All minds have different intentions, motivations, desires, goals, or expectation towards this selfless impermanent worldly life existence due to the different minds are functioning under different degrees of understanding and non-understanding towards all and everything that is going on in the mind, of the ceaseless thinking/feelings/emotions, or the thought process, or the modification of the mind, on top of there are many ideas and affairs existing in this world that are very confusing/disturbing/disappointing/exhausting to the minds that merely want to have a life, to be able to breathe, and just be what they are, somewhere, in peace.
The goal and the fruit of the yoga practice can appear differently for the different minds under different understanding and non-understanding, and under different intention, motivation, desire, goal, or expectation.
There are some minds might be learning and practicing yoga with the main or sole intention or desire to be enhancing their physical and mental health and fitness condition, in order to stay healthy and fit physically and mentally, and to look good and feel good, however, all these effects or benefits of the yoga practice are merely some momentary by-products of the regular yoga practice. These side-effects are impermanent, and they are not the ultimate goal or the end of the yoga practice. There is nothing bad or wrong with such intention or desire for learning and practicing yoga, as it is still a form of wholesome physical and mental activity that would benefit the body and mind, which is better than engaging in some forms of unwholesome activities that would be detrimental to the physical and mental health and fitness condition.
It is not that difficult for achieving certain degrees of physical and mental health and fitness enhancement, especially if there is regularity, persistence, and determination in performing the yoga practice or any other forms of physical and mental fitness training activities.
Momentary conditional peace and freedom deriving from the enhanced physical and mental health and fitness condition that allows the body and mind to be able to perform and enjoy many kinds of physical and mental activities (the gratification of desires), is merely part of the side-effects of the regular yoga practice.
More importantly, the enhanced physical and mental good health and fitness condition to be able to perform and enjoy many kinds of physical and mental activities doesn't necessarily mean that the mind is also free from ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, or suffering. It doesn't necessarily mean that the highly intelligent and knowledgeable and talented mind is able to be kind towards oneself and all the others unconditionally, or doesn't hurt itself and others, or is free from disturb, violence, and suffering, or not being determined or disturbed by the mind perception of names and forms or life experiences that are not necessarily pleasant, agreeable, or desirable, and that are selfless and impermanent, as well as not being determined or over-powered by the biological physical condition and the state of the mind, or the autonomous bodily system that maintain life existence and bodily functions, that are selfless and impermanent, that are limited and conditional.
There are many minds might be learning and practicing yoga with the main or sole intention or desire of seeking ultimate freedom and/or unconditional peace, or to be liberated from all kinds of limitations and suffering.
However, it is quite challenging and 'almost impossible' for many minds to annihilate the idea of 'I' and egoism from the modification of the mind effectively, in order to realize unconditional peace (devoid of corrupted thinking, impurities, restlessness, or suffering),
that removes the veil of ignorance,
that allows the mind to transcend all kinds of inevitable limitations (for being existing and functioning selflessly and impermanently as what it is).
As most minds are being conditioned by and deep rooted in worldly passionate egoistic ideas, beliefs, values, activities, ties, and connections, to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, that derived from while feeds and empowers ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism,
which hinders the mind to annihilate ignorance and egoism,
to see the truth of the selfless and impermanent existence and function of itself and all kinds of names and forms,
to transcend all kinds of selfless impermanent changes that are happening within its own selfless existence and function, that merely exists and functions in this present moment NOW being part of the selfless impermanent existence and function of a limited and conditional decaying and disintegrating physical body,
and in all kinds of agreeable and disagreeable names and forms/experiences that it perceives through the senses within this limited and conditional selfless impermanent worldly life existence.
If the mind is still struggling,
Do not give up.
Never despair.
There are ways, if there is intense yearning towards liberation, freedom, and peace.
It is absolutely possible to be free from ignorance and the suffering deriving from ignorance.
It is absolutely possible to transcend the selfless impermanent modification of the mind while it is still existing and functioning momentarily in NOW under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements,
if there is immovable determination and perseverance, and under the presence of the basic correct understanding, right attitude, and right effort.
The key words/teachings/practice that lead towards liberation, freedom, and peace -
Turn inward (focus within)
Letting go
Unconditional dispassionate love (Kindness)
Inquire (the truth of everything)
Mental and emotional independence
Non-attachment (Non-grasping)
Non-blind believing
Non-blind following
Non-blind practicing
Non-blind propagating
Middle path
Direct experience
Self realization
There is only NOW
Live in NOW
Existence is in NOW
All and everything in NOW are impermanent
All and everything in NOW are selfless
Even if the mind is still in doubt upon disintegration, it's okay.
That, alone, of acceptance, of desirelessness, of letting go, is liberation, is freedom, is peace.
The ability of letting go, or non-grasping/non-attaching towards whatever the mind perceives through the senses within and outside the body and mind, being undetermined or undisturbed by the selfless impermanent changes in the different qualities in all kinds of names and forms, of pleasant and unpleasant/desirable and undesirable/agreeable and disagreeable experiences, relationships, events, conditions, and situations, where the mind is resting in unconditional peace, is the liberation, freedom, and peace that exist in NOW, that cannot be given or taken away by anyone or anything. There is no need forbearance to forbear anything. Forbearance is needed only when the mind can't let go or doesn't know how to let go, or upon there is grasping or attachment. Similarly, suffering doesn't exist under the absence of grasping or attachment, or under the absence of the idea of 'I'.
All these names and forms are different as well as non-distinctive from one another.
Inquire the truth of everything, including all that is here, and everywhere.
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