be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, February 1, 2025

If still in doubt, contemplate upon this

There is neither right nor wrong and it is neither good nor bad in all kinds of spiritual/religious beliefs, including the misinterpreted or contaminated 'teachings and practice of buddhism and yoga' that are existing in the world, even if they appeared to be something very disagreeable, or wrong, or bad, or destructive, or that inflict/generate many unnecessary evitable suffering unto oneself/others/the surrounding environment and into the world that doesn't belong to anyone, for those minds that have developed certain degrees of mental and emotional independence, correct understanding, or clarity of thinking and reasoning power, but somehow there is still a thin layer of ignorance, where they are still in doubt, where they are still not free from being bound by the idea of 'I'/dualism/disturbs/suffering/painful sorrow.

If the mind is still in doubt, couldn't understand why there is neither right nor wrong and it is neither good nor bad about all that, the mind can contemplate upon this -

Most minds are functioning under the thick veil of ignorance.

And hence, the mind is thinking/reasoning/desiring/behaving/acting/reacting in certain way under the influence of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, either wittingly or unwittingly, that would be damaging and hurtful unto itself/others/the world/the surrounding environment, which also bring along the consequences of all that.

The mind that is functioning under the veil of ignorance cannot perceive or understand something that it couldn't perceive and understand, such as the eyes cannot see themselves, or the eyes couldn't see anything under the absence of light or under the presence of hindrance, and hence, it needs to depend on certain 'tools' or 'reflective objects' and 'the presence of light' as well as 'the absence of hindrance', in order to annihilate the veil of ignorance, to see/know Thyself.

All minds are functioning under the different degrees of ignorance, including the great teachers such as Siddhartha Gautama, Swami Sivananda, Ajahn Chah, and all the other enlightened gurus, saints and sages. That's why they are called "The enlightened one", as they were in doubt, and they needed to be approaching certain 'teachers', or coming in contact with and studying certain 'teachings', and engaging in certain form of discipline, or practice, or purification process, before they attained "enlightenment".

The different degrees of ignorance is like the different thickness of cataract that built up in the lens of the eyes.

The sun or the light is always there, just as the truth is always there. The earth that is turning at a particular speed and direction that makes the sun or the light appears and disappears, while generating the illusion of 'time'/'day and night', while the clouds or the atmosphere in the space also act as the 'hindrance' or 'colour filter' that changes the 'appearance' and 'disappearance' of the sun or the light.

The cataract is like the veil of ignorance, which can be removed. The only difference is that, the cataract has to be removed by some others (the eye surgeon, or a machine that is programmed to perform such task), but the veil of ignorance in the mind can only be removed by the mind itself through self-awareness, self-initiative, self-effort, self-inquiry, direct experience, and self-realization. During the process of removing the cataract or the veil of ignorance, certain 'tools' are needed.

There are very few minds that don't need any particular 'tool'/'teacher'/'teachings'/'guidance', as the veil of ignorance is almost transparent or non-existing, where it can see all and everything as they are, as well as all and everything that it perceives naturally appeared to be 'the teachers' or 'the reflective object that reflects all and everything as they are' that allow the mind to see/know Thyself.

All kinds of spiritual/religious beliefs, regardless of believing or disbelieving in 'this' or 'that', as well as the buddhism and yoga Scriptures/Sutras/books/materials, where they all can be and will be contaminated and misinterpreted, all are existing and acting as 'the tools'. Regardless of whether they are contaminated or non-contaminated, they all served the purpose as an initial 'guidance', or 'practice', or 'discipline', or 'path', or 'direction', for the wandering or lost minds that are functioning under the thick veil of ignorance.

Most minds need to hold onto certain 'beliefs' or 'teachings' before they can transcend all kinds of beliefs or teachings. Very few minds don't need all that.

First, the mind is heading towards a particular direction or goal (by engaging in certain discipline or practice genuinely and determinedly), and during that purification process, the mind will eventually start to see 'things' clearer and clearer, and then, eventually the mind can start to see all and everything clearly as it is (transcending all kinds of teachers/teachings/beliefs/Scriptures/Sutras/practice/discipline/path/direction/goal).

First, the ignorant minds are being encouraged to believe and have faith in 'That', to be taking refuge in 'That', to be praying to 'That', and to be grateful as well as be fearful towards 'That', or to be fearful towards 'unpleasant or painful consequences', or to be fearful towards 'ceaseless and restless births and deaths'.

And then, upon the annihilation of the veil of ignorance, or upon the mind sees/knows Thyself, the mind transcends 'That' and 'all that', that only served or acted as a 'tool'/'guidance'/'teacher'/'teachings'/'path'/'practice'/'direction'/'goal'/'refuge', or 'the light' that allows the eyes to see.

First, the illusive 'I' that is 'ignorant', that is in 'doubt', and that perceives 'suffering', that keeps hurting itself and others out of ignorance and suffering, is performing certain 'practice', or is engaging in certain 'observation and discipline', and is desiring to attain 'enlightenment', or 'salvation', or 'liberation'.

And then, upon Self-realization or knowing Thyself, there is no 'I'. There is no 'ignorance'. There is no 'end of ignorance'. There is no 'doubt'. There is no 'fear'. There is no 'suffering'. There is no 'end of suffering'. There is no 'path'. There is no 'goal'. There is no 'direction'. There is no 'practice'. There is no 'enlightenment'. There is no 'salvation'. There is no 'liberation'. There is no 'That'.

And yet, the engagement in mind purification process in order to know Thyself, or to be free from ignorance and its by-products, or to remove the veil of ignorance, is upmost important, or the highest duty of mankind, so that the mind doesn't hurt or stops hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment, or the world, during its momentary selfless and impermanent existence and function in this space that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

The train, the train track, the fuels, and the train driver, served the purpose of bringing the travellers to any particular destination. If for any reasons, the travellers decide to leave the train before arriving at the final destination, that is their own freedom. While either intentionally or unintentionally, some travellers would sabotage or cause damages unto the train, or cause interference, disruption, and even injury unto some other travellers onboard, or claim possessiveness and control over the train and those onboard, or hinder and stop some others from embarking onto the train, or persuade/force some other travellers to leave the train, or even divert the train path heading towards some other directions and destinations. Meanwhile, some travellers might have embarked onto a train that they thought it would bring them to where they want to go, however, during the journey, they realized that they have taken the wrong train, and they leave the train and embark onto another train that would bring them to where they want to go. Upon reaching the (final) destination, all that are useless as well as 'non-existence' to the travellers upon Self-realization. All that exist along with the existence of travellers that need to travel to somewhere. If there are no travellers, all that doesn't need to be existing. The travellers don't take or keep the train/the train track/the fuels/the driver with them. But, all and everyone needs to embark onto the train (that also has the train track/fuels/driver), or else, they are not going anywhere.

Just as performing many different types of physical and mental yoga and meditation practice passionately and regularly without implementing the elimination of ignorance, the idea of 'I' and egoism, while enjoying all kinds of momentary benefits/effects of the practice, doesn't lead the mind towards Self-realization.

That's why the importance of Satsanga (wise company).

That's why the importance of if there's no Satsanga, it's better to be Asanga (devoid of company) than to be having Kutsanga (ignorant egoistic impure company).

That's why the importance of solitude and seclusion.

That's why the importance of renunciation and dispassion.

Be free.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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