be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Beginner, intermediate, advanced yoga practitioner?

Just as the name and form of 'Buddhist' doesn't mean anything for those who truly practice 'Buddhism', the worldly name and form of 'yoga practitioner' or 'yoga teacher' also doesn't really mean anything in yoga of selflessness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness, not to say 'experienced', 'inexperienced', 'certified', 'qualified', 'good', 'bad' yoga practitioner/yoga teacher, or even 'beginner', 'intermediate' and 'advanced' yoga practitioner.

Some people never done any 'yoga practice' before, but they know what is non-attachment and they are peaceful as they are. Some due to physical limitation/sickness/injury/weakness that they can't do much physical 'yoga practice', but they know what is non-attachment and they are also peaceful as they are. The mind is free from disturbs/hurts/dissatisfaction/disappointment/anger/hatred/jealousy/fear/worry/offensiveness/defensiveness/loneliness/depression/hostility/animosity, and etc, being undetermined by the mind perception of names and forms under any circumstances in life or the condition of the world that one is living in.

There's neither beginner/intermediate/advanced yoga practitioners or yoga practice. It's either one is practicing yoga or one is not practicing yoga, in this present moment.

It's neither about how long one has been 'practicing yoga', nor how much 'physical yoga practice' one has done in the past, nor how much physical/mental benefits one has been receiving from performing the 'physical yoga practice' regularly. Whether one is practicing yoga, or not, is undetermined by the selfless impermanent physical and mental condition/ability/disability/limitation to be performing certain actions/movements in the world, or whether one is highly intelligent, knowledgeable, educated and talented, or not.

In this present moment, despite how long one has been 'practicing yoga' and how much 'physical yoga practice' one has been doing, when there's egoism of attachment/identification/desire of craving and aversion/judgment/comparison/expectation influencing/over-powering the function of the mind, the mind is not free, unwittingly being in a state of restlessness occupying by ceaseless desires/actions/reactions/impurities being determined by the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms that the mind perceives/experiences through the senses of what the mind sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, feels or thinks. The mind is missing someone or something that the mind likes and desires but is absence/unavailable to the mind in the present moment, may it be a person, an animal, plant, food, house, toy, music, sport, climate, thing, scenery, sound, smell, taste, sensation, feeling, and etc. There's clinging/craving/longing towards the names and forms/experiences that give rise to the sense of confidence, pride, goodness, happiness, meaningfulness, positiveness, togetherness, rightfulness, worthiness, success, accomplishment, satisfaction, well-treated, well-deserved, well-loved, well-lived, and etc. Then even though one has been performing certain 'physical yoga practice' for a few hours a day regularly for a long time, one isn't practicing yoga at all, as one is being passionate towards the worldly life/ideas/values/relationships/activities and being busy/restless chasing after the objects of the senses to gratify the endless desire/craving/longing, and doesn't know what is non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-comparison, or non-expectation.

Some teachers/yoga schools teach that everyone need to start with 'beginner physical yoga practice' for certain years then they can begin learning/practicing the nameless/formless 'advanced mental yoga practice'. Some teachers/yoga schools even teach about 'yoga practice' should be done during certain 'auspicious hours' and one shouldn't practice yoga during the 'inauspicious hours'. There's neither right nor wrong with that. Just that, when someone is suffering from great mental disturbs, distress, restlessness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, disappointment, hurts, fear, painful sorrow and etc, in this present moment, does this person need to wait for many years later to be allowed to start practicing non-attachment and letting go as well as looking/inquiring into the truth of the mental modification to free the mind from the root cause of all suffering? Just like if the hand is contacting with fire, do you have to wait for a few more minutes/hours to move the hand out of the fire? Or when someone is suffering a condition/injury that needs emergency medical operation, does this person need to wait for an 'auspicious timing' which can be a few days/weeks/months later to allow the doctor to perform the operation?

Inquire the truth of everything. Do not blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing, blind-propagating, blind-agreeing/disagreeing with anything.

The one who is practicing yoga eliminating egoism/restlessness/impurities or purifying/quieting the modification of the mind is the mind itself.

The mind that is practicing yoga is free from any identification with any quality of names and forms that are impermanent and selfless, such as the physical body, the function/modification of the mind, the yoga practice/duty/responsibility, all kinds of worldly social/cultural/religious/political/commercial thinking/belief/practice/values/image, or the knowledge/intelligence/talent/skill/relationships/ties/connections/way of life/actions and the fruit of actions/pleasant or unpleasant experiences as 'I'.

One might be performing many 'good actions', but there's no attachment/identification of "I am a good person who do many good actions and I will be receiving all the goodness in return."

There's no expectation towards other people must also perform 'good actions' that 'I' believe as 'good'.

The mind is okay and has no problems under any condition and situation, where one can have many things or few things or nothing in life, without being determined by it, as the mind is free from attachment, desires, craving and aversion, being unlimited/undetermined by all the selfless impermanent changes of pleasant/unpleasant, agreeable/disagreeable, desirable/undesirable experiences/condition/situation/relationship.

One doesn't miss anyone or anything that the mind perceives/recognizes as good, pleasant, meaningful, agreeable and enjoyable, but is absent/unavailable in the present moment.

One might perform actions that would benefit oneself and others, but without identification towards the actions or expectation towards the fruit of actions.

One does one's best when performing any actions/duties/responsibilities and allowing the fruit of actions to be what it is, without attachment/identification/judgment/expectation, being undetermined by the fruit of actions.

One is not determined/disturbed/offended/hurt/intimidated/depressed/unhappy/dissatisfied/disappointed by the perception of all kinds of names and forms of unpleasant/undesirable/disagreeable sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, feelings/emotions/thoughts, or the world is not being the way that the mind would like it to be.

One doesn't need to be empowered to achieve/attain/possess certain quality of names and forms that give rise to the sense of confidence, pride, goodness, happiness, meaningfulness, positiveness, togetherness, rightfulness, worthiness, success, satisfaction, well-deserved, well-loved, and etc, although one can be very successful in whatever one does in life and enjoying good relationships with someone. Being undetermined by the sense of confidence/goodness/meaningfulness and etc, doesn't mean that one doesn't perform any actions that would bring benefits and improvement in life, or one doesn't have a particular way of life that is most suitable and beneficial for oneself.

Loneliness, or depression, or dissatisfaction, or disappointment, or fear, is absent in the mind that is free from egoism, under any circumstances, condition, situation, environment, restriction or limitation.

The mind remains equanimous and clear under extreme difficult or challenging condition or situation.

There's need not to forgive or let go anything, as the mind is unhurt/unoffended/undisturbed/undetermined by all the names and forms that are not the way that the mind would like it to be, as the mind is free from attachment/identification/craving/aversion/judgment/expectation towards any names and forms, but allowing the names and forms to be what they are, as they are.

One is not determined by the presence or absence of family ties, relationships, friendships, companionship, community, society, connections, duty, responsibility, ability/disability, achievement/non-achievement, good/bad conditions, pleasant/unpleasant experiences, actions or the fruit of actions.

The mind is free from passionate aspiration/ambition/desire to change/control/influence the world to be the way that 'I' think how it should be, but allowing the world to be what it is, even though one can be performing actions that are beneficial to the world.

One doesn't need to be relaxed/unwind/entertained/pampered from time to time, as there's no tension building up/accumulated.

One doesn't need to attain love, support, agreement, acknowledgement, recognition, validation, sympathy, empathy or understanding from anyone, or to be 'somebody' that one and others would be proud of.

One doesn't need to be in certain ways or achieve something to please oneself or others.

There's neither gratefulness nor ungratefulness, appreciation nor inappreciation, deserving nor non-deserving.

There's no low self-esteem, pride or arrogance. There's no need empowerment to develop/attain the sense of confidence.

The mind is unattached towards or being free from being determined by the present and past pleasant/unpleasant/happy/unhappy experiences and future imagination/anticipation/projection.

There's no 'bucket list'/'to do list' that needs to be fulfilled/accomplished before one dies. There's no unfulfilled/ungratified desire/ambition. There's no regret or guilt. One just performs action and achieves what is possible in this present moment.

There's no fear/aversion towards impermanent changes, difficult condition, aging, weakening, decaying, unattractiveness, aloneness, sickness, old age, death, or separation with people and objects that one loves.

The mind is free from being determined by the perception of duality. One is free and peaceful as it is. One doesn't interfere with other people's different thinking/belief/values/practice/ways of life/desires/actions/reactions.

There's nothing that the mind needs to complain/argue/debate/justify to prove that 'I' am right. There's neither right nor wrong.

For many people including many yoga enthusiasts, this might not be the life or freedom that they want, and this appears to be 'dry', 'cold', 'wrong', 'negative', 'sad', 'mad', 'insane', 'abnormal', 'joyless', 'lifeless' and 'meaningless' to them, and that's their freedom of thinking and desire. Many people enjoy passionate way of life indulging in all kinds of attachment/identification/expectation/relationships/desires/stimulation/enjoyment/entertainment, enjoying restlessness and emotional roller coaster, enjoying the endless gratification of desires that lead to excitement/satisfaction or disappointment/dissatisfaction, and be ambitious/empowered to 'save the planet/the world' or change the world to be the way that they think how it should be, as the way of living a lively and meaningful life, where many people just want to do the 'physical yoga practice' to get some health and fitness benefits but not interested at all in the practice of dispassion and renunciation to be quieting the mind to free the mind from ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, which they perceive as 'meaningless things to do' and 'a dulled way of life', and that's their freedom of thinking and what they want to do with their life.

There's nothing wrong with different people with their impermanent different states of mind, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, sometimes happy, sometimes unhappy, sometimes peaceful, sometimes disturbed, sometimes cheerful, sometimes depressed, sometimes excited, sometimes angry, sometimes disappointed, sometimes motivated, sometimes demotivated, sometimes okay, sometimes not okay, and so on. Just that under the influence of ignorance/egoism/restlessness/impurities and the ambition/desire to fight for 'a world that they think how it should be', sometimes people would hurt themselves and/or others out of disturbs, dissatisfaction, disappointment, anger, jealousy, fear, survival instinct and other impurities. For those who want to free the mind from such restlessness, who want to stop hurting themselves and others out of ignorance, egoism and impurities, they can practice yoga, if they want.

In yoga, everyone just need to 'save oneself by freeing one's mind from ignorance and suffering', which is an intense challenging/painful task for most minds, in order to help the world to be a better place. It's not about fighting against other people to 'save the planet/the world from being the way that one thinks it shouldn't be'. Most passionate minds couldn't understand this, and they believe everyone should be angry with/hating/fighting against what they think and believe is 'bad' and 'wrong' to 'save the world from badness and wrongness', and they want to provoke anger and hatred in other people towards what they think is 'bad' and 'wrong' to be supporting their mission to 'save the world', and that's their freedom.

It's always easier to be disturbed than to be undisturbed by what the mind perceives as 'disturbing'.

Be free.

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