be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The selfless mind constantly changing in different forms in different realms

All kinds of impermanent realms are manifesting within this particular limited and conditional selfless impermanent life existence.

By observing the many different living beings in the surrounding environment, one can see that sometimes certain animals have better conscience and behavior than many human beings. While the mood and the behavior of many human beings are constantly changing. Sometimes being very calmed and kind, while sometimes being very agitated and unkind, and so on.

That is because many human minds are under the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, where their mood and behavior are very much being determined and influenced by the states of their mind, where the selfless minds are constantly changing in different forms under going different states of mind or realms, within this particular limited and conditional selfless impermanent mortal life existence.

One can see that different people are under going different states or realms within this selfless impermanent life existence, where everyone is living in their own respective reality that is influenced by the state or realm that they are in at the present moment, where all are selfless and impermanent.

Just look around at all and everyone whom we know and don't know, including ourselves.

In this world, not somewhere else other than this world, some people are in the realm of heaven, some are in the realm of Asura, some are in the realm of humanism, some are in the realm of animalism, some are in the realm of hungry ghost, and some are in the realm of hell, in this present moment, in this limited and conditional mortal worldly life existence of selfless impermanent names and forms. It is not upon the death of this selfless impermanent mortal physical body, or upon the end of this selfless impermanent mortal worldly life existence of what all and everyone is having now, then only the transition into different realms will be happening.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is behaving like a responsible thoughtful human being with common sense, because it is in the state or realm of humanism.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is behaving like wild animals being over-powered by survival instinct and lustful desire, because it is in the state or realm of animalism.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is very joyful and comfortable, because it is in the state or realm of heaven.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is very disturbed and confused under certain physical, mental or emotional suffering, because it is in the state or realm of hell.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is very selfish, discontented, dissatisfied, greedy, full of desire, craving and longing towards certain physical, or mental, or emotional fulfillment, satisfaction, comfort and enjoyment, because it is in the state or realm of hungry ghost.

Sometimes, the selfless mind is very irritated, frustrated, annoyed, offensive, defensive, conflicting, jealous, violent, vengeful, prideful, arrogant, angry and hating, because it is in the state or realm of Asura.

Animals are also under going the many states or realms within this selfless impermanent life existence. Sometimes, certain animals are in better condition or state/realm than many human beings, sometimes in joyfulness and calmness, sometimes in agitation and aggressiveness, sometimes in fear and painful suffering, and sometimes being less selfish or more kind than certain human beings. The selfless impermanent changes in the selfless human beings and in the selfless animals are the same, growth, discomfort, hunger, thirst, decay, weakness, illness, aging, and disintegration.

All realms are limited and conditional, selfless and impermanent. All realms are the by-product of ignorance, including the realm of heaven that is about pleasurable enjoyment, joyfulness and comfort, as even that is also limited and conditional, selfless and impermanent. The selfless mind that knows, it doesn't crave and cling towards any particular realms. The selfless mind that knows, it renounces all and everything that is limited and conditional, selfless and impermanent.

That's why the teachings of yoga and buddhism -

Upon the silence or the annihilation of the selfless modification of the selfless mind, time doesn't exist, the world doesn't exist, the wheel of ceaseless births and deaths doesn't exist, the realms don't exist, and suffering doesn't exist. All are selfless and impermanent. Even this will pass away.

The only infinite unlimited and unconditional existence, is the selfless universal consciousness, that exists permanently and independently, without a beginning or an ending, untouched by all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms arising, changing and passing away.

All these are nothing to do with what people are and are not, eat or don't eat, do or don't do, think or don't think, believe or don't believe, have or don't have, practice or don't practice. It's just what all and everything are. Selfless and impermanent.

Purifying the mind. Disciplining the mind. Quieting the mind. Inquire. Meditate. Realize.

That is also why the teachings of yoga and buddhism emphasized on the observation of renunciation, dispassion, desirelessness, seclusion, solitude, silence, self-independence, self-discipline, self-control, self-effort, non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing, non-blind propagating, non-worshiping, non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-expectation, self-inquiry, mind purification, meditation, self-realization, living in the present moment, and know Thyself.

One will stop hurting oneself and others.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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