be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Swami Sivananda's words of wisdom - 瑜伽的智慧

If you wish to see everything, pluck out the eyes of the consciousness. If you wish to move everywhere, break the legs of consciousness. If you want to seize everything, cut off the hands of consciousness. If you wish to become everything, kill the consciousness. If you wish to become Immortal, murder the consciousness, with the axe of wisdom. When you get the whole, you do not cling to the part. Cling passionately to the Infinite Being; you will be in want of nothing; you shall be filled up to the brim. Shut all the doors of the senses; sit in the room of the heart; meditate on the Glorious Truth. Drown yourself and dissolve yourself in the Ocean of that Truth.


- Swami Sivananda, Essence of Vedanta

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