be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Monday, March 3, 2025

Transcend vs over-power or control

Depending on the presence and absence of the different degrees of correct understanding and willpower that can be developed and empowered, the selfless impermanent and limited conditional perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind (the selfless thinking and acting faculty of the selfless physical body) can transcend all THAT that is happening in its selfless impermanent and limited conditional modification/function and momentary existence.

Under the absence of correct understanding and willpower, or under the presence of ignorance and its by-products, 'naturally'/'spontaneously'/'instinctively'/'ignorantly', most minds want or try to over-power or control all THAT, being over-powered by survival instinct (the autonomous biological bodily system for survival or life maintenance). That's why there are many possessiveness, hoarding, covetousness, intrusion, intimidation, exploitation, bully, discrimination, offensiveness, defensiveness, control, cruelty, violence, and fighting in this world, that are truly unnecessary and evitable.

Under the presence of correct understanding and willpower, or under the absence of ignorance and its by-products, the mind can transcend all THAT, not being over-powered by survival instinct or the selfless impermanent and limited conditional existence and function of the selfless body and mind.

The biggest power in this world is not about the limited and conditional ability to over-power or control all THAT, of influencing and controlling or over-powering all kinds of influential energy and elements that are influencing and conditioning the selfless impermanent and limited conditional physical body with the selfless thinking and acting faculty to be or not to be in certain way, as well as to over-power or control all the others or the world to be under one's control or desire. As it requires tremendous amount of continuous energy and continuous effort to over-power or control something or anything, while energy and effort are limited and conditional. Just as to keep holding onto something or to keep doing something, is exhausting and limited, and is subject to the presence and absence of certain condition/possibility, that is also limited and impermanent.

That's why the desire/aspiration/ambition/action and its consequences/effects/fruits/outcomes of 'to over-power or control all and everything to be or not to be in certain way under my control or my desire' is limited and conditional.

That's why the yoga and meditation practice and their effects/fruits is also limited and conditional.

All kinds of momentary effects of the yoga and meditation practice are not the goal of the yoga and meditation practice, however, they are essential, where they served as the tool to be influencing/modifying/purifying/rendering the modification/function/state of mind in certain way, that would help to develop the essential correct understanding and willpower or to remove the veil of ignorance and its by-products, under the presence of intense yearning for liberation/freedom/peace, right attentiveness, right attitude, and right effort, that enables the mind to let go or transcend (not being over-powered by) all THAT, effortlessly.

There is needless of energy or effort in transcend or let go all and everything, or not holding onto anything. That is why TRANSCEND is unlimited and unconditional, even though all kinds of actions/practices that enable TRANSCEND to be happening, are limited and conditional, as it requires tremendous continuous energy and effort to be engaging in all kinds of actions/practices, until TRANSCEND takes place, as it is, effortlessly.

If all THAT, including the persistent actions/practices that enable TRANSCEND to be happening, are selfless and limited, then why is it possible to transcend all THAT?

Because all THAT is not only selfless and limited (modification is impossible and the absence of correct understanding and willpower/freewill - the TRUTH of selflessness and impermanence doesn't change or cannot be altered/conquered), but all THAT is also conditional and impermanent (modification is possible and the presence of developed correct understanding and willpower/freewill is possible - Transcending all kinds of limitations that are existing and that are inevitable under the truth of selflessness and impermanence, is possible).

The presence of willpower alone, is neither good nor bad, where it can be good or bad, depending on the presence and absence of correct understanding (the absence and presence of ignorance and its by-products). One can have intense willpower to perform as many actions as possible that would be constructive or destructive, that would promote peace or unrest, in oneself, and in others and the surrounding environment.

Similarly, the presence of attentiveness or concentration and knowledge or talent is neither good nor bad, where one can be attentive or concentrate making use of the existing knowledge or talent to create something constructive or destructive, that promotes peace or unrest.

It all depends on the presence and absence of correct understanding, or the absence and presence of ignorance and its by-products.

That's why the annihilation of ignorance and its by-products is highly important, and it's the highest duty of all minds.

It's the only and ultimate way to world peace that derived from the presence of peace (the absence of unrest) in the minds that are occupying in this world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, where the mind doesn't hurt itself and others and the environment under the presence of correct understanding, or stops hurting itself and others and the environment out of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, during its momentary selfless impermanent and limited conditional existence and function in this infinite space.

If the selfless physical body and mind doesn't function as what it is (malfunction or dysfunction), or if one doesn't have the capability of learning, knowing, understanding, and doing anything, then there is nothing can be done, unless the malfunction or dysfunction is detectable and repairable or fixable.

If there is no awareness or perception towards 'the presence of suffering', there is no need of 'transcending' suffering, as suffering doesn't exist or isn't being perceived in the body and mind.

Before one knows and understands about how to do something, of course one doesn't know and doesn't understand how to do something. However, as long as the body and mind is functioning as what it is, or if one has the capability of learning, knowing, understanding, and doing something, one can learn and know and understand about how to do something, if one wants to learn and know and understand about how to do something. And it takes certain amount of energy and effort from not knowing/not understanding/not able to do something until one learns, knows, understands, and keeps practicing or training until one is be able to do something skillfully.

If there is the awareness or perception of 'the presence of limitation/restriction/unrest/suffering', there is also the way of 'transcending' limitation/restriction/unrest/suffering, if there is the yearning towards liberation/freedom/peace/the absence of suffering. It's limited and conditional, but yet, it's possible, although it takes certain amount of energy and effort for all that to be happening. Above all, all kinds of limitation, restriction, unrest, or suffering are also limited and conditional. That's why it's possible to transcend all kinds of limitation, restriction, unrest, or suffering.

All kinds of problems are limited and conditional. To solve any problems, one needs to find out the root cause of the problems, and from there one can 'dissolve' or 'solve' the problems. There are some 'unsolvable' problems is because the roost cause of those problems isn't found out (yet).

How much one can hold, is limited.

How much one doesn't hold, is unlimited.

How much one can know, is limited.

How much one doesn't know, is unlimited.

It's a very simple understanding.

The ignorant one is ignorant towards the unlimited while keeps chasing after the limited.

The wise one appreciates the unlimited and renounces the limited, without attachment.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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