Under the influence of ignorance and its by-products, the mind is either being ignorant towards ignorance, or the mind denies and rejects the presence of ignorance in itself under the sense of pride and shame, where the mind justifies and blames the survival instinct and the autonomous instinctive non-freewill urge for all its ignorant hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction that are generated by the thinking and acting mind itself functioning under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness.
If it doesn't blame the survival instinct, it will blame everyone and everything else for causing itself to behave/act/react in such hurtful damaging way, than to be acknowledging that itself is under the influence of ignorance.
Even if it is aware of and acknowledges that itself is functioning/behaving/acting/reacting under the influence of ignorance, it will blame the ignorance and its by-products for all its hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction, while refuse/reluctant to do something about, to be free from the influence of ignorance and its by-products, by annihilate ignorance and its by-products from the selfless modification of the mind.
And even if it has the desire to do something about it, to be free from the influence of ignorance and its by-products, but it might give up during the purification process due to the presence of over-whelming distractions and obstacles, and it might either blame the weak willpower, or the restless impure modification of the mind influenced by the energy and elements, or the too many distractions and obstacles, or anything that it can think of, for giving up or reluctant to continue the purification process.
The blames will never come to an end or conclusion. Just like trying to find out "The chicken first or the egg first". Without chicken, there's no egg. Without egg, there's no chicken. Similarly, the selfless projector and the selfless projector screen, or the selfless mind and the selfless modification of the mind, or the perceiver and the perceived. They exist under the existence of one another. They don't exist under the absence of one another. And they exist, change, and ceased existing, under the selfless intentionless support and influence of the selfless energy and elements, governed by selfless intentionless nature's law of cause and effect (selfless manifestation and selfless evolution).
It's not about blaming this or that. Fault finding/pride/shame is a hindrance, or blockage, or obstacle for self-inquiry and self-realization.
The moment the mind lets go of fault finding, of self-blame or blame oneself/others/something/anything for being unable to do something, or unable to do something successfully, then naturally, everything that it perceives/experiences/comes in contact with will become the teacher/teachings/dhamma/guidance/assistance that enables the mind to realize the one and only greatest teacher within, which is its own selfless impermanent limited and conditional existence and function.
It's about developing the basic correct understanding (basic right discrimination/basic reasoning power), right attentiveness, right attitude, and right effort, and there are ways or there is possibility to develop all that from the base (the existing seed of wisdom but was left unattended), and even, from nothing (planting the seed of wisdom from the borrowed wisdom of others).
That's why the importance of non-grasping/non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, non-expectation, renunciation, dispassion, Satsanga/Asanga, silence, solitude, seclusion, openness, mental and emotional independence, self-control, self-discipline, self-reliance, forbearance, patience, perseverance, determination, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, intense yearning/desire towards liberation/freedom/peace, self-inquiry, self-introspection, direct experience, or self-realization.
It is ABSOLUTELY possible to be free from ignorance and its by-products, even though there might be some difficulties or challenges arise. But know that, even the difficulties or challenges and/or ignorance and its by-products, are selfless and impermanent, or limited and conditional. That's why it is possible.
In the end, it's the freedom of the mind itself whether to give up, or not. There is neither right nor wrong.
There is one thing that can be and needed to be given up, which is ignorance and its by-products.
Inquire the truth of everything.
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