be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What or how to perform self-inquiry to attain self-realization

Self-inquiry and self-realization will be happening naturally and effortlessly under an open mind devoid of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation (egoistic thoughts activities), that is pure (devoid of impurities or ignorant egoistic corrupted thinking, reasoning, understanding, aspirations, actions, and reactions under the influence of particular worldly cultural/social/spiritual/educational/national/political/commercial ideas, thinking, belief/disbelief, values, ambitions, visions, and practice) and calm/quiet (devoid of restlessness/disturbance/desires).

Without an open mind devoid of impurities and restlessness, self-inquiry and self-realization cannot happen even under great initiation (suffering/limitation/lack of freedom/the sense of emptiness or meaninglessness/doubt/curiosity), great intention (desire or yearning towards liberation/knowledge), or great effort (all kinds of practices or methods), as the mind reasons and judges everything based on the existing worldly egoistic thinking, knowledge, ideas, belief, values, and practice in the mind, as well as acts and reacts under the influence of the impure restless disturbed state of mind.

Under a pure, calm/quiet, and opened mind (the selfless reflector that reflects everything as it is, selflessly and intentionlessly), the truth of everything will be reflected as it is (seeing the truth of everything, as it is - Impermanence and Selflessness).

There is no 'I'. There is no 'not I'.

There is no "I am." There is no "I am not."

There is no "I am reflecting the truth of everything."

There is no "I reflect", "I realize", or "I know".

There is no separateness of subject (the one that reflects) and object (the one that is being reflected) and knowledge (the subject knowing the object).

There is no separateness of the knower and the knowledge.


The main teachings of yoga and buddhism - Impermanence and Selflessness

The direct realization and understanding towards Impermanence and Selflessness will simultaneously lead to the realization and understanding towards -

Timelessness - There is neither past nor future. There is only NOW, and all that is in NOW, is changing.

All kinds of transitions (impermanent changes) in different realms (different modifications/states of mind) is happening in NOW.

Time is merely the reflection of ceaseless impermanent changes/movements/distances in NOW.

Realms are the reflection of the different modifications/states of mind in NOW.

Countless births and deaths are happening in NOW, in this selfless physical body, in this selfless modification of the selfless mind, in all kinds of selfless names and forms.

The selfless body with the selfless thinking mind (selfless names and forms) is undergoing selfless impermanent changes, or undergoing ceaseless births and deaths in different realms, in NOW.

There is no 'I' in this selfless existence and function of the selfless body with the selfless function of the selfless perceptive thinking mind undergoing all these selfless impermanent changes, a.k.a. ceaseless births and deaths in different realms.

The selfless body and mind (and all kinds of names and forms) is subject to selfless impermanent changes, decay, death, or mortality (finite existence). There is no 'I' that is mortal (finite existence) or immortal (infinite existence) existing in the selfless body and mind, or in any kind of names and forms.

Which also lead to the realization and understanding of all these different names and forms that are non-distinctive or non-separated from one another -













Unconditional peace

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form

Form is non-distinctive from emptiness, emptiness is non-distinctive from form

No gain, no loss

No increase, no decrease

No purity, no impurity

No wisdom, no gain of wisdom

No ignorance, no end of ignorance

No suffering, no end of suffering

No liberation, no gain of liberation


Purify the mind.

Discipline the mind.

Quiet the mind.

Letting go all that is in the mind.

Non-blind believing

Non-blind following

Non-blind practicing

Non-blind propagating

Inquire/reflect the truth of everything.

Be free.


The process of letting go all that is in the selfless modification of the selfless mind (non-grasping/non-attachment/non-association/non-identification/non-possession/non-interference towards all and everything), could be effortless, or could be extremely difficult and even painful for the mind, depending on the different degrees of ignorance.

The mind that is in a state of disturbance or painful suffering, might think, "I am already in great pain. I want to be free from pain. I do not want to go through more pain," or, "I want to be free from pain. I am already in great pain. Any more pain (inevitable difficulties) makes no difference. I will endure any inevitable pain (difficulties) if that will make me be free from pain."

It's the freedom of the mind towards what it wants and doesn't want.

There's neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong.

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Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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