If we are sincere in learning and practicing yoga, and want to attain yoga or unconditional real peace, we need to let go of any worldly identifications about what we think we are...
If we still have identification with worldly qualities and conditions of names and forms, and still think that we are somehow more superior or inferior than anyone due to our family background, race, religion, belief, values, spiritual achievement, social status, financial status, job title, political influences, educational background, personal image, professional image, intelligence, talents, creativity, physical and mental health and fitness conditions, physical and mental abilities, lifestyle, popularity, worldly achievements, social contributions or any forms of identity, then know that no matter how long we have been "practicing yoga", or how much "yoga poses" that we can perform perfectly and beautifully, or how much we have heard, read and know about what is yoga and its practice, it shows that we are not really practicing yoga at all...
If we still have this idea or thought about "I am somehow better than somebody" or "I am somehow less good than somebody", or "Somebody is better than me" or "Somebody is less good than me", know that we are not practicing yoga at all...
If we still have this identification about "I am or am not good or bad", "I do or don't do good or bad", "I did or didn't do good or bad", "I deserve or don't deserve goodness or badness", "I receive or don't receive something good or bad" or "I give or don't give something good or bad", know that we are not practicing yoga at all...
If we still have this idea or thought about "Somebody (who is not I) is or isn't good or bad", "Somebody does or doesn't do good or bad", "Somebody did or didn't do good or bad", "Somebody deserves or doesn't deserve good or bad", "Somebody receives or doesn't receive something good or bad" or "Somebody gives or doesn't give something good or bad", know that we are not practicing yoga at all...
Even though everyday we devote a few hours into "yoga and meditation practice"...
Letting go of the identification as the doer of actions and inactions, and letting go of the identification as the enjoyer of the fruit of the actions and inactions, is practicing yoga...
Letting go of attachment and judgment towards all the qualities and conditions of names and forms, is practicing yoga...
Once we truly let go of all these identifications, attachments, qualities and dualities, we will know the truth of ourselves, of who we really are, about what we think is 'I'... And be free...
Just by reading, hearing, knowing and talking about the word "detachment" and "non-identification" doesn't mean anything, doesn't bring us liberation, unless we really practice detachment and non-identification, by letting go of attachments and identifications...
Most of the time, "we" are afraid of letting go of all these worldly identifications because our ego depends or feeds on all these identifications to be "somebody", to be existing... That's why "we" keep attached strongly onto all these identifications and reluctant to let them go, even though we know that the yoga teachings and the practice is there "asking" us to "please let go of all these worldly identifications..."
Om shanti.
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My life stories - from where I came from and how I came here...
- My life stories - Part 20 (Balancing life and settling in)
- My life stories - Part 19 (Life and learning amidst impermanent changes and challenges
- My life stories - Part 18 (Writing and blogging about the teachings)
- My life stories - Part 17 (Uncertainty - That's life, and it's okay)
- My life stories - part 16 (Finding a living space)
- My life stories - Part 15 (Letting go)
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About Yoga In Malaysia
About Yoga
Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'.
Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything.
Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.
About Meng Foong
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Blog Archive
- Letting go of all the worldly identifications, att...
- Why Malays cannot do yoga?
- Let go of attachment towards this impermanent phys...
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- Whether we practice yoga with pure or impure inten...
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