Inquire towards the mind (the perceiver/the thinker/the experiencer) and the modification/state of the mind (the thought process of the perceived names and forms/the thinking, feelings and emotions/the experiences).
The dreamer is not the dream, even though the dream is projected or existing under the existence and function of the dreamer. The content of dream is being influenced mostly by the selfless thought activities (thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires), or the mind inputs, or the mind perception of names and forms, or the experiences, or the imprints, memories and imaginations, or the physical sensations/conditions, or the surrounding environment, or under the influence of energy/elements/food consumption/hormones/substances/drugs. Even though the dreamer can be 'affected' or 'disturbed' by the content of the dream, either wittingly or unwittingly, however, the dreamer also can be unaffected or undisturbed by the content of the dream, by having the understanding that it is merely part of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind.
Above all, there is no existence of 'the dreamer' if there is no existence of 'the dream', and vice versa. These names and forms exist under the existence of one another.
The selfless perceptive mind can transcend the selfless impermanent modification/state of the mind, that is influenced by the selfless energy and all kinds of influential elements, which also can be influenced by the selfless mind under the presence of certain understanding, willpower, and action/inaction.
Such as 'laziness'. The selfless mind perceives the presence of 'laziness'. The selfless mind is not 'laziness'. The selfless mind can be over-powered by the presence of 'laziness', partially or completely, or it can transcend/over-come as well as eliminate 'laziness', depending on the presence and absence of the different degrees of willpower, where willpower can be developed and empowered, under certain practice or training.
The perceptive mind is not the thought process of processing the perceived names and forms, or the thinker is not the thinking/thoughts, or the experiencer is not the experiences, even though the perceived names and forms are being perceived and processed under the existence and function of the selfless perceptive mind, or the thinking/thoughts are being projected under the existence and function of the selfless thinker, or the experiences are being experienced under the existence and function of the selfless experiencer. The selfless mind can choose whether it wants to do something, or not, (act or react, or not, and how it wants to act or react) towards all kinds of thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, ideas, and desires, that keep arising, changing, and passing away in the modification of the mind. It can choose whether to be disturbed or undisturbed by all that.
No doubt that, the selfless perceptive mind/the thinker/the experiencer doesn't and cannot exist and function, or function properly, if without the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements, that support the autonomous biological bodily system that sustain life existence up to certain extend (limited and conditional), which also influence the modification of the mind/the thought process/the states of the mind in certain way, that's why the selfless perceptive mind/the thinker/the experiencer is limited and conditional.
The limited and conditional selfless and impermanent perceptive mind/thinker/experiencer can transcend (not being over-powered by) all that, via non-attachment towards and non-identifying/non-associating with the thought process/the thoughts/the experiences (standing as the selfless observer observing towards the selfless impermanent modification of the mind), and hence, not only that the mind is not being determined or over-powered by the perceived names and forms/the thoughts, feelings and emotions/the experiences that are pleasant/unpleasant, or desirable/undesirable, or agreeable/disagreeable, but the mind can also not being determined or over-powered by the autonomous biological bodily system that sustain the selfless life existence and function, that influence the selfless impermanent function and condition in the selfless physical body, and that influence the modification/function/states of mind in certain way, transcending the selfless impermanent conditions of the physical body that are pleasant or unpleasant, as well as transcending the selfless impermanent modification/states of the mind, that are balanced or imbalanced, that are calmed or agitated, that are pure or impure.
The limited and conditional perceptive mind/thinker/experiencer can also make use of the existing knowledge and understanding (ability and opportunity) to be influencing the selfless energy and elements in certain way, and hence, influencing its own limited and conditional conditions/functions, as well as the modification of the mind or the states of the mind in certain way.
The power of influence is not just from one to the other, but there is inter-influencing between one another, where one can be more predominant (over-powering), and vice versa.
The different yoga and meditation practices act as the tool that can influence/render the modification of the mind or the states of the mind to be or not to be in certain way, where this effect of the yoga and meditation practice is also impermanent. However, that momentary influence towards the modification of the mind or the states of the mind, rendering the modification/state of the mind to be calm and quiet momentarily, can remove the veil of ignorance and its by-products (the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, or suffering), that enables the mind to know Thyself, to see the truth of itself and its modification/function, where all that (the perceiver and the perceived names and forms/the thinker and the thinking/the experiencer and the experiences) are selfless and impermanent.
All states of the mind (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva) are selfless and impermanent under the selfless influence of the selfless energy and elements, that are interchanging or swaying between one to another, as well as a mixture of them, depending on which state is more predominant, which can be rendered or influenced by the selfless thinking and acting mind that has certain degrees of correct understanding and willpower to be choosing, or filtering, or restricting the type of physical and mental consumption/energy and element influence/physical and mental inputs and activities.
In the beginning, the mind over-comes the state of Tamas (idleness/lower impure consciousness/the absence of reasoning power) by developing/empowering the state of Rajas (activeness/higher impure consciousness/the presence of impure reasoning power). And then, the mind over-comes the state of Rajas by developing/empowering the state of Sattva (calmness/pure consciousness/purified reasoning power). And then, the mind transcends even the state of Sattva via self-inquiry and self-realization towards selflessness and impermanence, that is possible under the state of Sattva, transcending its own selfless and impermanent existence and function (Silence/Samadhi/The annihilation of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind).
The mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products of the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, restlessness, and suffering (the disturbed state of mind), is unwittingly/spontaneously/ignorantly attaching towards and identifying/associating with the modification of the mind/the thought process/the states of mind/the thoughts/the feelings/the emotions/the memories/the desires/the experiences, that are pleasant/unpleasant, desirable/undesirable, or agreeable/disagreeable, that are impermanent, or constantly changing, and hence, the mind/the perceiver/the thinker/the experiencer is in a state of 'restlessness', 'discomfort', 'dissatisfaction', 'suffering', 'doubt', 'confusion', 'fear', or 'not free'. - Under the absence of correct understanding and willpower
Meanwhile, the mind can develop certain degrees of understanding as well as will power, to be initiative and determined (intense desire/yearning) to free the selfless impermanent modification of the mind from the veil of ignorance (the restless impure modification of the mind), to be unattached towards all that, and to transcend all that. - Under the presence of correct understanding and willpower, that is also selfless and impermanent, that is also limited and conditional
Just like all and everything, desire is neither good nor bad. Desire can lead the mind towards constructive or destructive actions and consequences of actions. Desire can empower or annihilate ignorance. The desire that can annihilate ignorance is the intense yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace, under the presence of correct understanding, right attitude, and right effort via the help of certain tools/practices/trainings.
Just as under the presence of extreme pain or life threatening situation, the different mind acts and reacts differently, under the presence or absence of the different degrees of understanding and willpower (self-control or freewill), that are limited and conditional, that can be developed and empowered.
Because of the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, the selfless mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance attached onto and identified/associated with the restless modification of the mind and perceives the suffering of restlessness, and hence, the mind is not free, but at the same time, the mind can be free upon the realization of the truth of selflessness and impermanence.
Upon the realization or understanding towards all and everything are selfless and impermanent, the mind is free from ignorance, devoid of attachment/identification/association towards the restless modification of the mind, that enables the mind to be free from all kinds of suffering that derived from ignorance, as well as transcending the selfless impermanent changes governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, or transcending its own selfless existence and function.
Above all, there is no existence of 'the selfless impermanent mind' if there is no existence of 'the selfless impermanent modification of the mind' or 'the mind perception of a worldly life existence that is selfless and impermanent', and vice versa. They exist for one another.
The mind that understands this, is free. More importantly, it doesn't matter whether the mind knows and understands or doesn't know and doesn't understand this or that, it doesn't matter whether the mind enjoys or suffers, and it doesn't matter whether the mind is free or not free, all are selfless and impermanent.
The truth of selflessness, where there is no permanent independent infinite individual existence of 'I' existing in the selfless impermanent body and mind, and in all and everything, it doesn't mean that the selfless mind doesn't have or cannot develop the understanding and willpower of self-control and freewill to influence/modify/render/annihilate and/or transcend the modification/state of mind, and to perform or not perform certain action that would give rise to certain consequences of action/inaction.
The selfless body and mind didn't choose to be existing as what it is - A selfless and impermanent as well as limited and conditional living organism that is in need of constant life maintenance under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements. (Absence of the freewill of a thinking and acting mind before coming into a momentary selfless impermanent existence, because it didn't exist until its selfless impermanent limited conditional existence begins to exist)
However, as long as the support for maintaining life existence and function is still available, then during its momentary selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence and function being what it is while reaching certain degrees of physical and mental independence/maturity, in this present moment NOW, the selfless mind can choose or influence what and how the body and mind is becoming, to choose what type of physical and mental inputs and outputs, to choose what type of action and inaction, whether to live a specific way of life, or not, whether to stay in or move away from certain condition or situation, whether overcoming/transcending or be over-powered by this and that, and whether to be happy or unhappy/to be kind or unkind/to be selfish or unselfish/to hold on or let go/to be disturbed or undisturbed/to be active or inactive/to believe or disbelieve/to be determined or undetermined by the impermanent physical and mental condition, limitation, ability, and disability/to be determined or undetermined by all kinds of desirable and undesirable life experiences that are impermanent, and so on, under the presence of certain degrees of correct understanding and willpower, even when the life existence and function of the body and mind is limited, conditional, selfless, and impermanent.
It's about the presence and absence of correct understanding (which can be developed and empowered) during the momentary existence between the beginning and the end of the selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence, that leads to certain action/inaction, that gives rise to certain consequences of action/inaction, that can impact the selfless impermanent changes in the body and mind as well as the surrounding environment, or the world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, in certain way.
The existence and function of the thinking and acting mind is supported and influenced by the selfless energy and elements, where it doesn't exist and cannot function if without the support of energy and elements (not by choice/freewill biological genetic inheritance and by choice/freewill ongoing physical inputs or food/energy consumption for life maintenance), that influence the modification/function of the mind in certain way, but the way of thinking/understanding/reasoning/desire/behavior/action/reaction/outputs of the selfless thinking and acting mind are being conditioned and influenced largely/mostly by the ongoing mind inputs (family parenting upbringing/ideas/beliefs/values/inspirations/imaginations/stories/movies/social or public medias/social interactions and activities/educational learning and training/commercial advertisements/political agendas and manifestations/cultural, religious or spiritual empowerment, and etc) coming from everyone and everywhere.
That's why the upmost importance of the engagement in the mind purification process (to be changing/reconditioning/modifying/influencing the conditional mind behavior pattern as well as to quiet and silent the restless impure thought activities (the veil of ignorance), to annihilate the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness) by filtering and restricting the mind inputs via the observation of dispassion, renunciation, non-blind believing/non-blind following/non-blind practicing/non-blind propagating/non-preaching, Satsanga under the presence of wise company or Asanga under the absence of wise company, solitude, seclusion, silence, mental and emotional independence, self-reliance, self-control, self-discipline, right attitude, right effort, right attentiveness/concentration, meditation (non-grasping/letting go/allowing the restless modification of the mind or churning thought current to subside as it is), direct experience, open mind and self-inquiry towards the truth of everything, and self-realization, to know Thyself, to inquire and see the truth of everything under a rendered momentary purified and calmed state of mind.
It's not about over-powering/conquering/controlling all the others or all kinds of names and forms, to influence or make everything (the perceived reality) to be the way that the selfless mind desires it to be. That is what most minds are trying to do, out of ignorance.
It's about not being determined/influenced by all THAT that is happening in the modification of the mind, of all kinds of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses, that are selfless and impermanent, that keep arising, changing, and passing away.
The biggest power, is not the power that gives/creates life and object, or the authoritarian power to over-power/control this and that, but it's the power of knowing Thyself, of being free from ignorance, that exists in all minds in this momentary selfless impermanent limited and conditional life existence, that transcends all and everything that are selfless and impermanent, limited and conditional, including the power of creation, or survival instinct, that is also limited and conditional, because all selfless existence that exist under the power of creation, and that sustain under survival instinct, have limited existence, and are conditional.
Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.
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