be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The essential practice of non-identification

The practice of non-attachment or non-grasping is being reflected in the practice of non-identification, or letting go the existing identification with all kinds of worldly identities/duties/responsibilities/ties and connections, even though one still have to keep the worldly identities to be living and moving in this world that is run by minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, as well as to be carrying out certain actions, duties, and responsibilities towards oneself and/or others in this selfless life existence.

Similarly, the practice of non-attachment is being reflected in the practice of letting go the desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation.

They all are different names and forms, but they are non-separated and non-distinctive from one another.

The thinning-out and the annihilation of the ego (the idea of 'I') and egoism, is about weakening and starving the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, until all these names and forms are completely vanished from the selfless modification of the mind.


A 'mind that is functioning under the idea of I and us' would react and feel greatly disturbed and hurt by something that the mind recognized as something offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is happening unto 'me/I/us/mine/ours', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some others but not 'me/I/us/mine/ours'.

The mind that is identifying with a particular 'nationality', 'ethnicity', 'spirituality', 'culture', 'belief', 'community', 'family', 'relationship', 'title/status', 'specie', 'gender', and etc, will be determined and disturbed greatly by something unpleasant, undesirable, disagreeable, and hurtful that is directing towards that particular nation, ethnic, spirituality, culture, belief, community, family, relationship, title/status, specie, or gender, while it will be either being undetermined and undisturbed, or less determined and less disturbed by the similar thing that is happening unto other nations, other ethnics, other spiritualities, other cultures, other beliefs, other communities, other families, other relationships, other titles/status, other species, or other genders, that it doesn't identifying with.

A 'member of a family' would react and feel greatly disturbed and offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is happening unto 'my family', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other families but not 'my family'.

A 'member of a community' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is directing towards 'my community', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing towards some other communities but not 'my community'.

A 'mind that is identifying with a particular ethnicity/nationality/spirituality/culture/belief' would react and feel greatly offended and disturbed by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is directing towards 'my ethnic/nation/spirituality/culture/belief', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing towards some other ethnics/nations/spiritualities/cultures/beliefs that is not 'my ethnicity/nation/spirituality/culture/belief'.

A 'mind that is identifying as a human being' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'human beings', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other beings/things but not 'human beings'.

A 'mind that is identifying with all living beings' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'any living beings', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing unto something that is not 'all living beings'.

A 'mind that is identifying with all are one in this universe, and this is our universe' would react and feel greatly disturbed by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'our universe', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other universe but not 'our universe'.

A 'mind that is identifying with goodness and righteousness' would react and feel greatly disturbed and offended by something that the mind recognized as 'badness' and wrongfulness', that is contradicting with what the mind thinks and believes and categorizes as 'goodness' and 'righteousness'.

It is not any of the names and forms that has the quality or intention to be something 'disturbing or non-disturbing', 'disagreeable or agreeable', 'good or bad', 'right or wrong', 'positive or negative', and 'meaningful or meaningless'. It is how the mind thinks, reasons, understands, identifying/non-identifying with, values, desires, behaves, acts, and reacts towards all and everything upon perceiving/experiencing/coming in contact with all kinds of names and forms.


Inquire towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

There is no 'I' existing to be identifying with any names and forms.

One will not be determined or disturbed by all kinds of activities and their consequences deriving from the minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, while one performs one's existing duties and responsibilities, and necessary actions that will benefit all and everyone and everything, without attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, and devoid of all kinds of impurities and restlessness, of selfishness, possessiveness, discontentment, greed, separateness, discrimination, pride, superiority, inferiority, offensiveness, defensiveness, unhappiness, disappointment, hurt, anger, hatred, cruelty, or violence.

The minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, are similar to the wild animals. Wild animals are neither something good nor bad. They are just being what they are. They can be very calmed, contented, happy, and 'cute' at certain time, and they can be extremely disturbed, restless, violent, and hurtful at some other times. There is neither right nor wrong. It is just the truth of what things are, and being what they are.

Most minds are being conditioned by the world of ignorance and egoism to be developing and empowering a strong identification with certain identities under certain names and forms, that empowers pride, possessiveness, selfishness, protectiveness, separateness, discrimination, superiority, inferiority, submissiveness, blind-following, blind-believing, blind-practicing, blind-propagating, non-questioning the leader/authority/authorization/parent/elder/teacher/teachings/belief, non-inquiring the truth of everything, story telling, lies, white lies, hypocrisy, slander, manipulation, temptation, threat, bully, exploitation, violence, force, cruelty, fear, insecurity, discontentment, greed, hoarding, endless desires and ambitions, and etc (the absence of peace).

There are many minds don't like and don't want peace, where they enjoy unrest/restlessness, and want to create unrest and empower restlessness. That's their freedom of likes and dislikes, desire and don't desire. 

The minds that embrace and appreciate peace, they don't need to be determined and disturbed by the likes and dislikes/desires and don't desires or the restlessness of the other minds.

The mind that understands, it is not being determined or disturbed by the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance of the others.

The empowerment of the ego and egoism, or the development and empowerment of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, is something common and normal in most family upbringing, school education, tribe, community, organization, work place, friends circle, social networking, business, commercialism, gangs, politics, spirituality, belief, or any kind of management/leadership/authorization, for them to survive, sustain, and expand, to be in control, or to be in power.

Yoga and buddhism practice is all about freeing the mind from all that.


The minds that are free from ignorance and egoism, they have the clarity of thinking and reasoning, correct understanding, truthfulness, desirelessness, respect towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, self-awareness, self-management, self-control, self-independence, unconditional peace, and unconditional non-discriminating kindness/generosity/accommodation towards all and everything of all kinds of diversities in the world that doesn't belong to anyone.

They don't interfere with all the others being what they are.

They don't claim ownership and authorization.

They don't need to control others to be or not to be in certain way.

They are not being influenced by others to be or not to be in certain way.

They just stay away from the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism as much as possible, not wasting energy into dealing with ignorant affairs, while conserving energy to be performing actions that might help to bring more peace, wisdom, and kindness into the surrounding environment.

Be free.

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