurtful way, intentionally and wittingly, is due to they are under extreme disturbance, unhappiness, fear, desperation, frustration and irritation, as they are not being free to be who and what they are, in their personal life and in the community, constantly being restricted, intimidated, bullied and punished for being who and what they are, by some others who don't respect the freedom of others to be who and what they are, out of self-righteousness, pride, superiority, possessiveness and selfish desires.

If a mind truly loves some others, this mind will love and respect others being who and what they are, without possessiveness and expectation or control towards others to be or not to be in certain way according to one's desire. The world will be a much better place, if all minds understand this and have unconditional love towards all and everything in the world, without possessiveness and selfishness.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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