be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Respect everyone being what they are

For the minds that attached onto and identified with the qualities of names and forms to be who/what they are, 'respect' is about showing admiration or acknowledgement towards oneself or others who possess or achieve certain qualities of names and forms that the minds think and believe as 'superior quality', 'higher ability', or 'higher achievement' that deserve 'respect' from others or the world. Most people 'work' very hard throughout their life to earn or gain 'respect' or 'admiration/acknowledgement' from the world, or others, especially those who are 'related' to them in their personal/community/social/professional life.

Whether wittingly or unwittingly, there is discrimination towards the different qualities, abilities/disabilities and achievement/non-achievement determining what and who are worthy or unworthy to be receiving respect from oneself and others.

Most people think and believe that showing/giving 'respect'/'admiration'/'acknowledgement' towards certain higher/superior quality, ability and achievement is a form of generosity/kindness/goodness or positive encouragement to motivate oneself or other people (to be continuously) to strive to be good or be better.

People would feel disrespected, offended, humiliated, belittled, unhappy and angry when they think other people didn't show/give them the 'respect' that they think they deserve to be getting from others.

For the minds that (truly) practice yoga, that are free from attachment towards and identification with any qualities of names and forms, that are free from discrimination towards all the different qualities of names and forms, 'respect' is not about showing admiration or acknowledgement towards 'higher' or 'superior' quality, ability or achievement, but instead, it's abandoning such worldly thinking and belief, values and practice that empowers egoism and ignorance. It's transcending the discrimination towards what the worldly egoistic thinking and belief categorizing as 'respectable' and 'non-respectable'. The mind is free from the desire of craving and aversion towards the worldly idea/values/practice of 'respect and disrespect', 'praise and condemn', 'superiority and inferiority', 'meaningfulness and meaninglessness', and so on.

The one who needs to earn or gain 'respect'/admiration'/'acknowledgement' from others or the world, by possessing or attaining certain higher/superior quality, ability or achievement, in order to be motivated (to be continuously) to strive to be good or be better, the one who needs 'positive inputs/influences', 'positive thinking', 'positive encouragements' and 'the sense of meaningfulness', is the ego. Those who are free from the ego and egoism don't need to be receiving 'respect'/'admiration'/'acknowledgement' from anyone for anything, to motivate them (to be continuously) to be good, or be better. The selfless/egoless minds don't need to have 'positive inputs/influences', 'positive thinking', 'positive encouragements' and 'the sense of meaningfulness'.

Those who know yoga aren't interested at all towards the worldly idea/values/practice of 'one must work hard to be earning or gaining 'respect'/'admiration'/'acknowledgement' from oneself or others by possessing or attaining certain higher/superior worldly or spiritual quality, ability and achievement, and void of lower/inferior quality, disability and non-achievement.

In yoga, 'respect' is part of the effortless manifestation of compassion derived from a selfless 'open-mind' that unattached towards any quality of name and form, being 'non-discriminative' towards all and 'accepting' everyone being what they are, as they are, regardless of all the different higher and lower worldly or spiritual qualities, abilities and disabilities, achievements and non-achievements that present or absent in everyone, even if the worldly minds think and believe and recognize that there is the presence of certain qualities of 'bad' and 'wrong' and the absence of certain qualities of 'good' and 'right' based on a particular social/cultural/religious/spiritual/political/philosophical thinking and belief about what is good and bad, what is right and wrong, where the minds generate dislike and disagreement, where the minds think and believe that they are 'unworthy' of receiving 'respect'/'admiration'/'acknowledgement' from anyone.

Respecting everyone being what they are doesn't mean that one is agreeing and supporting others' thinking, belief, behavior, values and practice that the minds think and believe as 'bad' and 'wrong', but one is undetermined or undisturbed by the existing and non-existing higher/lower quality, ability/disability, achievement/non-achievement that the world think and believe are 'worthy' or 'unworthy' of 'respect', without interference/discrimination/intimidation towards everyone being what they are, as they are. And all are impermanent.

Being 'non-discriminative' and 'respectful' towards all and everyone, or the mind is being 'open', doesn't mean that one should be generously showing/giving 'supports' towards all kinds of thinking, belief, behavior, values and practice in the world, or blind-following, blind-practicing, blind-preaching and blind-promoting all the different kinds of thinking, belief, behavior, values and practice, but it's about being unattached towards or non-associating with all the different kinds of thinking, belief, behavior, values and practice, regardless of whether the worldly thinking and belief referring something as 'good and right' or 'bad and wrong', while being non-discriminative 'respecting' and 'allowing' all these different kinds of thinking, belief, behavior, values and practice being there existing in this world as they are.

This kind of 'respect' of non-discriminative/non-interference/non-intimidation towards everyone regardless of all the different qualities of names and forms is essential for maintaining peace and harmony among all in the world. Be free from the worldly egoistic thinking/belief/practice of "Certain people deserve (higher) respect from others while some others don't, being determined by who/what they are, of their particular background, gender, sexual orientation, way of life, race, belief/disbelief, position, status, caste, profession, ability, achievement, behavior, action and reaction, including what the world think is merit and virtue."

Seeing the truth of names and forms as they are. They are just what they are, neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, neither positive nor negative, neither meaningful nor meaningless.

Those who truly want to realize yoga of selflessness/oneness/compassion/unconditional peace need to be aware of the subtle attachment, identification and desire of craving and aversion towards the quality of names and forms projected by the ignorant impure egoistic mind. Learn how to transcend the modification of the mind of all kinds of thinking/belief/values/practice/behavior/habit/desire/intention/expectation/action and reaction.

The freedom of being free from ignorance and the suffering of the consequences of ignorance is attained through the realization of selflessness/oneness/attributelessness/namelessness/formlessness by transcending/going beyond/subjugating the modification of the mind that generates the separateness/duality manifested in the form of thinking and belief that gives rise to the notion of a worldly life existence consisting of 'I and all the others', 'I and my world', 'I and my life', 'good and bad', 'right and wrong', 'positive and negative', 'meaningfulness and meaninglessness', 'respectable and non-respectable', 'praise and condemn', and so on.

Those who know this, they allow everyone being what they are, including whether people want to show 'respect' towards one another, or not. Those who don't know this, they would feel disappointed, offended, disrespected, humiliated, belittled, hurt and angry when they think they aren't getting the 'respect' that they expect to be getting, and they expect all 'good' human beings should behave in certain way to show 'respect' to one another, or else, those who don't behave in such way would be labeled/condemned as 'bad' human beings.

Be free.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Go beyond hurts and healings

The minds that are still wandering along the path of yoga and haven't realize what is going on in the mind need to practice forgiveness and letting go, as there is an ego being there thinking and believing that it is hurt by something hurtful, and so, it believes that it needs to be healed from hurt.

The emotional pain or hurts manifested in the form of thinking/feeling/thought process appear to be existing and real to the mind is due to ignorance.

The minds that know what is going on in the mind, that know the truth of 'emotional pain' and 'hurts', don't need to forgive, or let go, or be healed.

The thinking faculty that is free from ignorance and egoism cannot be hurt by anything. There's no emotional pain or hurt existing in this mind void of ignorance and egoism. There's nothing need to be forgiven, to let go, or to be healed.

Be free.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The important teachings/practice of yoga

These are the important teachings/practice of yoga to subjugate the modifications of the mind, to remove the veil of ignorance, to eliminate the idea of 'worldly existence', to annihilate the ego/the idea of 'I', to transcend quality of names and forms/duality/time, space and causation/cause and effect, but yet, these teachings/practice are also being disliked/disagreed/criticized/ignored/denied/abandoned/least practiced by many of the yoga enthusiasts/practitioners/teachers.

There's nothing wrong with many people who 'do yoga' on regular basis just want to attain some physical and mental benefits from performing the yoga practice and engaging in some yoga community activities to feel good, healthy and meaningful. Only those who have firmed determination or intense yearning for liberation can understand and treasure the importance of these teachings/practice.

For the minds that are deep rooted in worldly ideas, all these teachings/practice are being seen as 'abnormality', 'selfishness', 'craziness', 'wrongfulness', 'negativeness', 'inappropriateness', 'unhealthy', 'regression', 'inhumane', and etc. But in fact, all these teachings/practice practically and effectively lead to compassion/peace.

Silencing the modifications of the mind annihilating ignorance and egoism is the great compassion of embracing and upholding peace and harmony in the world.

If one single person in the world attained 'silence/annihilation of the mind' or 'liberation from ignorance and egoism', there's less a person in the world generates 'impure intention', 'egoistic desire/ambition', 'ill-feeling', 'disappointment', 'hurts', 'anger', 'hatred', 'fear', 'ill-thinking', 'ill-will', 'discrimination', 'prejudice', 'corruption', 'unrest', 'violence', 'disturbance', 'negativity', 'disharmony', 'tension', 'unhappiness', 'meaninglessness', 'destructive behavior', 'ignorant actions and reactions', and so on, into the world.

It's the most practical effective way to contribute peace and harmony into the world.

People might think and believe that they are kind and compassionate beings who embrace and uphold 'peace and harmony in the world', while aspiring or trying to create/empower/influence a society/community that behave in certain ways that they think and believe is 'good', 'right', 'positive' and 'appropriate', but unwittingly, everyone keeps contributing 'unrest' into the world out of the name of 'embracing and upholding peace and harmony in the world', by fighting against those whom they think are destroying or obstructing 'peace and harmony in the world'.

Most people want 'peace and harmony' that comply to some requirements and conditions, influenced by their own particular personal/social/cultural/religious/spiritual/philosophical/political way of thinking/belief/values/vision/practice/living, that unwittingly contributing to all kinds of discrimination and wars.

For those who truly wish for 'peace and harmony in the world' as it is, they can inquire and implement these teachings/practice of yoga -


Renunciation towards worldly attachments/identifications/affairs/ideas/objects/thinking/belief/values/practice/habits/relationships/connections/associations/mingling/interactions/activities/actions and the fruit of actions

Abandoning/renouncing worldly enjoyments of the senses/stimulation of the mind/longing/ambitions/fame/status/authority/pride/supremacy/glory






Transcending duality of good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative, meaninglessness and meaningfulness, praise and condemn, gain and loss, heat and cold, pleasantness and unpleasantness, happiness and unhappiness, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, appropriateness and inappropriateness

Uninfluenced by the past desirable/undesirable experiences and the future imagination/anticipation/speculation/projection

Allowing all and everyone to be what they are, free from expectation/interference/control towards all human beings that 'all human beings should and shouldn't think/believe/feel/behave/act and react in certain ways'

Respecting the law of nature/impermanence

Inquire the truth of 'selflessness'

Annihilation of the modification of the mind/the existence of 'I'

"Passionately loving the world and claiming ownership/responsibility/authority towards the condition of the world by expecting/desiring/aspiring the world to be in certain ways that the minds think and believe how it should be, and being disturbed, frustrated, offended and hurt by the condition of the world that is not the way that the mind would like it to be, doesn't help the world to have peace.

Letting go of passionate love towards the world, without claiming ownership/responsibility/authority to expect/desire/aspire the condition of the world to be in certain ways that the minds think and believe how it should be, without being disturbed, frustrated, offended or hurt by the condition of the world that is not the way that the mind would like it to be, and have peace in oneself, is the selfless compassion that will help the world to have peace."

By performing all kinds of 'yoga practice' regularly for many years, but without implementing all these teachings/practice, the mind will still be disturbed, frustrated, offended and hurt by something that the mind doesn't like, doesn't want and doesn't agree with. There's no peace in this mind.

It's everyone's freedom for what they want to do with their life and what they want/don't want to think and believe. People don't have to implement these teachings/practice of yoga, if they don't like or don't agree with these teachings/practice of yoga.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Just be kind and friendly without expecting kindness and friendliness in return

"Be kind and friendly to others and others will be kind and friendly in return. Treat others the way that we want to be treated." This is the common saying that is wide spread or shared among people or on social medias.

Many yoga enthusiasts or practitioners/teachers might not be aware of this is not part of the yoga practice, but actually it's empowering egoism and ignorance, hindering the mind from realizing yoga of selflessness/non-attachment/non-identification/non-craving/non-aversion/non-expectation. Just like, most people who like to perform some kind of yoga practice would expect certain health and fitness benefits coming from performing the yoga practice regularly. There's nothing wrong with that kind of intention/expectation, but it's moving away from what yoga practice is about. People would feel disappointed or demotivated once they think they are not getting what they expected to be getting.

Very few would just be kind and friendly to others, and allowing others to be what they are, to be kind or unkind, to be friendly or unfriendly towards oneself or others, without attachment/judgment/craving/aversion towards all the different treatments from different people, without craving towards certain pleasant or agreeable treatments, without aversion towards certain unpleasant or disagreeable treatments, without being disturbed or determined by other people's different states of the mind that manifest in particular behavior, action and reaction, without expectation that everyone should think/feel/behave/act and react in certain ways, or everyone should treat one another in certain ways that the mind thinks and believes how it should be.

This doesn't mean that we are supporting/encouraging people to behave 'badly' or 'wrongly', but it's not to be disturbed or determined by other people's behavior that we think is 'bad' or 'wrong'. By trying to change or condemn other people's behavior that we think is 'bad' or 'wrong' won't stop people from behaving in such way, but actually it empowers the 'motivation' of those who deliberately want to behave in such way to gain certain 'response', or 'satisfaction', or 'accomplishment', or 'revenge', or 'excitement', where they would be more motivated to behave in such way.

Just like, by having good intention telling ignorant minds that they are ignorant won't stop the minds from being ignorant, but most probably, it might provoke more ignorant reactions in these minds under the influence of ignorance.

Most people who would behave in a destructive way won't care at all about being condemned or punished or hurt. Their minds are not able to think and act rationally, where they don't care about their own personal life and death, not to say about other people's life and death. It would make them feel more happy and fulfill if other people are being 'disturbed' or 'hurt' by their intentional destructive behavior or action. If people are looking for peace, they would deliberately generate unpeacefulness in the world. If people are looking for non-violence, they would generate more violence in the world. If people are looking for good economy, they would induce bad economy.

It has to come from everyone's own self-realization and self-control to not behave in certain ways with the intention to disturb or hurt or annoy others. If those who are being disturbed or hurt by other people's destructive behavior would also behave in a destructive way with the intention to hurt them in return, that doesn't help the world to have less ignorant destructive behavior. It only adds more unrest, disturb, anger and hatred, and the consequences of that into the world. Everyone keep trying to hurt one another to redeem something, or to express/relieve their frustration, agitation, anger and hatred.

Being deep rooted in worldly social cultural thinking, belief, values and practice, people expect all human beings should treat one another in certain ways that they think and believe as 'the right and good way'. People feel disappointed or offended or hurt if some other people don't behave in such way.

Most minds/people want to feel "I am someone special and important and meaningful in other people's heart or life" to feel meaningful in life or to feel 'I am existing' and don't want to feel 'meaningless' or 'non-existence'. Oneself is discriminating 'oneself' that one doesn't like and doesn't want to be.

People would feel being 'unloved', 'unnoticed', 'unattended', 'left out', 'low self-esteem', 'undeserving', 'disrespected', 'discriminated', 'belittled', 'humiliated', 'insulted', 'hurt', 'disappointed', 'angry', 'unworthy', 'unappreciated', 'abandoned', 'unheard', and so on, when they think they are not receiving the 'rightful' and 'deserving' treatments that they expect how themselves or everyone should be treated, or when they think they are receiving treatment from others that they think is 'wrong' or 'undeserving'.

There's nothing wrong with the worldly social cultural practice where 'good and kind' people would try their best to give other people what they want and don't give other people what they don't want in order to 'make' other people feel 'loved, supported, good and meaningful' and to 'make sure' that they don't feel 'unloved, unsupported, bad and meaningless', with the intention to stop/prevent people from behaving in a destructive way towards themselves and others. Just that it doesn't help people to be free from the root cause of suffering and destructive behavior - ignorance and egoism and impurities, where people are being determined by the gratification of the desire of craving and aversion, by getting what they like and what they think they deserved, and not getting what they don't like or what they think they don't deserved, and vice versa, to feel loved, supported, good, happy, satisfied, worthy, confident and meaningful, or not.

The teaching and practice of yoga emphasize on dispassion and renunciation which will lead towards the realization of compassion. Being dispassionate is also being compassionate towards the mind perception of an impermanent and selfless worldly life existence of all kind of agreeable and disagreeable names and forms that are not necessarily the way that the mind would like it to be. Abandoning the worldly habitual egoistic actions and reactions based on worldly social and cultural thinking/belief/values/practice.

Many people are unwittingly attached onto the worldly social and cultural thinking/belief/values/practice, influencing how they think, feel, act and react, being passionate towards 'changing' the world to be the way that they would like it to be, or 'building' a world that they think is better than 'this one', or preparing themselves to 'enter' into a 'world' that is 'all good and nothing bad'. People feel frustrated and hurt by the world that is not the way that they think and believe how it should be, and hence, they aspire to change or control the world to be the way that they think and believe how it should be, the way that they desire it to be. That's the beginning of all kinds of discrimination.

All lives/beings/objects exist in this space due to the selfless intentionless support from the sun, the air, the water, the earth and the space. The sun, the air, the water, the earth and the space don't have an ego being there to discriminate anyone, to have any desire/intention/expectation to change/control the world to be in certain ways. But somehow, there's the idea of 'I' or the ego existing in the form of thinking in human minds being there discriminating everyone and everything into good and bad, right and wrong, should and shouldn't, having the desire/intention/expectation to change/control the world to be in certain ways, or more precisely, to be 'my way', and being interfering/intrusive/oppressive/violent towards 'other ways' that are not in line with 'my way', that are opposing/obstructing 'my way'.

"Come to us. Join us. You won't be alone. We will help you and support you. We will be there for you. We will grow strong and powerful as one big community and we can conquer the world to be 'ours'. But, you must listen to our instructions. You must obey, follow, support and propagate our belief, vision, values and practice."

"Support us by voting for us to be in power. And we will do our best to help you to achieve what you want. If you didn't support or vote for us, why should we do anything for you?"

It's everyone's freedom for what they want to think/believe/follow/participate/associate with/support, or how they feel/behave/act and react, but for those who want to practice yoga, who want to realize yoga, who really want to be free from the inevitable suffering of the mind perception of a worldly life existence that is subject to impermanence and selflessness, who really wish for peace in the world, they can try to inquire into this teaching.

Just do one's best to perform 'wholesome actions' that might benefit the world but without the expectation towards how people should be treating one another or behaving in certain ways, and let go the intention/desire/expectation to change or control the world to be the way that 'I' think and believe how it should be. Respecting everyone being what they are, as they are. If all minds know this, there won't be discrimination, hatred, offensiveness, interference, intrusion, oppression, prejudice, violence or war existing among all the different names and forms. But most minds are ignorant of this. Whether aware or unaware, everyone try to be in power and in control of others. And that's the way the world is. Ignorance bring along discrimination which lead to anger and hatred that lead to deeper ignorance and more discrimination and more anger and hatred, it never ends.

Peace to all, starting from oneself, this mind, this existence.

Need not conquer the world. Just need to conquer this mind.

Friday, March 8, 2019

'Equality' and 'non-discrimination'?

Many people think and believe that in order to achieve 'non-discrimination' in the society, everyone should be perceived/treated 'equally' in all aspects/fields regardless of everyone's different qualities of names and forms.

But 'non-discrimination' is really nothing to do with 'everyone is being perceived/treated equally regardless of different qualities of names and forms'.

'Non-discrimination' and 'equality' are two different things.

Inequality is the truth of all and everything that come in different qualities of names and forms. It's not a 'negative', or 'bad', or 'wrong' understanding/thinking. All the different qualities of names and forms are indeed being unequal or different from one another.

Worldly egoistic minds desire to be better or more superior than others, want to achieve a higher social status, to achieve higher results than others, or deserve to enjoy higher reward/salary/profit than others whom one thinks are less good/experience/qualification/efficient than oneself, or don't work/achieve as much as one does. And there's nothing wrong with some people earn more than many others doing the same kind of work, as some people are more efficient and productive than some others working at the same work in the same field, regardless of among the same or different gender/race/nationality/educational background, and etc.

It's impossible to have everything 'being equal to one another' as all and everything that come with their very own distinctive qualities of names and forms, different abilities and limitations, and there's nothing wrong or discriminating for being unequal or different to one another, or having different function, duty, responsibility, ability and disability, but, it's possible to be free from 'discrimination' among all the 'inequality' or 'differences' among the different qualities of names and forms.

Just like it's impossible to defy impermanent changes or death/the end of this life existence, but it's possible to go beyond impermanent changes and death/the end of this life existence, by accepting and respecting the law of impermanence and going beyond/transcending death/the end of this life existence, without attachment and identification towards the impermanent and selfless existence and function of the physical body and the mind perception of a worldly life existence, of all kinds of relationships/experiences/actions and the fruit of actions.

For example, many women want to be seen/perceived/treated as equally to men by trying to do things that men do, and vice versa, in order to fight against gender discrimination.

The truth is, there's nothing wrong or discriminating when women can't do certain things that men can do, or when men can't do certain things that women can do. It's perfectly okay when some people can do certain things that other people can't do, and vice versa, restricted by physical and/or mental limitation, regardless of whether among the same gender or among the different gender.

Non-discrimination is about accepting and respecting everyone as they are, regardless of everyone's different gender/genital organ, sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, family/educational background, race, culture, political view, social and financial status, physical and mental abilities and disabilities, thinking and belief, behavior, personality, intelligence, interests, talents, skills, livelihood/job/profession, values, practice and way of life, achievements and non-achievements, and so on.

Non-discrimination is there as it is, naturally, effortlessly, when the mind is free from ignorance and egoism, upon the realization of selflessness, where the mind is free from being conditioned or determined by all the different qualities of names and forms that are impermanent and selfless, including the condition, appearance, and the ability/disability of the physical body and the modification of the mind, and the realization of compassion, or the unconditional selfless loving kindness that exists in all and everything that supports/allows all and everything to be co-existing here in this space that doesn't belong to anyone.

There's nothing wrong for being unequal/different to one another.

Some people are more smart and intelligent while some are less smart and intelligent. Some are more hardworking while some are less hardworking. Some are more educated and highly experienced while some are less educated and less experienced. Some behave nastily while some behave nicely. Some are more loving and forgiving while some are less loving and forgiving. Some are more strong and flexible while some are less strong and flexible. Some are more patient and tolerant while some are less patient and tolerant. Some are more successful and have easier life condition while some are less successful and have harder life condition. Some are more healthy and active while some are less healthy and less active. Some are more sociable while some are less sociable. Some are more obedient while some are more rebellious. Some are fairer while some are darker. Some are taller/heavier while some are shorter/lighter. Some are more talented and skillful while some are less talented and less skillful. Some are more expressive while some are less expressive. Some are extrovert while some are introvert. Some are more aggressive while some are less aggressive. Some like the taste of sourness while some dislike the taste of sourness. Some like spicy food while some dislike spicy food. Some believe in spirituality and God while some disbelieve in spirituality and God, and so on.

Above all, what people want, is about having 'equal rights' to live and move freely in this world. That's what most people are fighting for, to have 'equal rights' regardless of all the different qualities of names and forms. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Above all, there is no need to have or fight for 'equal rights' if there is no 'any kind of discrimination' existing in this world that is run by ignorant egoistic human beings under a system that is based on the existence of 'legalization'/'criminalization'/'who deserve or don't deserve certain rights'/'approval'/'non-approval'/'recognition'/'non-recognition' and so on, that are created by human beings functioning under ignorance and egoism that shouldn't be existing in the first place.

Human beings are being conditioned to live life in certain way to conform to certain standard that is 'acceptable', 'sanctioned', and 'approved' under the regulation of such egoistic system created and run by ignorant egoistic human beings under the influence of impurities.
All these names and forms matter very much to those who don't know thyself, who haven't realize the truth of names and forms, or 'who/what I am', and whether wittingly or unwittingly, there's discrimination from oneself towards oneself and towards others due the attachment and identification towards certain qualities of names and forms that one likes and dislikes, agrees and disagrees with. There's always comparison, competition, judgment, criticism, and expectation towards oneself and others based on the particular standard of quality of names and forms that one likes and dislikes, agrees and disagrees with. There's longing for receiving acknowledgement, acceptance, respect, agreement, approval, recognition, deserving treatment, cooperation, and support from others towards one's thinking/belief/actions/advocacy/ambition/desires. There's fighting against something that the mind think is 'bad', 'wrong', 'unfair', or 'undeserving'.

But the existence and non-existence of all the different qualities of names and forms, and the worldly national/political/social/religious/cultural game of 'equal rights' and 'non-equal rights', really doesn't matter to those who know thyself, who realized the truth of names and forms, of impermanence and selflessness, or who/what is this 'I'.

Oneself is free from judgment, expectation and discrimination towards all the different qualities of names and forms, while allowing others who have judgment, expectation, and discrimination towards oneself and others to be what they are, but without being disturbed or determined by the judgment, expectation and discrimination from others, or not being given the 'equal rights' or 'deserving treatment' from the 'authority' or 'society' that is functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism. One is not interested in attaining 'equal rights' or 'deserving treatment', as that is conforming to and empowering the 'game' of the ignorant and egoistic human beings. As whether everyone is being given 'equal rights' and 'deserving treatment', or not, it doesn't change the truth of impermanence and selflessness, and it doesn't guarantee/determine that all the minds will be free from ignorance and egoism and suffering, or not.
Be free.

Women doesn't need to compete with men, or with other women, and vice versa, to show that one can be as good as or better than the other. No one are equal to one another. None need to be having the same/similar/equal quality/ability/achievement like one another. No doubt that there will be higher and lower quality existing in all the different names and forms, which all are subject to impermanence and selflessness. Even the best or highest quality in the world will also change and pass away. It's okay if some people are 'better' than some others in certain things, and vice versa. There's also nothing wrong that in all kinds of competition, where somebody will standout, excel and win while the others didn't win. Somebody wins a competition because there are the others who don't standout/excel as much as the one who wins that allows 'this person' to win, it doesn't mean that those who didn't win are 'bad', or 'not good', or 'not good enough'. Those who understand this will never feel bad or bitter when they didn't win in any competition.

Acknowledging, accepting, and respecting all the differences among each other. Each has their very own duty, responsibility, function, condition, limitation, ability and disability, while all and everyone/everything existing to be complementing and supporting one another.

Beyond all the different qualities of names and forms, it's selflessness, oneness, non-separateness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness. There's neither 'discrimination' nor 'non-discrimination'. There's neither 'equal rights' nor 'non-equal rights'. There is no need to have 'non-discrimination' and 'equal rights' if there is no 'discrimination' and 'unequal rights' in the first place.

In the end, everyone will realize that all are equal, anyway, under the nature's law of cause and effect, under the truth of selflessness and impermanence, where all and everything will change, decay, and pass away, regardless of all the different qualities of names and forms, having easy life or difficult life, what kind of achievements and non-achievements, and be given 'equal rights' to do and achieve what we want to do and achieve, or not.
Being undetermined or undisturbed by the worldly ignorant egoistic game of 'unequal rights', 'prejudice', 'oppression' and 'discrimination' doesn't mean that one is supporting those names and forms, or one should be standing there to receive ignorant treatments of 'unequal rights', 'prejudice', 'oppression' and 'discrimination' deriving from the ignorant egoistic human minds. One can choose to move away from such society, without the thinking of "I have the rights to be here. Why should I move away?" or "They should change. There shouldn't be such unequal rights, prejudice, oppression and discrimination in the world." As no one can change another, not even by sacrificing oneself would remove the ignorance from the others, or from the world.
All the past saints and sages renounced the world, staying away from the society that was, and will always be occupied by minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, as much as possible, not wasting any effort and energy into dealing with the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance in the worldly egoistic society. Even after Buddha or Guru attained enlightenment and they came back to the society to disseminate the teachings and practice towards attaining Self-realization to free the mind from ignorance, they didn't and couldn't change the people, or remove the ignorance from the minds or from the world. It has to come from the mind itself to be aware of ignorance and be initiated/disciplined to work diligently by oneself alone to free one's mind from ignorance.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Yoga teacher certification and teaching yoga

If one knows yoga, one doesn't need to attend any 'yoga teachers training course' to attain any 'yoga teacher certification' to 'qualify' or 'authorize' one to share the wisdom/knowledge of yoga with anyone and guide others onto the path of yoga to realize yoga of oneness/non-separateness/selflessness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness/unconditional peace.

Those who think and believe that one must attend 'Internationally recognized yoga teachers training course' and attain 'Internationally recognized yoga teacher certification' and be affiliated to or be sanctioned/authorized by such and such 'yoga alliance', 'yoga association', or 'sports council' to be allowed or qualified to 'teach yoga', it shows that the 'yoga' that they know/practice/teach is not about 'Yoga of self-inquiry, self-realization, oneness, non-separateness, selflessness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness, birthlessness, deathlessness, beginninglessness, endlessness, silence, liberation from ignorance and suffering, the conquest of mind, or the annihilation of the modification of the mind'.

Attending many 'yoga teachers training course' and attaining many 'yoga teacher certification' and studying/practicing/teaching 'yoga' for such and such period of time also doesn't determine/guarantee that the mind is free or will be free from ignorance, egoism and impurities, or one knows yoga.

One who knows yoga, there's no such idea/identification of "I want to be a yoga teacher. I want to teach yoga. Teaching yoga is so meaningful." or "I am a certified and qualified and experienced yoga teacher. I have attended such and such 'yoga teachers training course' under such and such 'teachers' or 'Gurus', and attained such and such 'yoga teacher certification'. I have been practicing and teaching yoga for such and such years."

One who knows yoga, is not necessarily a 'yoga teacher' who 'teach yoga', or what most people understand as 'conducting or teaching yoga classes/courses', but one might be 'teaching yoga', selflessly, intentionlessly and spontaneously.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to be in the present, to be unattached towards all the mind perception of names and forms, to be free from the desire of craving and aversion.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to be undetermined and undisturbed by all the qualities and dualities of pleasantness and unpleasantness, good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative, success and failure, praise and condemn, enjoyment and suffering, births and deaths.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to forgive and let go what the mind perceives as 'unpleasantness', 'bad', 'wrong', or 'hurtful'.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to be dispassionate and renounce worldly attachment and identification/ideas/thinking/belief/objects/relationships, to free the mind from ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to realize peace, selflessness and compassion, as well as guiding others to also realize peace, selflessness and compassion.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to be kind and compassionate towards all without discrimination of good and bad, likes and dislikes, or deserving and undeserving.

One doesn't need any 'yoga teacher certification' to breathe, to eat, to live, to see/hear/smell/taste/touch/think, to be aware, to be in the present, to be peaceful, to let go, or to be confronting death/disintegration in peace.

After all, none need any 'certification of ignorance/unhappiness/misery/suffering' to be ignorant, unhappy, miserable and suffering.

Be free.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Fighting for peace and looking for love?

Peace is always there as it is, never increase nor decrease, undetermined by the mind perception of a worldly life existence of names and forms that is subject to impermanence and selflessness.

The moment the mind is free from peacelessness/disturbance/impurities/ignorance that veiled the mind from knowing thyself/seeing the truth of names and forms, which is selflessness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness, unlimited by time, space and causation, peace is there as it is, selflessly, desirelessly, intentionlessly and effortlessly.

This unconditional peace is unconditioned, unlimited and undetermined by qualities of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses, transcending all kinds of pleasant and unpleasant condition or situation that are impermanent and selfless, where there's no 'I' existing desire/aspire/intentional to be influencing or controlling all the names and forms to be exactly the way that 'I' desire it to be, or the way that 'I' think and believe how it should be.

If 'peace' is something 'separated' from the perceiver, where it has to be achieved/attained with effort by fighting for it, by fighting against certain qualities of names and forms that 'go against' or 'oppose to' peace, being determined by the presence of particular pleasant and agreeable name and form, condition and situation, or the absence of particular unpleasant and disagreeable name and form, condition and situation, then that's not the unconditional peace as mentioned in the teachings of yoga, that is not something 'separated' from the perceiver.

Effort is required in the process of eliminating ignorance and impurities to allow the mind to see/know thyself, but peace is always there as it is, effortlessly, regardless of whether the mind is free, or not free from ignorance and impurities.

Being at peace, or the mind is peaceful as it is, being undisturbed/undetermined by 'badness', 'wrongfulness', 'negativeness' and 'unrest/hatred' is already 'helping' the world to have less a peaceless/disturbed/hateful being who is disturbed, dissatisfied, angry and hating towards 'badness', 'wrongfulness', 'negativeness' and 'unrest/hatred', whether intentionally or unintentionally generates more unrest/hatred in the world by 'fighting' against 'badness', 'wrongfulness', 'negativeness' and 'unrest/hatred' to achieve/protect what the mind thinks and believes as 'goodness', 'rightfulness', 'positiveness' and 'peacefulness'.

It's the same as 'love'.

Due to ignorance, the minds/people think and believe that 'love' is a particular quality with particular name and form to be found in relationship/connection among one another, to be achieved/attained/possessed through effort, or sacrifice, or offering, or virtues/merits, goodness and kindness, or appreciation and gratitude, or 'good karma', or sharing, or giving/receiving via thoughts, actions and speech, being motivated by the aspiration to be looking for 'love' by growing/cultivating/developing/empowering 'love', longing/hoping/expecting/desiring to be receiving/giving/sharing 'love' among one another through relationship/connection/contact, regardless of living beings, animals, plants, or objects, to attain the sense of liveliness, joyfulness, warmth, worthiness, or meaningfulness.

The mind thinks, believes and says -

"Everyone/We/I need love."
"Everyone/We/I want love."
"Love is sharing/giving/receiving among all and everything."
"Without love, life is joyless and meaningless."
"I love/don't love you."
"I/You deserve/don't deserve to love or be loved."
"I love you more/less."
"My love is pure/impure."
"I feel/don't feel love."
"I am loved/unloved."
"I have/don't have love.
"No one loves me. I am so loveless and lonely."
"We need to love others (or give love to others) so that others won't be loveless and lonely."

There's nothing wrong with that, but the mind is not free, still being conditioned by particular thinking pattern under the influence of ignorance.

This 'love' is being perceived/acknowledged as a quality of name and form, just like 'feeling', 'action', 'thought', 'sensation', 'sight', 'sound', 'smell', 'taste', 'energy', 'water', 'air', 'temperature', and etc, that is being perceived by the mind, that is separated/distinct from the perceiver, where there's notion of 'I' perceive/don't perceive the object/quality of name and form, or 'I' have/possess or don't have/don't possess particular quality of name and form.

This 'love' is limited by 'quality' and 'quantity', conditioned by time, space and causation.

The mind feels dissatisfied, disappointed, hurt, angry, jealous, loveless, lonely, left out, unsupported, joyless, meaningless, unworthy, undeserving, depressed, miserable and suffer when it thinks 'love' is absence, or unavailable, or not enough, or not the way that the mind desires it to be, or not the way that the mind thinks how it should be.

Contemplate on this, realize unconditional love and peace, beyond 'quality', 'quantity', 'relationship' and 'connection', transcending time, space and causation.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

About Meng Foong

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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