be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The importance of mental and emotional independence for self-realization

Mental and emotional independence is the reflection of a mind that is free from craving, longing and expectation towards receiving any kind of external mental and emotional support and acknowledgement to feel love, good, happy, satisfied and meaningful about oneself or life existence, who doesn't need to feel love, good, happy, satisfied and meaningful about oneself or life existence at all, as it is happy as it is, unconditionally, who is free from ignorant egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment and expectation, who is not being determined by the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, who is not being influenced by all kinds of duality, the pleasant and unpleasant experiences, the agreeable and disagreeable relationships, or the good and bad condition and situation in one's personal life and in the world, who respects the law of cause and effect, who embraces the truth of selflessness and impermanence, who knows how to accept the perceived reality as it is and the impermanent changes as they are, who knows how to love oneself unconditionally as one is, which allowing oneself to love others unconditionally as they are, void of craving and expectation towards receiving certain reasonable or deserving reactions from others upon being kind and loving towards all and everyone unconditionally, being free from possessiveness, who is free from the sense of self-esteem, confidence, connection, dissatisfaction, disappointment, hurt, intimidation, humiliation, victimized, unloved, left out, self-pity, loneliness, boredom, meaninglessness, insecurity, guilt, regret, shame, pride, and etc, void of fear and disturbs, understanding that all kinds of ignorant selfish and hurtful behaviors and affairs in the world, are deriving from ignorance, and that it has to come from the minds themselves to be aware of ignorance, and be initiative to be free from ignorance.

Many minds, including some enthusiastic yoga lovers, yoga practitioners and yoga teachers, might think and believe that, "Everything that I do, is for everyone to be happy. I want everyone to be happy. If you are happy, I will be happy," is a kind and loving sentiment, or a form of selfless compassionate gesture or action, or even, one of the yoga practice. It's not. It's pure ignorance, as well as empowering ignorance in oneself and in others.

Yoga practitioners and yoga teachers need to inquire towards the truth of everything, including all kinds of worldly passionate 'positive', 'uplifting', 'inspiring' and 'motivational' words of encouragement or inspirational quotes, that derived from ignorance and egoism, as well as empowers ignorance and egoism.

A mind is craving for sweets and drugs, and will only be happy if sweets and drugs are available, and if the sweets and drugs are not available, it will be unhappy. Some other minds who think and believe that they are kind and empathetic beings, where they will be unhappy when seeing others are unhappy, where they don't want others to be unhappy and only want others to be happy, and hence, they will give this mind whatever it wants that will make it happy. That's not compassion. That's pure ignorance.

It's understandable that many compassionate actions and reactions or the state of mental and emotional independence, are being seen as a form of 'selfishness', 'uncaring', 'unloving', 'unkind', 'harshness', 'non-sympathetic', 'non-empathetic', 'madness' or 'emotionlessness', by the minds that are righteous, kind, loving, caring, sympathetic and empathetic, but are under the influence of ignorance and egoism.

It's also understandable that even when there are quite many good, kind, loving, sympathetic, empathetic and righteous minds in the world, who want to be good and do good, who are performing many good and kind actions in the world, however, all these qualities don't stop the minds from thinking, acting and reacting under the influence of ignorance and egoism, that bring along the consequences of actions/reactions out of ignorance and egoism, while being disturbed by the many things or happenings in the world that are indeed the consequences of the mass actions and reactions out of ignorance and egoism, that the minds themselves don't like, don't agree with and don't desire.

One can be engaging in yoga and meditation practice for many years, and/or teaching yoga and meditation to many other minds, being enthusiastic towards adopting and propagating a healthy way of living and clean eating, who wants to be good and do good, who upholds righteousness and goodness while strongly against wrongfulness and evilness, who is well-educated and knowledgeable about many things under different topics, being brought up in a well-mannered family background, as well as be endowed with a friendly, kind, caring, loving, sympathetic, empathetic, gentle, non-violent and peace loving personality, however, if the mind is not free from ignorance and egoism of attachment, identification, passionate desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment and expectation, where the mind doesn't have mental and emotional independence, while encouraging mental and emotional dependence among one another, and it doesn't know what is or how to develop mental and emotional independence, where it doesn't know how to love itself unconditionally as it is, or love all and everything as they are, being attached towards and determined by the actions and the fruit of actions, being determined and influenced by the perception of duality in all kinds of experiences, relationships, conditions and situations in life and in the world, being determined and disturbed by the sense of self-esteem, confidence, connection, dissatisfaction, disappointment, hurt, intimidation, humiliation, victimized, unloved, left out, self-pity, loneliness, boredom, meaninglessness, insecurity, guilt, regret, shame, pride, and etc, where the mind is occupied by fear and disturbs, then this mind is not free.

Mental and emotional dependence among one another, is something in common among the many different types of beliefs, values and practice in the world, as the survival of those beliefs, values and practice are very much depending on the mental and emotional dependence among one another within the family, tribe, followers or community of any particular belief, values and practice. Children growing up under such condition being encouraged to be developing mental and emotional dependence among one another, and passing down such belief, values and practice to the next generations. This extends to an area, a state, or a country, where mental and emotional dependence among the community of a particular area, state or country, is highly being encouraged and developed as something good, normal and healthy. Many leaders, teachers, supporters or followers of certain organizations are strongly against mental and emotional independence, which is something that the mind should inquire and reflect upon, if the mind really wants to free itself from ignorance.

Mental and emotional independence doesn't mean that one will not be kind and loving towards others.

Mental and emotional dependence doesn't mean that one will not be hurting oneself and/or others out of ignorance and egoism, upon the non-gratification of desires, or upon the presence of unpleasant, undesirable and disagreeable experiences, relationships, conditions and situations, and upon the absence of pleasant, desirable and agreeable experiences, relationships, conditions and situations.

The minds that understand this, they are happy as they are. They don't need anyone or anything to make them happy. They don't need to experience, do, attain or possess something that will make them happy. None and nothing can make them unhappy, even when they are being aware of, disagreeing with and non-supporting many things that derived from ignorance and egoism, that empowers ignorance and egoism.

The minds that don't understand this, then none or nothing can make them happy, if they want to be unhappy. If they feel happy because of experiencing, doing, attaining or possessing something that they like and desire, it is merely the conditional and momentary sense of love, righteousness, confidence, goodness, happiness, satisfaction, accomplishment or meaningfulness upon the gratification of desires, that is impermanent.

Inquire towards the truth of everything.

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