be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Friday, November 19, 2021

Minimalism vs Simplicity

People might relate minimalism with simplicity.

Minimalism does not necessarily mean simplicity.

In fact, there's a huge difference between them.

Minimalism is a form of trendy lifestyle that is linked to 'de-cluttering' from time to time.

In minimalism, people might be continuing buying many different things of the latest trends or products from time to time, as they need to decorate or redecorate their home and their physical appearance with different looks or styles from time to time, and they will need to 'de-clutter' their 'possessions' from time to time, to let go their 'used' things in order to create space for their 'new' things, so that they aren't accumulating too many things in their living space, in order to be qualified as a 'minimalist' who is living a 'minimalism' lifestyle, where people live with very few possessions at one time, which is nothing to do with simplicity at all.

There is no need of 'de-cluttering' in those who truly live a life of simplicity.

In simplicity, people not just don't keep too many things beyond what they need to live everyday life, but they will keep using the same few things for very long time until they are completely worn out, where they don't need to keep buying new things of the latest trends or products to replace the things that they are using, because they don't need to decorate or redecorate their home or their physical appearance with many different looks or styles from time to time, and hence, there's no need to 'de-clutter' their 'possessions' from time to time in order to create space for new things.

Minimalism is very welcomed by the world of capitalism and consumerism.

While the world of capitalism and consumerism might not like simplicity at all.

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