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May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The root cause of suffering

The manifestation of the selfless mind perception of a selfless worldly existence consist of impermanent and selfless names and forms born out of Maya, the veil of ignorance, which gives rise to the selfless formation of selfless elements that are subject to impermanence (restless changes) and selflessness (all the existence/non-existence and ceaseless selfless changes of the selfless formation of selfless elements are not in the control of the delusive non-existing self-existence of an idea of 'I'), that gives rise to the inevitable fundamental physical and mental suffering of restlessness in the perceptive living objects, being existing and changing selflessly/impermanently under the function of an impermanent and selfless physical body and the function of a perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking mind, selflessly/reluctantly perceiving restless modification of birth (the selfless formation of different selfless elements), hunger and thirst (the maintenance of the selfless formation of selfless elements), decay, old age, illness, ungratified desires, coming in contact with undesirable objects, separation from desirable objects (all the impermanent and selfless changes of the selfless formation of selfless elements,) and death (the selfless disintegration of different selfless elements).

The perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive mind consciously (aware) and sub-consciously (unaware) perceiving names and forms through the senses selflessly that activates the restless selfless modification of the mind, of ceaseless selfless thoughts, sensations, actions, reactions, feelings and emotions arising and passing away impermanently and selflessly, where countless births and deaths in different realms happening within the modification of the mind (the different states of mind), which also gives rise to the many different kinds of avoidable mental/emotional gross suffering deriving from ignorance and egoism influencing the function of the perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking minds, which all are nothing but the manifestation of Maya.

The delusive existence of the non-existing idea of 'I' born out of ignorance and egoism, is the one that experiences/suffers all kinds of suffering under the identification of "I am experiencing suffering."

Upon the annihilation of the idea of 'I' or the ego in the thinking mind, there's no 'I' being there to be identifying as "I am experiencing suffering."

Upon the complete annihilation of the restless selfless modification of the mind, or upon silencing the thoughts current, there is no 'perceiver of names and forms' being there to perceive painful suffering and/or pleasurable enjoyment.

Suffering exists due to there's the restless selfless modification of the mind perceiving all kinds of names and forms that are subject to impermanence and selflessness, as well as there's a delusive existence of the non-existing 'I' being existing in the mind perceiving "I am experiencing suffering," reacting upon coming in contact with undesirable objects of names and forms and non-coming in contact with desirable objects of names and forms.

The sufferer doesn't exist upon the annihilation of the delusive existence of the non-existing 'I' from the selfless perceptive thinking mind. It's like the selfless mirror is not being affected, determined, or disturbed by the ceaseless selfless reflection of any objects of names and forms being reflected upon it. But still, the 'impermanent existence' of the selfless mirror is still being conditioned by the nature of impermanence and selflessness.

There's no perception of suffering if the perceiver doesn't exist. There's nothing being projected that would be subject to impermanence and selflessness (non-existence of the suffering of restlessness) if the projector and the projector screen doesn't exist (the annihilation of the modification of the mind.) There is no 'perception of suffering' in a chair, or a house, or anything that doesn't have the perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking faculty or the modification of the mind, while undergoing inevitable selfless impermanent changes.

When the teachings of yoga and Buddhism talk about 'liberation', it's about the selfless perceptive thinking faculty is free from the delusive false identification and egoistic attachment towards the evitable gross suffering deriving from ignorance and the consequences of ignorance as well as the inevitable subtle suffering of restlessness, of ceaseless 'births and deaths/transitions/impermanent changes/decay and disintegration' that exists in all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms.

And hence, the minds that are aware of the inevitable suffering of restlessness that exists along with the impermanent selfless modification of the mind, will work diligently towards attaining the complete annihilation of the modification of the mind, or as what Swami Sivananda mentioned in his teachings, "Kill the mind," where it's not about 'killing' the selfless impermanent existence of the selfless body with the selfless perceptive thinking faculty, or 'I' kill 'myself' (commit suicide), but, it's about silencing the restless impure modification of the mind under the influence of ignorance and egoism, or annihilating the wheel of restless selfless births and deaths/transitions of impermanent and selfless names and forms (thoughts current) that gives rise to the inevitable subtle suffering of restlessness due to the nature of impermanence and selflessness in all and everything under the manifestation of Maya.

Ignorance, is the mind doesn't know itself, its selfless existence and function, and its selfless impermanent restless impure modification (thought activities), or not knowing Thyself (the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything).

There's neither good people nor bad people. It isn't about good or bad, right or wrong human's behavior based on any particular worldly egoistic thinking and belief about how people should and shouldn't behave, but sometimes, or most of the time, the mind behaves/acts/reacts under the influence of ignorance, while some other times, the mind behaves/acts/reacts without the influence of ignorance, or under the presence of correct understanding. Even when people behave/act/react in the way that they think and believe is good and right based on any particular worldly egoistic thinking and belief, but those behaviors/actions/reactions are not necessarily being free from the influence of ignorance and the consequences of ignorance.

Those who are highly educated and knowledgeable, and those who are righteous/sympathetic/empathetic, are also not necessarily free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, and would behave/act/react ignorantly under the influence of impurities, of dissatisfaction, disappointment, ungratified desires, frustration, irritation, pride, arrogance, anger, hatred, jealousy, impatience, prejudice, discrimination, selfishness, offensiveness, defensiveness, possessiveness, hurt, insecurity, fear, and worry deriving from ignorant egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation, without correct understanding about the modification of the mind and the consequences of action/reaction, under the absence of self-awareness, self-control, patience, tolerance, forbearance, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, acceptance, and so on.

Out of ignorance, the passionate egoistic minds, including plenty of yoga practitioners and teachers, justify that this is 'normal' human being's behavior, where people should be disturbed mentally and emotionally by something that the minds perceived as 'hurtful' and 'wrongful', to feel hurt and suffering, and they need to receive love, support, sympathy, and empathy from other human beings in order to feel better, that it's abnormal and wrong for anyone who is not being disturbed mentally and emotionally by 'hurtful' and 'wrongful' experiences. These minds refuse to practice non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, and non-expectation to free the mind from egoism and ignorance, which is the only reason why the minds are perceiving mental and emotional suffering, which is avoidable and unnecessary. But, deep ignorance hinders the minds from letting go such 'normal' human beings' behavior/thinking pattern that hurts themselves and/or others, and they are complaining and drowning in mental and emotional suffering that they think and believe is caused by other people's 'hurtful' and 'wrongful' behavior, while expecting love, support, sympathy, and empathy from other human beings, while keep telling oneself and others that this is 'normal' human being's behavior. That's their freedom of thinking.

Many so called 'mental health/psychological/life/relationship professionals/consultants/coaches/advisors' in the world are not necessarily free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, and are most probably functioning under the accumulated knowledge of the respective fields based on research/study/information under the influence of certain social/cultural/religious/spiritual thinking, belief, values, and practice, which empowers ignorance and egoism of attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation.

The only one that can truly help a mind that has mental/psychological/life/relationship issue/problem is no others but oneself, by freeing one's modification of the mind from ignorance and egoism, and knowing Thyself, knowing the truth of impermanence and selflessness, knowing what is 'suffering' and the cause of 'suffering'.

Those who understand this, they won't be disturbed by all the impermanent presence and absence of desirable and undesirable happenings in one's life and in the world.

Those who don't know this, they would be determined and disturbed very much by the absence of desirable/agreeable happenings and the presence of undesirable/disagreeable happenings, in one's life and in the world. And there's passionate egoistic aspiration/ambition to 'make', or 'change', or 'influence', or 'control' life and the world to be in certain way that one desires, likes, and agrees with, and one would be disturbed, dissatisfied, disappointed, frustrated, offended, unhappy, angry, hurt, violent, and suffering, if life and the world is not being the way that one would like it to be. This is the evitable mental/emotional gross suffering that is born out of ignorance and egoism, that is truly unnecessary.

Sometimes, the mind is aware of the presence of 'the subtle suffering of constant dissatisfaction/fatigue/the sense of emptiness or meaninglessness', even though everything in life is fine the way that the mind desires, and thus, the mind doesn't really understand what is that all about. It's sort of like a 'subtle constant dissatisfaction/unsettling' that is always there, that the mind might describe as a form of 'hormones imbalanced', 'anxiety', 'void', 'emptiness', or 'meaninglessness'. This is because the mind is being ignorant towards ignorance, where the mind is ignorant towards 'suffering' and the cause of 'suffering'.

The presence of this 'subtle constant dissatisfaction/unsettling' in the minds is natural, and it's actually the subtle suffering of restlessness deriving from the nature of impermanence and selflessness. Because the nature of everything, including the thinking mind and the physical body is undergoing restlessness of ceaseless impermanent and selfless changes, and that there is no 'I' existing in the body and mind, which the ignorant mind might describe as a form of 'constant dissatisfaction', 'hormones imbalanced', 'anxiety', 'void', 'emptiness', or 'meaninglessness'.

This awareness/acknowledgement towards the presence of subtle restlessness deriving from impermanent and selfless changes, indicates that the truth, or the nature of names and forms, including the perceptive thinking mind existing and functioning along with the physical body, is nothing but impermanence and selflessness. The nature of selflessness in all and everything, where there's no existence of 'I' existing in anything to be in control of all the impermanent selfless changes, even though the perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking mind has certain degrees of will-power to be performing or not performing certain action and inaction under certain understanding and non-understanding/desires and don't desires, that activates cause and effect, that bring certain consequences of action and inaction, but the nature of everything is still inevitably bound by impermanence and selflessness. That's why there is this 'subtle constant dissatisfaction' that is there in the mind, but the mind doesn't really understand what it is and why it's there, due to ignorance.

While that certain degrees of awareness and will-power of the perceptive cognitive intellectual assertive thinking mind initiates the yearning for liberation, to be liberated from restlessness, or peacelessness, or the sense of emptiness/meaninglessness, or fatigue, where the mind wants to inquire towards the truth of existence/its own existence and function, by purifying, disciplining, and quieting the modification of the mind, through eliminating the ego and egoism, to get a glimpse of the unconditional peace, of timelessness, birthlessness, deathlessness, oneness, attributelessness, namelessness, and formlessness, which ignites the intense yearning towards attaining Silence, or Samadhi, the complete annihilation of the modification of the mind.

Inquire the truth of everything, including all that is here.

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