be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, December 11, 2023

The practice of non-attachment and independence

There is nothing wrong to enjoy and appreciate the presence of agreeable companionship, support and interaction from some other beings, however, the mind that is endowed with non-attachment and independence, can also enjoy and appreciate aloneness or solitude under the absence of agreeable companionship, support or interaction from some other beings, where the mind has no problem, or unhappiness, or suffering, upon the absence of agreeable companionship, support and interaction from some others.

One's peace and happiness doesn't come from the presence of agreeable companionship, support and interaction from some other beings.

One is peaceful and happy as one is, regardless of whether with or without the company, support and interaction from some other beings.

That is indeed the basic foundation of the yoga practice.

All kinds of enhanced physical health, fitness, ability, skill, stamina, strength and flexibility through performing some kinds of yoga practice regularly don't determine that the mind is practicing yoga, or realizes yoga, if without the basic essential non-attachment and independence.

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