be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The most dangerous place is in the minds functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism

The most dangerous thing or place, is existing and happening in the minds that are functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism, where the minds would be harming itself and/or others and the surrounding environment, either intentionally or unintentionally, via the arising or the presence of impure thoughts, ideas, intentions and desires, and externalizing or materializing these impure thoughts, ideas, intentions and desires through the physical body of sense organs and the organs of action and speech.

The world, or the existence and function of the perceptive minds, is just what it is, neither dangerous nor not dangerous. It depends on whether the minds are being conditioned by and functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism, or not, that is determining the presence or absence of all kinds of dangerous or destructive thoughts, desires, aspirations, intentions, expressions and actions, that makes certain things, areas or situations being dangerous/threatening/damaging/unsafe/hurtful towards anyone and anything, or not.

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