The genuine observation of complete silence in solitude and seclusion, by renouncing worldly passionate egoistic family/cultural/social/spiritual/national/political/commercial ideas, beliefs, values, affairs, activities, interactions, communications, ties and connections, inputs and outputs, inspirations and aspirations, and all kinds of accumulated physical and mental habits or conditional behavior pattern, for minimum 5 - 6 years, or even longer for certain minds, to free the mind from being conditioned by worldly passionate egoistic ideas/thinking/belief/values/practice/desire/inspiration/aspiration, and etc, will eventually lead the mind towards realizing or seeing the truth of Selflessness and Impermanence, even if without coming in contact with any kind of teachings, teacher, or guru.
Some minds think and believe that they have been observing a high level of solitude and seclusion and renunciation, by living alone with a simple and quiet lifestyle while reducing and refraining from unnecessary social activities and interactions for many years, and spending many hours everyday into performing some kind of yoga and meditation practice, but somehow, they are still in doubt, or are not free from ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, restlessness, impurities, or disturb/hurt/painful sorrow/suffering, as they are still being determined/disturbed/affected/sadden/hurt/offended/intimidated/disappointed by this and that, where there is still something that they couldn't let go, either wittingly or unwittingly, then they can reflect upon themselves -
Did they really observe silence in solitude and seclusion, physically/mentally/emotionally?
Did they really observe solitude, seclusion, silence and renunciation in everyday life, for a continuous prolonged period of time, and it's not just from time to time participating in certain type of yoga retreats, or even participating in silent meditation retreat courses, for a few weeks or a few months, while actively engaging in some kind of community selfless service under certain spiritual or non-spiritual organization, or engaging in occasional or regular casual or formal get together with beloved family and good friends or spiritual/non-spiritual community, that give rise to and empower the sense of togetherness, goodness, positiveness, joyfulness, and meaningfulness?
Did they really renounce all kinds of worldly passionate egoistic family/cultural/social/spiritual/national/political/commercial ideas, beliefs, values, affairs, activities, interactions, communications, ties and connections, inputs and outputs, inspirations and aspirations, and all kinds of self and group identity empowerment, not engaging with family/relatives/friends/pets or spiritual family/community/brotherhood/sisterhood as well as monk and nun community, and abandoning accumulated physical and mental habits or conditional behavior pattern, enjoyments of the senses, self-indulgence/pampering, books, novels, magazines, newspapers, social medias, musics, songs, arts, movies, theater performances, documentaries, talks, chitchats, justification, glorification, admiration, condemn, criticism, fault finding, blame, ill will, sabotage, exploitation, manipulation, interference, the urge to control, self-righteousness, debates, discussions, arguments, festivals, celebrations, sentiments, mourning, grieving, historical remembrance, rituals, offerings, obsessions, addictions, attachments, identifications, comparisons, judgments, expectations, desires, craving, aversion, longing, clinging, lust, wild imaginations, day dreaming, wishful thinking, building castle in the air, superstition, story telling, mystic, miracle, spiritual healing, vision, ambition, heroism, pride, guilt, regret, fear, worry, offensiveness, defensiveness, anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy, bitterness, possessiveness, sense of belonging, greed, discontentment, resolution, bucket list, worldly or spiritual inspiration, aspiration, and ambition, and etc?
Meanwhile, if the mind has already developed and firmly grounded in non-attachment/non-identification/non-craving/non-aversion/non-judgment/non-expectation/non-duality/dispassion/right discrimination/desirelessness/fearlessness/mental and emotional independence,
where it is being undetermined/undisturbed/uninfluenced/non-offended/non-intimidated/unhurt/unmoved by the absence of goodness and the presence of badness, or all kinds of ignorant affairs and behaviors that give rise to all kinds of evitable destruction and suffering in the world,
where it has realized and is resting in unconditional peace,
where it respects the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect,
where it has mentally renounced all kinds of personal ties and relationships with family and friends or community, and is free from clinging and longing towards the presence of love, support, interaction, acceptance, agreement, understanding, togetherness, appreciation, recognition, praise and compliment, or acknowledgement among oneself and one's family/friends/community, and others,
where it is free from the sense of belonging and connection, self-esteem, self-worth, accomplishment, success/failure, goodness/badness, appropriateness/disappropriateness, positiveness/negativeness, meaningfulness/meaninglessness, joyfulness/joylessness, togetherness/separateness, superiority/inferiority, deserving/non-deserving, fear, worry, guilt, regret, shame, pride, arrogance, and etc,
where it sees no difference between itself and others, between family/friends and not family/not friends, between 'good' people and 'bad' people, between wise beings and ignorant beings, between happy minds and unhappy minds, and etc, as all and everyone are selfless and impermanent, and all are governed by the nature's law of cause and effect,
where it treats all and everyone the same as 'all beings/objects/names and forms that are selfless and impermanent',
where it can be kind towards all without discrimination, and unconditionally,
and it knows when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no',
as it knows Thyself, or what is 'I', or what is the modification of the mind, or the truth of selflessness and impermanence, or timelessness/non-separateness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness/birthlessness/deathlessness, or the annihilation of the restless modifications of the mind, or silence,
then this mind doesn't need to renounce anything, especially if this mind still has certain unfinished worldly duties and responsibilities towards looking after old parents, elders, unwell partner, young children, or physically/mentally disabled dependents, that depending on one's physical/mental/financial care and support, while actively engaging in certain activity for maintaining livelihood, or engaging in selfless service community activities, interactions, and communication with some others, where all these actions are being performed under the absence of the idea of 'I' or the ego, without passionate egoism of worldly and/or spiritual attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, expectation, intention, aspiration, or ambition.
The worldly duties and responsibilities, and all kinds of actions, are not contradicted with or separated from dharma/dhamma/teachings/practice/renunciation/silence/inaction/selfless service, when it is being performed under the absence of the idea of 'I'/the ego, ignorance, and egoism.
Perform intentionless actions, and renounce the fruit of actions, being undetermined by the actions and the fruit of actions.
Inquire the truth of everything, including all these teachings here, or from anyone and anywhere.
"You are left alone now." - Swami Sivananda
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