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May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, October 17, 2022

What yoga, if without the annihilation of the idea of 'I' and egoism?

The entire yoga and meditation practice is all about the annihilation of ignorance and egoism.

Some don't even aware of the existence of the ego and egoism within the modification of the mind, or are being ignorant towards what is the ego and egoism.

Some might think that they know and understand about what is the ego and egoism, but not really.

Such as the ego is merely the idea of 'I' arising in the mind due to ignorance, or the delusive identity of a permanent individual existence, which identifies with the selfless impermanent modification of the mind and the restless mind perception of selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms to be "This is who and what I am", or even, "This is who I really am" and "This is my true self", however, many minds might be understanding that, 'Ego' is one of the qualities of a person. For example, one might think that 'someone has small ego or no ego' means 'someone who is humble and down to earth', or, 'someone has big or strong ego' means 'someone who is a bossy, self-righteous, prideful and arrogant bully, who sees oneself high up and looks down on others, easily be offended, and who likes to show off and lecture others'.

Some have certain degrees of awareness towards the idea of 'I' and egoism, but aren't interested in freeing the mind from the idea of 'I' and egoism. Such as, there's the attachment, identification and judgment of, "I have good ego. I am a good person. I am not a bad person. I do good and don't do bad," and vice versa, or "I have neither good nor bad ego. I am neither a good nor bad person."

Some are interested in freeing the mind from the idea of 'I' and egoism, but find it very hard or even impossible to do so.

It's like, "How can 'I' negate 'I' from 'I'?" or, "How can 'I' detach from 'I'?" or, "How can 'I' (that doesn't exist) exist, know and realize that there's no 'I'?" or, "If 'I' know that ('I' doesn't exist), then what is this 'I' who is knowing about ('I' doesn't exist)?"

That thinking or understanding, alone, is indeed being ignorant towards ignorance. And there's nothing wrong with being ignorant towards ignorance. However, one might be constantly and unwittingly generate actions and reactions that might hurt oneself and/or others out of the influence of ignorance, regardless of whether one identifies oneself as a good person who does good, or a bad person who does bad, or a person that is neither good nor bad.

None can remove ignorance and egoism from the mind, but itself.

It's not 'I' practice yoga. It's not 'I' eliminating the idea of 'I' and egoism from the modification of the mind. It's not 'I' perform self-inquiry attaining self-realization being liberated from ignorance. It's not 'I' meditate quieting the modification of the mind attaining Silence/Samadhi/Annihilation of the restless modification of the mind. It's merely the selfless perceptive cognitive assertive intellectual emotional thinking faculty perceives the suffering of restlessness of selfless impermanent changes, and has the yearning for liberation being initiative to free itself from the veil of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, of restless selfless impermanence. It's merely the selfless restless suffering thinking mind performs persevered yoga and meditation practice quieting the restless modification of the mind, inquiring towards "Who am I/What is I" to know itself, or know Thyself, that is selfless. It's the selfless suffering restless mind attains relief/liberation from the suffering of restlessness upon the non-violent yet self-disciplined subjugation of the restless modification of the mind. - YOGA CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHA

It's merely the selfless perceptive cognitive assertive intellectual emotional thinking mind having the idea of 'I' that attaches onto and identifies with the modification of the mind of restless thoughts activities and perception of names and forms being perceived through the senses (the worldly life experience of 'I' and 'mine', with all the others who are not 'I', that are separated and different from 'I', and all kinds of desirable and undesirable relationships, pleasant and unpleasant experiences, agreeable and disagreeable names and forms), under the influence of ignorance.

It's the mind that realizes there's no 'I' existing along with the annihilation of egoism, where the perceiver and the perceived (subject and object) are all selfless and impermanent. It doesn't mean that the mind is numbed, or doesn't feel or perceive anything. Whatever the mind perceives, knows, thinks and feels, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, agreeable or disagreeable, it's just the selfless impermanent modification of the selfless mind, of the continuous stream of countless thoughts arising and passing away ceaselessly, powered by energy (Prana) and governed by the nature law of cause and effect, either under the influence of ignorance (the presence of grasping) or void of ignorance (the absence of grasping). Upon the presence of grasping from the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking faculty towards the selfless stream of thought activities, there arise an idea of 'I', identifying, experiencing, asserting and desiring, that is enjoying or suffering due to the gratification and non-gratification of the desire of craving and aversion. The absence of grasping, there's no 'I' arising. Merely a selfless stream of thought-current of impermanent names and forms, arising and passing away selflessly. There's no 'I' existing to be identifying as "This is I", or, "This the real I".

There's no "I am pure or I am not pure", or, "I am good or I am not good", or, "I am happy or I am not happy", or, "I am a vegetarian or I am a non-vegetarian", or, "I am selfless and compassionate or I am not selfless and not compassionate".

One can be reading, hearing and learning about the teachings and practice of yoga from many different teachers, and has been performing many different types of yoga and meditation practice for many hours, days, months and years, and/or teaching certain brand and style of yoga and meditation practice to many others, while enjoying the many different benefits of the different yoga and meditation practice that are also selfless and impermanent, however, if all those practices are not being done along with the annihilation of the idea of 'I' and egoism, where there is still the idea of 'I' with attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment and expectation in the mind towards the different selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, towards the actions and the fruit of actions, where the mind is still being conditioned and determined by all kinds of dualism in everyday life existence, in all kinds of relationship with everyone, based on particular passionate egoistic worldly conditioned social and cultural thinking, belief, values and practice, if so, what yoga?

The mind that knows, it is not being determined by the sense of happiness and unhappiness, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, or pleasant and unpleasant feelings. It doesn't need to feel happy all the time, and even, it doesn't need to feel happy or unhappy, meaningful or meaningless about anything at all, it doesn't need to be in control controlling everything to be or not to be in certain way, observing everything arising, changing and passing away as it is, being free from attachment and identification towards selfless impermanent changes in all kinds of duality, even though one can be intellectually/emotionally agreeing or disagreeing towards everything, without craving towards what is agreeable and without aversion towards what is disagreeable. It's unconditional peace beyond the different states of the mind that are selfless and impermanent. The passionate egoistic mind that doesn't know, would have difficulty understanding what that is. It would think that it's a form of mental illness or mental defect of emotionlessness.

The mind that doesn't know, the entire modification of the mind under the perception of a selfless impermanent worldly life existence of selfless impermanent names and forms, is what it thinks and believes is what it is, or who I am, "This is I, my body, my mind, my life, my existence, my survival, my feelings, my emotions, my ability/disability, my achievement/non-achievement, my enjoyment/suffering, my actions/fruit of actions, my passion/desire, my qualification, my belief, my values, my culture, my religion, my birth origin, my nation/nationality, my world, my property, my land, my ethnicity, my family, my friends, my relatives, my community, my possessions, my relationships, and everyone and everything else that is not I and mine."

Without renunciation and seclusion away from everyday worldly egoistic affair, contact and interaction with the passionate egoistic minds that are under the influence of ignorance and egoism, it's difficult for the mind to have that 'clear space' to allow itself to inquire towards all these, that it thinks and believes and identifies as 'I' and 'how life should be like'. All social conversations/interactions are nothing but empowering the idea of 'I' and 'mine', and everyone and everything else that is 'not I' and 'not mine', as well as empowering egoism of attachment, identification, desire, comparison, judgment and expectation. The worldly passionate egoistic minds expect all and everyone behaving and not behaving in certain way based on their own particular thinking, belief, values and practice, categorizing and judging this and that as 'good' or 'bad', 'right' or 'wrong, 'normal' or 'abnormal', 'healthy' or 'unhealthy', 'appropriateness' or 'offensiveness', and so on, generating all kinds of unnecessary complication and disturbance to oneself and everyone. It's worst, when there's greed and selfishness that inflicts so much unnecessary violence and damages onto all and everyone and the environment.

Under the influence of ignorance and egoism, the passionate egoistic people/minds cannot understand that why certain people/minds are void of the sense of loneliness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction or meaninglessness if without any companionship, communication, activity or interaction with some other human beings or living beings. For them, without any companionship, communication, activity or interaction with some other human beings or living beings, is a form of unhealthiness, painful sorrow or suffering, where all 'normal' human beings should be suffering from the sense of loneliness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and meaninglessness, otherwise, it's not 'normal', or it's a form of mental defect/illness, if some people are void of such suffering.

After attaining direct realization towards the selfless impermanent modification of the mind through self-inquiry, the selfless ignorance-free mind may or may not live and mingle among the worldly minded, communicating and interacting with some other minds having the inevitable human social conversations or interactions about 'this' and 'that', while may or may not performing certain actions and engaging in certain activities, however, there's no 'I' being there attaching towards and identifying with the actions and the fruit of actions. This mind is not being determined by the pleasant and unpleasant or agreeable and disagreeable experiences, relationships, interactions, conditions and situations in the world of ignorance and egoism.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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