be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, May 16, 2009

chapter 33 - Perfection of existence

The incorrect thinking and egoistic belief of the impure thinking faculty, the greedy passionate selfish intention and desire of the selfish ego, and the faulty discrimination of the limited intellect generate all kinds of duality and separateness that give rise to the perception of happiness and suffering in the mind that deeply influencing how we think and judge, how we perceive and understand the world, and how we act and react towards what we perceive, understand, judge, think and feel, which usually will lead to unnecessary disappointment, dissatisfaction, frustration, hurt, anger, hatred, sorrow, fear and worry.

However, the mind also has the ability of awareness, conscience, will power, positive thinking, compassion and wisdom, that give rise to the power to change and transcend this selfless impermanent condition of imperfection or ignorance in the mind.

We all are living in a conditioned and limited world of selfless impermanent names and forms, and having a conditioned and limited selfless impermanent physical body and thinking mind, but we don't have to be determined or affected by these imperfect impure conditions and limitations. And the so called imperfections (ceaseless and selfless impermanent changes) according to the human’s impure thinking mind under the function of the impure intellect and the selfish assertive ego, under the influence of ignorance and egoism, are actually the perfection of existence.

The four seasons, the changes of tides, the day and the night, the cold and the heat, the state of sleeping and waking, work and rest, birth (forming), changes (growth and decay) and death (decomposition), everything works so well together.

Imagine if the earth stopped spinning and only one side of the earth is getting all the sunlight and heat all the time and the other side is in darkness and coldness all the time. Imagine if all and every living beings and everything in this world that have been continuously coming into existence and are keep accumulating in this space endlessly, where none and nothing will decay or disintegrate. Imagine if a living being with a perceptive mind is being born into the world as it is, and will never have impermanent changes of growth, decay, old age, and death/disintegration, but only existing as what it is, forever and ever, while keeps perceiving and experiencing all kinds of ignorance and the consequences of ignorance endlessly in oneself and in the world. What a difficult situation it can be!
Impermanent changes of growth, decay, old age, and death/disintegration/decomposition, as well as all kinds of weakness, illness, discomforts, or limitations in between birth (coming into existence) and death (ceased existence), are not something sorrowful, bad, negative, or suffering at all, unless there is the presence of the idea of 'I' and the egoistic attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation in the mind towards "I want my life, my body, my mind, my world, and everyone and everything that I love, to be in certain way that I like and desire, that is pleasant and agreeable, and not to be in certain way that I dislike and don't desire, that is unpleasant and disagreeable."

This vast universe must have a beginning of existence and of course it will come to destruction or ceased existence as well. This is a logical law of the nature.

Just take a deep look at all the lives, objects and things around us. They all are going through the same process of forming, sustaining, decaying and disintegration.

The earth is under going this same process as well. The only difference is the length of time to complete one cycle of becoming, sustaining, changing and disintegrating.

Although the highest goal of self-evolution is to achieve Samadhi, or absolute silence, or the annihilation of the restless modification of the mind, where there is no birth, no death, no beginning, no ending, just pure consciousness, pure bliss, and pure knowledge, that is free from worldly evitable and inevitable suffering that is also impermanent, but before that can happen, we still can free ourselves right now from feeling miserable or unhappy towards the perception of evitable suffering deriving from ignorant thinking and behavior, and the perception of inevitable suffering deriving from the impermanent selfless existence of names and forms under going ceaseless and selfless births and deaths (restless impermanent changes), which sprung from the mind, happens in the mind, and will dissolved in the mind.

Let us cherish all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms that are existing in the present moment, the power of nature, the limited existence of life under the limited conditional physical body, the limited conditional function of the perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking mind, the selfless function of the organs of action, speech and expression, and the selfless function of the sense organs and the senses to be experiencing so many varieties of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations and imaginations/feelings/emotions as they are, without attachment, without identification, without craving and aversion, without judgment and expectation, and be happy.

Hari Om Tat Sat.

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