All kinds of beliefs are not necessarily the truth of things, however, any kind of belief among all kinds of different beliefs is something so 'powerful' in the world of ignorance and egoism, as it is influencing the minds that are functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, that is influencing the general condition and situation in the world to be in certain way.
Power can be something constructive or destructive. Power can build or destroy. It's the same with all kinds of beliefs as well as all kinds of influential elements.
'Belief' becomes something very powerful (destructively), when certain minds with selfish greedy desires and ambitions used 'all kinds of beliefs' to manipulate, tempt or threaten, exploit, and control the thinking, the reasoning, the desire, and the behavior of many other minds, to gain certain power or advantage, that help them to achieve all their selfish greedy desires and ambitions.
'Power' or 'powerful' is neither something good nor bad. It depends on whether it is something that promotes peace and harmony among all kinds of diversities in this world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, or not.
Just by 'believing in' something, even if that something doesn't really exist, can influence the thinking, the reasoning, the desire, and the behavior of the many minds in certain way, and hence, impacting the condition and situation in the world in certain way.
Even though any kind of belief is something 'powerful' as it is highly influential, just as all kinds of famous charismatic admirable respectable figure or influencer and inspirational event, but all these are not the most powerful thing in the world.
The minds that are free from the influence of ignorance and egoism, they are not being determined or influenced by any kind of belief, or any kind of influential element. They don't need the existence of any particular belief to set as a guideline to live life in certain way. They don't need the existence of any 'leader' to lead them, or to make decision for them. That 'mental and emotional independence of not being determined or influenced by any kind of belief or influential element' is the most 'powerful' among all kinds of so called 'powerful influential elements' in the world, as the liberated mind is not being determined or influenced by any kinds of influential elements, regardless of whether it is some kind of influential belief, or famous charismatic admirable respectable figure/influencer, or inspirational event, or impactful experience, or condition, or situation. The liberated mind is not even being determined or influenced by the ceaseless selfless impermanent changes that are happening in the body and the modification of the mind that is existing and functioning under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements.
The different minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, they are being conditioned and influenced by the many different kinds of beliefs that are existing in the world, to be thinking and believing that all minds cannot live life without believing in any kind of belief to be the guidance that leads to a particular way of living and behavior, where they believe all and everyone need to hold onto certain belief to live life and behave in certain way, that give rise to a sense of belonging, direction, refuge, purposefulness, meaningfulness, accomplishment, and personal/family/community pride.
All kinds of beliefs are neither good nor bad, but the mind is not free, if it is being conditioned and influenced by certain belief to think, reason, desire, and behave in certain way, regardless of whether the mind thinks and believes that the beliefs are something good or bad, and something agreeable or disagreeable.
The teachings and practice of yoga and/or buddhism, is to free the mind from all that, while respecting the existence of all kinds of beliefs being what they are, as there are many minds still 'need' to hold onto these beliefs to set as a guidance to live life, or else, they will be lost under the sense of purposelessness or meaninglessness, if without setting a specific direction or goal in life.
Before the mind attains mental and emotional independence transcending all kinds of beliefs, or before the mind attains self-realization transcending the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, where it still needs to hold onto certain belief to live life, think, desire, and behave in certain way, that give rise to the momentary sense of goodness, righteousness, positiveness, joyfulness, meaningfulness, refuge, or direction/goal, however, this mind also needs to understand that it cannot impose its own belief unto any other minds/people, where it expects all the others should also believe and follow its own belief to live life, think, desire, and behave in certain way, or the way that it thinks and believes is the good and right way, or the best way to be existing as a human being, while judging others who are different from oneself as bad and wrong, and be disturbed or offended by others who are different from oneself, that oneself dislikes and disagrees with based on one's own belief about how things and everyone should be like. One keeps one's belief only to oneself, and not impose one's belief unto any other, not even one's close family members or community, not to say, all the others that are not one's family members or community. Meanwhile, the mind can keep striving to be free from ignorance, to transcend its own belief or the modification of the mind, to attain mental and emotional independence or self-realization, if it wants.
The world is having so much unnecessary chaos or suffering, is due to there are many minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism impose each of their own particular belief unto all the others, and be disturbed and offended by the others whom they dislike and disagree with based on their own particular belief, while generate actions and reactions that are violent and hurtful unto the others who are different from them.
Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.