There is nothing wrong with the conditional (momentary and impermanent) 'peace and freedom', where the mind will be in a momentary state of contentment, calmness, joyfulness, happiness, meaningfulness, accomplishment, goodness, or freedom, upon the presence of pleasant, agreeable, desirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments, interactions, or relationships, and upon the absence of unpleasant, disagreeable, undesirable, and non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.
Meanwhile, all these states of mind will be disturbed, changed, or disappeared, upon the absence of pleasant, agreeable, desirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments, interactions, or relationships, as well as upon the presence of unpleasant, disagreeable, undesirable, and non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.
There is nothing wrong with that because that is indeed the truth of selflessness and impermanence.
This conditional state of 'peace and freedom' is momentary and impermanent. It will change, increase and decrease, or appear and disappear.
Most minds are functioning in such way under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where the minds think and believe that it's absolutely normal, and there is nothing abnormal about that, and hence, restlessly identifying with and swaying in between the different states of mind.
During the process of gratifying their boundless desires, as well as out of the disturbed suffering states of mind upon ungratified desires, most minds would hurt themselves and others and the surrounding environment, either wittingly or unwittingly.
That is not liberation.
That is not what yoga and meditation is about.
Unconditional peace and freedom, is beyond the conditional momentary impermanent states of the mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where under the presence of attachment/identification/desires of craving and aversion/expectation, the states of mind is being determined by the mind perception of the different qualities of names and forms that are selfless and impermanent, that ceaselessly arising, changing, and passing away.
Unconditional peace and freedom is always there as it is, upon the absence of ignorance and egoism in the selfless impermanent modifications of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind that is existing and functioning under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements.
Unconditional peace and freedom doesn't increase or decrease, or it doesn't appear and disappear, upon the presence and absence of pleasant/unpleasant, agreeable/disagreeable, desirable/undesirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy or non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments/non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.
It's beyond all kinds of duality - gain and loss, success and failure, goodness and badness, easiness and difficulty, pleasurable enjoyment and painful suffering, joyfulness and joylessness, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, or deserving and non-deserving, and etc.
It's normal and nothing wrong when the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism will think and believe that, "Unconditional peace and freedom" is abnormal, bullshit, non-practical, unreachable, impossible, or even, a form of mental disorder/illness/madness.
That is their freedom of thinking, understanding/non-understanding, or belief.
The only thing/element that hinders the mind from realizing or resting in unconditional peace and freedom, is ignorance and egoism.
All forms of yoga and meditation practice is merely about the annihilation of ignorance and egoism from the selfless impermanent modifications of the mind (engaging in or activating the mind purification/disciplinary/silencing process and self-inquiry/self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence), by the mind itself, through self-initiation, self-effort, self-reliance, and self-discipline, so that the mind stops hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment out of the discontented disturbed suffering states of mind functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism.
It's not about 'blind believing', 'bling following', 'blind practicing', 'blind propagating', 'worshiping', 'glorification', 'healing', 'spirituality', 'ritual', 'blessing', 'fairy tales', 'white lies', 'comforting story telling', 'self-justification', 'self-righteousness', 'auspiciousness', 'goodness', 'meaningfulness', 'perfection', 'all good nothing bad', 'all positive nothing negative', 'life is beautiful and meaningful', 'defy gravity/decay/aging/death', 'heaven and hell', 'merits and virtues', 'good and bad karma', 'superior/inferior reincarnation', 'untouchable', 'miracle', 'super extraordinary transcendental mystical experiences', 'I am That', 'I am strong', 'I am powerful', 'positive mind power to change the world', 'building a perfect desirable world in accordance to my values and desire', 'All desires/wishes come true', 'I can do and achieve whatever I want to do and achieve', 'to prove that I am worthy and deserving to receive respect, acceptance, love, acknowledgement, recognition, admiration, and glorification from others', and etc.
Even though there is nothing wrong with all that, as many minds are being conditioned to think and believe that they and everyone 'need' to rely on all that to deal with or escape undesirable/unpleasant/painful experiences or impermanent changes, and to justify what they don't know and don't understand, or even, to justify their intentional and unintentional hurtful behaviors unto themselves and others and the surrounding environment.
Just as positive thinking, gratitude, encouragement, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, letting go, healing, and etc, are relevant and useful for the minds that haven't developed correct understanding yet, where they are still being determined and disturbed very much by the presence and absence of the different qualities of names and forms, or all kinds of duality, where the minds would feel offended, intimidated, or hurt by this or that. But all these are irrelevant and useless to the minds that have correct understanding, where the mind is resting in unconditional peace, being undetermined, undisturbed, non-offended, non-intimidated, or unhurt by the presence of undesirable/unpleasant names and forms, or the absence of desirable/pleasant names and forms.
There is nothing wrong with many minds rely on the presence/availability of love, support, understanding, agreement, acknowledgement, appreciation, compliment, desirable connection, interaction, and togetherness with family/friends/community to give rise to and empower the sense of pride, accomplishment, goodness, joyfulness, positiveness, and meaningfulness, however, that is not liberation.
What other minds want to think and believe, desire and behave, or not, it's their own freedom.
What this mind wants to inquire, realize, and understand, or not, it's its own freedom.
Inquire the truth of everything.
Be free.
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