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May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wisdom and compassion

It's normal that all kinds of discrimination, selfishness, and cruelty are existing and increasing in the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone.

Because there are, and there will be, more and more minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where they all have one same tendency, which is to impose control, interference, rules and regulations, restriction, oppression, violence, cruelty, and punishment towards some others, including their own family members/partner/children, not to say, those that they recognized as 'not one of them'/'non-compliant towards their particular belief, values, desires, vision, behavior, and practice'/'potential competitor'/'enemy'/'threat'/'obstacle', and towards something that they dislike and disagree with, based on their own particular thinking, belief, values, desires/don't desires, practice, vision, or ambition.

Selfishness, possessiveness, sense of belonging, sense of pride, identity pride, social status pride, community pride, family pride, association pride, origin pride, lineage pride, national pride, regional pride, cultural pride, spiritual pride, knowledge pride, achievement pride, self-righteousness, obsessiveness, oversensitiveness, defensiveness, offensiveness, envy, anger, hatred, greed, fear, and so on, are serious form of mental illness. They are the by-products of ignorance and egoism, and are all leading towards the rise of discrimination, selfishness, and cruelty in the world.

Except in absolute solitude and seclusion, or complete silence, in one's own selfless impermanent function and existence of the mind supported by selfless energy and elements, especially upon the absence of ignorance, where the mind is merely being what it is, devoid of restlessness/impurities/disturbance/qualities/dualities, without engaging in certain physical/mental passionate egoistic activities/inputs and outputs/actions/interactions/duties/commitments, either wittingly or unwittingly, there is very little and even complete absence of any kind of freedom, or there is only partial/restricted/limited/conditional freedom, just by being momentarily functioning and existing in a selfless impermanent world that is full of minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where there is absence of wisdom (correct understanding) and compassion, that embrace openness, non-discrimination, non-separateness, non-interference, non-violence, non-attachment, non-identification, non-clinging, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-expectation, desirelessness, non-possessiveness, independence, the absence of worldly passionate egoistic ideas/thinking/belief/values/desires/visions/practice, the absence of all kinds of pride/shame, the absence of identification and self-righteousness, the absence of superiority and inferiority, the absence of fear and greed, the absence of jealousy, anger, and hatred, the absence of the urge to control and interfere, and that promote letting go, patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, accommodation, adjustment, adaptation, respect, generosity, kindness, and, freedom of existence/living/movement/being what all and everyone are.

The minds that are free from ignorance and egoism, that are devoid of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, possessiveness, fear, discontentment, greed, or painful sorrow, they don't impose control/interference/rules and regulations/restriction/oppression/violence/punishment towards anyone or anything, not even their own family members/partner/children, respecting all and everyone to be what they are, as they are, not to say, all the others that have their own particular ties and connection, background, history, experience/non-experience, understanding/non-understanding, thinking, belief/disbelief, values, desires, behavior, way of living, and practice, where all and everyone are responsible towards themselves/the state of mind/the modification of the mind/their understanding and non-understanding/their desires and don't desires/their actions and the fruits/outcomes/consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, under the presence of wisdom and compassion, the selfless minds can merely provide the correct understanding, knowledge, direct experience/realization, guidance, and support that might help to uplift the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance, that are egoistic, restless, impure, discontented, disturbed, confused, violent, distressed, or in painful suffering, unconditionally without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, showing them the path towards self-inquiry and self-realization, while allow all and everyone to receive or reject, to evolve as they are, and to be what they are.

Just as the sun, or the nature, merely being what it is - selfless, desireless, intentionless, and impermanent.


The truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everyone and everything, is the only existing 'freedom' that all and everyone have while being existing momentarily, selflessly, and impermanently in this space that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, where none, not even oneself, can control/interfere/change/modify/destroy.

Knowing and accumulating all kinds of knowledge/information/technology/skill in this world doesn't guarantee peace in oneself, that can help to contribute more kindness, peace and harmony into the world of many diversities.

Knowing and respecting the truth of selflessness and impermanence will.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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