be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fighting for the rights and recognition to be somebody whom we think that is who we are?

There's nothing wrong with all the different names and forms, personalities, characteristics, behaviors, thinking and beliefs that are existing in different people in the world. Everyone is free to be who they are, or who they want to be. But unfortunately, the world is full of unequal rights and discrimination towards certain people who possess certain names and forms, personalities, characteristics, behaviors, thinking and beliefs that were being disrespected, disliked and disagreed with by some other groups of people, and hence, people who think they are being discriminated are fighting for the rights and recognition to be somebody whom they think that is who they are.
None needs to be 'fighting' for being who they are, or what they want to be, but the world is run by certain people who are functioning under ignorance and egoism who have the 'authorized power' to 'legally' bully, discriminate, oppress, prosecute, or criminalize certain people that they don't like and don't agree with, under 'the law of constitution' prepared and written by some ignorant egoistic discriminative self-interest people. This corrupted system of an authorization/government that has so much power to 'control' and 'determine' everyone's existence on earth and for being who they are, by giving or not giving 'legal recognition', 'legal documentation' and 'legal rights' based on certain worldly social/cultural/religious/spiritual/political thinking, belief, values and practice that discriminate certain people who are being different from them, shouldn't be existing at all. Nobody should be 'supporting' such corrupted system to be existing in the world, but they are many people would prefer to continuously support such authorization/government that provides them certain 'protection' from whatever they think is their enemy, as well as enjoying the privilege of being given the 'legal recognition', 'legal documentation', and 'legal rights' to be who they are, even though, some other people were being discriminated 'legally' by 'the law of constitution', just because they are being different from the majority of the people. And this is so called democracy, that 'legally' bullying, discriminating, oppressing, prosecuting and criminalize the minority of the population, which is absolutely nonsense.

In the teachings of yoga, one will realize unconditional peace that is undisturbed and undetermined by any qualities of names and forms when one realized the truth of selflessness, be free from ignorance, egoism, attachment, expectation, desires, craving, aversion, and being free from all kinds of worldly self-image and identifications with different qualities of names and forms that are not who we really are. There's no need to fight for any rights or recognition to be somebody whom we think that is who we are, to be living in this atmosphere, disregards whether others treat everyone else the way it should be, or not.

It doesn't matter how messy the world is, how ridiculous the system that is running the world is, and how absurd people's behavior are, one can be in peace being undisturbed and undetermined by all the different qualities of names and forms, personalities, characteristics, behaviors, thinking and beliefs, while performing actions through the body and mind to benefit oneself and others without attachment, identification, expectation, craving and aversion.

Due to ignorance and egoism, the mind is forever restless, as it keeps looking to be recognized, be accepted, be approved, be respected, be heard, be loved, and be treated in certain ways that it wants to be treated by the rest of the world, to fight for the rights that it doesn't have, but it would like to have, to be somebody whom it thinks and believes that is who it is. It wants to be legally recognized, accepted, approved and respected by other beings in the society of the world.

If one's mind is free from ignorance and egoism and all sorts of identifications with qualities of names and forms, one's existence in this world is undetermined by legal rights or worldly recognition, as one doesn't need to be recognized, be accepted, be approved or be respected as somebody with certain qualities of names and forms.

It's not about fighting for certain rights for certain groups of people that don't have the rights yet and were not being treated the way that they think they should be treated, but it's to abandon all kinds of identifications, and be free. There's no need fighting for rights and recognition from anyone or any organizations, which shouldn't be existing. All and everyone should be free being existing on earth without being 'legalized', or 'documented', or 'recognized', or 'approved' by anyone or any organization to be who they are, as the earth doesn't belong to anyone or any organization, but ignorant egoistic selfish greedy human beings seized over certain area on earth and self-claimed ownership and authorization over that area on earth, and started to 'control' all and everyone's existence and being.

None should be treated with discrimination and cruelty. None should be bullied, oppressed, prosecuted and criminalized for being existing on earth and being who they are. Unfortunately, we can't change the world that is run by majority of human beings that are under the influence of ignorance and egoism, who are selfish and discriminative. But we can learn how to not being determined by the world of corruption.

Be free. Why limit this impermanent and fleeting worldly existence with some impermanent qualities of names and forms, and tell ourselves and everyone else, "This is me. This is who I am." And then we expect other people to treat us in certain ways that we think we should be treated and don't treat us in certain ways that we think we shouldn't be treated, and expect other people to be legally and morally to recognize us, accept us, approve us and respect us to be somebody whom we think that is who we are? And then, when we don't get the treatment that we expect to be getting, when we think we were being treated the wrong way, and were not being treated the right way, we will be so disturbed and feel dissatisfied, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, unhappy and angry towards things that go against our wish, that are contradicted with our thinking and beliefs. And if we win or gain victory over our fights, that we are getting the rights and recognition that we want, and getting the treatment that we expect to be getting, when we think we were being treated the right way, and were not being treated the wrong way, we'll feel so proud about ourselves and the fruit of our actions. Even though it appears to be a victory in the world of egoism, but it isn't so under the teachings of yoga, as one's ego is inflated with stronger worldly attachment and identification with qualities of names and forms, as well as empowering the desires of craving and aversion.

No one can change another, or force another to change. Some people might try to use different types of drugs to feed and control those minds that they think are sick and mad, and put them into a zombie state of mind and keep them away from the society, but this is just momentary effect, but it won't take away the ignorance and egoism from these sick minds. And there are countless minds that they think and believe that they are absolutely sane and normal, while thinking and believing those who behave in certain ways that are different from them, that they think and believe as wrong, absurd or inappropriate, as insane and abnormal, but, none of these minds are actually free from ignorance and egoism. Those minds that are free from ignorance and egoism, they rest in silence and stand as witnesses towards all the other minds that are not free from ignorance and egoism, that exist everywhere around everyone. It's wasting energy and life for arguing and fighting with those who are under the influence of ignorance and egoism.

If all mind knows itself, being free from ignorance and egoism, naturally, despite the natural phenomenon of impermanence, the world will appear to be peaceful and harmony when all minds are free from ignorance, egoism, attachment, identification, greed, self-interest, self-protectiveness, discrimination, hatred, expectation, craving and aversion. No one will be generating actions that will hurt oneself or others deliberately. Those who generate actions that will generate unrest and disharmony in oneself and in others, that would hurt oneself and others are because of ignorance and egoism. To help the world to be a peaceful and harmonious place for all beings to live in, it's not through fighting against something that we think and believe is wrong or bad, but, it's working on oneself to conquer one's mind, eliminating one's ignorance and egoism. No one can eliminate ignorance and egoism from another, for another. One can only eliminate ignorance and egoism in oneself, for oneself, and be free.

It's the ignorant egoistic minds that think and believe that they are smarter and better than other beings, that they are responsible to change, or control, or influence other minds that they dislike and disagree with, that they think are wrong and bad, to be the way that they think they should be. Or else, they think that they are being irresponsible towards upholding the peace of the world. But in fact, they are also responsible for the unrest in the world when they try to interfere with, or to change and control other beings to be the way that they think they should be.
 Om shanti.

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