be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Proficiency in any particular language doesn't determine the state of mind and behavior

Just as the presence and absence of all kinds of origins, backgrounds, experiences, education, study, learning, training, practice, skills, talents, achievements, status, title, qualification, certification, physical appearance, health condition, fitness level, ability, disability, intelligence, or accumulated information and knowledge, the proficiency in any particular type or many different types of language(s), doesn't determine the state of mind and the behavior of anyone.

Knowing how to proficiently speak, read, write, express, communicate, and interact in all kinds of languages that are existing in this world also doesn't and cannot determine the state of mind and the behavior of anyone.

Wisdom, compassion, peace, understanding, kindness, openness, patience, tolerance, determination, non-possessiveness, non-attachment, non-craving, non-aversion, non-interference, the ability to let go/adjust/adapt/accommodate/withstand, the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, as well as the ability to allow and respect the perceived reality as it is, and to respect all and everyone and everything as they are, to be sharing the space that doesn't belong to anyone with all and everyone and everything, regardless of whether the perceived reality and all and everything appeared to be something pleasant or unpleasant, desirable or undesirable, and agreeable or disagreeable, are not being determined by the presence and absence of all those names and forms/qualities/abilities/achievements/possessions/identities.

It's very common that most people would ask/question others that they don't know, that they refer as 'foreigners', "Who are you? Where you came from? Where is your origin or birth place? What is your country? Why are you here (in my village/town/country)?"

Many people think and believe that they came from a particular land, that they think and believe is where they belonged, as their ancestors and themselves were born on that land in that space, where they claimed ownership and possession towards the land and the space to be "This is our home, our land, and our space. All these here are ours," and refer themselves as the original inhabitants or the rightful owners/citizens of the land and the space, where they express, speak, read, write, communicate, and interact among themselves under one or a few common language(s) that they think and believe is "Our language(s) and our culture." And they refer all the others that are not (already) one of them, that only exist/arrive/live/make a living on the land and space after them, that have some other backgrounds or cultures, as 'foreigners'.

There are also many people think and believe that many of their social/national problems are caused by the presence of 'foreigners' from other different backgrounds that arrive/exist/live/make a living in their country that belongs to them.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Before the presence of any other 'foreigners' in any particular land and space in this world that doesn't belong to anyone,

All kinds of humanity/mentality/behavior/family/relationship/community/national problems have already been existing in anywhere and everywhere, among one another where all the people among the one same community that have the one same background of particular ancestry family heritage, ethnicity, culture, belief, values, and practices, where people express, speak, communicate, and interact among themselves under the same common language(s).

All kinds of dissatisfaction, discontentment, irritation, annoyance, frustration, anger, hatred, greed, discrimination, jealousy, selfishness, possessiveness, offensiveness, defensiveness, cruelty, ill treatment, violence, corruptions, mischievous conducts, hurtful behaviors, misunderstanding, non-understanding, disagreements, arguments, fighting, unrest, disharmony, fear, pride, arrogance, control, hypocrisy, lies, backbiting, backstabbing, blame, politics, interference, exploitation, wars, and etc, have always been existing in the minds within the one same family, community, or nation of the similar ancestry/cultural/social/national background.

Ceaseless conflicts have always been existing in oneself in one's own mind, among the different ceaseless thoughts and desires that are selfless and impermanent, not to say, with another mind, among partner/couple, among parents and children, among siblings, among relatives, among friends, among neighbours, among villagers, among all and everyone of the same origin and background. There are lots of craving, aversion, selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy, anger, resentment, disagreement, argument, interference, intimidation, threat, or power and control.

Human beings (The minds) have been hurting oneself, and their own family members, partner/spouse, parents, children, friends, relatives, and community of the one same origin, background and culture, under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I' (the ego), egoism, impurities and restlessness, either wittingly or unwittingly.

Making all and everyone to adopt one's particular language and culture, or one's belief, way of living, way of doing things, values and practices, doesn't prevent or remove all kinds of existing 'problems' that derived from the minds functioning under the influence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness.

All kinds of 'problems' don't come from 'foreigners'.

'Foreigners' of different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, values, practices, or languages, with different personalities and desires, are not the cause of all kinds of 'problems'.

It's the presence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism in the minds, on top of the selfless intentionless attributeless survival instinct that exists in all kinds of organisms, that give rise to all kinds of impurities and restlessness in the minds, that contribute to all kinds of 'problems' in this world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

"Stay away from cult. Stay away from politics." - Swami Sivananda

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Renunciation. Solitude. Seclusion. Silence. Self-realization.

The genuine observation of complete silence in solitude and seclusion, by renouncing worldly passionate egoistic family/cultural/social/spiritual/national/political/commercial ideas, beliefs, values, affairs, activities, interactions, communications, ties and connections, inputs and outputs, inspirations and aspirations, and all kinds of accumulated physical and mental habits or conditional behavior pattern, for minimum 5 - 6 years, or even longer for certain minds, to free the mind from being conditioned by worldly passionate egoistic ideas/thinking/belief/values/practice/desire/inspiration/aspiration, and etc, will eventually lead the mind towards realizing or seeing the truth of Selflessness and Impermanence, even if without coming in contact with any kind of teachings, teacher, or guru.

Some minds think and believe that they have been observing a high level of solitude and seclusion and renunciation, by living alone with a simple and quiet lifestyle while reducing and refraining from unnecessary social activities and interactions for many years, and spending many hours everyday into performing some kind of yoga and meditation practice, but somehow, they are still in doubt, or are not free from ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, restlessness, impurities, or disturb/hurt/painful sorrow/suffering, as they are still being determined/disturbed/affected/sadden/hurt/offended/intimidated/disappointed by this and that, where there is still something that they couldn't let go, either wittingly or unwittingly, then they can reflect upon themselves -

Did they really observe silence in solitude and seclusion, physically/mentally/emotionally?

Did they really observe solitude, seclusion, silence and renunciation in everyday life, for a continuous prolonged period of time, and it's not just from time to time participating in certain type of yoga retreats, or even participating in silent meditation retreat courses, for a few weeks or a few months, while actively engaging in some kind of community selfless service under certain spiritual or non-spiritual organization, or engaging in occasional or regular casual or formal get together with beloved family and good friends or spiritual/non-spiritual community, that give rise to and empower the sense of togetherness, goodness, positiveness, joyfulness, and meaningfulness?

Did they really renounce all kinds of worldly passionate egoistic family/cultural/social/spiritual/national/political/commercial ideas, beliefs, values, affairs, activities, interactions, communications, ties and connections, inputs and outputs, inspirations and aspirations, and all kinds of self and group identity empowerment, not engaging with family/relatives/friends/pets or spiritual family/community/brotherhood/sisterhood as well as monk and nun community, and abandoning accumulated physical and mental habits or conditional behavior pattern, enjoyments of the senses, self-indulgence/pampering, books, novels, magazines, newspapers, social medias, musics, songs, arts, movies, theater performances, documentaries, talks, chitchats, justification, glorification, admiration, condemn, criticism, fault finding, blame, ill will, sabotage, exploitation, manipulation, interference, the urge to control, self-righteousness, debates, discussions, arguments, festivals, celebrations, sentiments, mourning, grieving, historical remembrance, rituals, offerings, obsessions, addictions, attachments, identifications, comparisons, judgments, expectations, desires, craving, aversion, longing, clinging, lust, wild imaginations, day dreaming, wishful thinking, building castle in the air, superstition, story telling, mystic, miracle, spiritual healing, vision, ambition, heroism, pride, guilt, regret, fear, worry, offensiveness, defensiveness, anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy, bitterness, possessiveness, sense of belonging, greed, discontentment, resolution, bucket list, worldly or spiritual inspiration, aspiration, and ambition, and etc?

Meanwhile, if the mind has already developed and firmly grounded in non-attachment/non-identification/non-craving/non-aversion/non-judgment/non-expectation/non-duality/dispassion/right discrimination/desirelessness/fearlessness/mental and emotional independence,

where it is being undetermined/undisturbed/uninfluenced/non-offended/non-intimidated/unhurt/unmoved by the absence of goodness and the presence of badness, or all kinds of ignorant affairs and behaviors that give rise to all kinds of evitable destruction and suffering in the world,

where it has realized and is resting in unconditional peace,

where it respects the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect,

where it has mentally renounced all kinds of personal ties and relationships with family and friends or community, and is free from clinging and longing towards the presence of love, support, interaction, acceptance, agreement, understanding, togetherness, appreciation, recognition, praise and compliment, or acknowledgement among oneself and one's family/friends/community, and others,

where it is free from the sense of belonging and connection, self-esteem, self-worth, accomplishment, success/failure, goodness/badness, appropriateness/disappropriateness, positiveness/negativeness, meaningfulness/meaninglessness, joyfulness/joylessness, togetherness/separateness, superiority/inferiority, deserving/non-deserving, fear, worry, guilt, regret, shame, pride, arrogance, and etc,

where it sees no difference between itself and others, between family/friends and not family/not friends, between 'good' people and 'bad' people, between wise beings and ignorant beings, between happy minds and unhappy minds, and etc, as all and everyone are selfless and impermanent, and all are governed by the nature's law of cause and effect,

where it treats all and everyone the same as 'all beings/objects/names and forms that are selfless and impermanent',

where it can be kind towards all without discrimination, and unconditionally,

and it knows when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no',

as it knows Thyself, or what is 'I', or what is the modification of the mind, or the truth of selflessness and impermanence, or timelessness/non-separateness/namelessness/formlessness/attributelessness/birthlessness/deathlessness, or the annihilation of the restless modifications of the mind, or silence,

then this mind doesn't need to renounce anything, especially if this mind still has certain unfinished worldly duties and responsibilities towards looking after old parents, elders, unwell partner, young children, or physically/mentally disabled dependents, that depending on one's physical/mental/financial care and support, while actively engaging in certain activity for maintaining livelihood, or engaging in selfless service community activities, interactions, and communication with some others, where all these actions are being performed under the absence of the idea of 'I' or the ego, without passionate egoism of worldly and/or spiritual attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, expectation, intention, aspiration, or ambition.

The worldly duties and responsibilities, and all kinds of actions, are not contradicted with or separated from dharma/dhamma/teachings/practice/renunciation/silence/inaction/selfless service, when it is being performed under the absence of the idea of 'I'/the ego, ignorance, and egoism.

Perform intentionless actions, and renounce the fruit of actions, being undetermined by the actions and the fruit of actions.

Inquire the truth of everything, including all these teachings here, or from anyone and anywhere.

"You are left alone now." - Swami Sivananda

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The essentials for self-inquiry and self-realization

Whatever the mind perceives/experiences/thinks/believes/identifies with, are all merely part of the modifications of the selfless impermanent mind itself.

All forms of 'spiritual/non-spiritual, pure/impure, infinite/finite existence or identity' are nothing but the projections/creations of the selfless impermanent mind itself, during its momentary selfless existence in this space, that (only) exists and functions selflessly and impermanently in NOW, under the selfless support and influence of the selfless energy and elements.

Upon the annihilation of the selfless impermanent modification of the mind/The absence of the idea of 'I' or the ego/The absence of thinking or thought process/Resting in Stillness or Silence, there is no finite or infinite 'I' existing, there is no "I am/I perceive/I experience/I know/I realize/I believe/I think/I see/I hear/I smell/I taste/I feel/I act/I enjoy/I suffer/I give/I receive, and vice versa," there is no whatever 'I' think and believe is "what I (really) am," not to say, "I am the eternal infinite absolute perfect and pure 'this or that'."

There are many "ideas", "beliefs", "values", "practices", "inspirations", "aspirations", "visions", and "various forms of empowerment", created by/deriving from the worldly passionate egoistic minds functioned/functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, influencing and conditioning the mind to think and believe and behave in certain way, that hinder the mind from self-inquiry and self-realization.

That's why the observation of dispassion, renunciation, seclusion, solitude, silence, and desirelessness, are highly important for the minds that sincerely want to be free from ignorance and the consequences of ignorance, during its momentary selfless existence, to be resting in peace, or to stop hurting itself and others in this space that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

"Live alone. Walk alone. Eat alone. Meditate alone. Do not mix. Do not associate. Do not build ashram. Do not hoard disciples." - Swami Sivananda

Inquire the truth of everything.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Conditional vs unconditional (peace and freedom)

There is nothing wrong with the conditional (momentary and impermanent) 'peace and freedom', where the mind will be in a momentary state of contentment, calmness, joyfulness, happiness, meaningfulness, accomplishment, goodness, or freedom, upon the presence of pleasant, agreeable, desirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments, interactions, or relationships, and upon the absence of unpleasant, disagreeable, undesirable, and non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.

Meanwhile, all these states of mind will be disturbed, changed, or disappeared, upon the absence of pleasant, agreeable, desirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments, interactions, or relationships, as well as upon the presence of unpleasant, disagreeable, undesirable, and non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.

There is nothing wrong with that because that is indeed the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

This conditional state of 'peace and freedom' is momentary and impermanent. It will change, increase and decrease, or appear and disappear.

Most minds are functioning in such way under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where the minds think and believe that it's absolutely normal, and there is nothing abnormal about that, and hence, restlessly identifying with and swaying in between the different states of mind.

During the process of gratifying their boundless desires, as well as out of the disturbed suffering states of mind upon ungratified desires, most minds would hurt themselves and others and the surrounding environment, either wittingly or unwittingly.

That is not liberation.

That is not what yoga and meditation is about.

Unconditional peace and freedom, is beyond the conditional momentary impermanent states of the mind that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where under the presence of attachment/identification/desires of craving and aversion/expectation, the states of mind is being determined by the mind perception of the different qualities of names and forms that are selfless and impermanent, that ceaselessly arising, changing, and passing away.

Unconditional peace and freedom is always there as it is, upon the absence of ignorance and egoism in the selfless impermanent modifications of the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind that is existing and functioning under the selfless support of the selfless energy and elements.

Unconditional peace and freedom doesn't increase or decrease, or it doesn't appear and disappear, upon the presence and absence of pleasant/unpleasant, agreeable/disagreeable, desirable/undesirable, and enjoyable/soothing/easy or non-enjoyable/painful/difficult experiences, affairs, conditions, situations, activities, accomplishments/non-accomplishments, interactions, or relationships.

It's beyond all kinds of duality - gain and loss, success and failure, goodness and badness, easiness and difficulty, pleasurable enjoyment and painful suffering, joyfulness and joylessness, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, or deserving and non-deserving, and etc.

It's normal and nothing wrong when the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism will think and believe that, "Unconditional peace and freedom" is abnormal, bullshit, non-practical, unreachable, impossible, or even, a form of mental disorder/illness/madness.

That is their freedom of thinking, understanding/non-understanding, or belief.

The only thing/element that hinders the mind from realizing or resting in unconditional peace and freedom, is ignorance and egoism.

All forms of yoga and meditation practice is merely about the annihilation of ignorance and egoism from the selfless impermanent modifications of the mind (engaging in or activating the mind purification/disciplinary/silencing process and self-inquiry/self-realization towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence), by the mind itself, through self-initiation, self-effort, self-reliance, and self-discipline, so that the mind stops hurting itself and others and the surrounding environment out of the discontented disturbed suffering states of mind functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism.

It's not about 'blind believing', 'bling following', 'blind practicing', 'blind propagating', 'worshiping', 'glorification', 'healing', 'spirituality', 'ritual', 'blessing', 'fairy tales', 'white lies', 'comforting story telling', 'self-justification', 'self-righteousness', 'auspiciousness', 'goodness', 'meaningfulness', 'perfection', 'all good nothing bad', 'all positive nothing negative', 'life is beautiful and meaningful', 'defy gravity/decay/aging/death', 'heaven and hell', 'merits and virtues', 'good and bad karma', 'superior/inferior reincarnation', 'untouchable', 'miracle', 'super extraordinary transcendental mystical experiences', 'I am That', 'I am strong', 'I am powerful', 'positive mind power to change the world', 'building a perfect desirable world in accordance to my values and desire', 'All desires/wishes come true', 'I can do and achieve whatever I want to do and achieve', 'to prove that I am worthy and deserving to receive respect, acceptance, love, acknowledgement, recognition, admiration, and glorification from others', and etc.

Even though there is nothing wrong with all that, as many minds are being conditioned to think and believe that they and everyone 'need' to rely on all that to deal with or escape undesirable/unpleasant/painful experiences or impermanent changes, and to justify what they don't know and don't understand, or even, to justify their intentional and unintentional hurtful behaviors unto themselves and others and the surrounding environment.

Just as positive thinking, gratitude, encouragement, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, letting go, healing, and etc, are relevant and useful for the minds that haven't developed correct understanding yet, where they are still being determined and disturbed very much by the presence and absence of the different qualities of names and forms, or all kinds of duality, where the minds would feel offended, intimidated, or hurt by this or that. But all these are irrelevant and useless to the minds that have correct understanding, where the mind is resting in unconditional peace, being undetermined, undisturbed, non-offended, non-intimidated, or unhurt by the presence of undesirable/unpleasant names and forms, or the absence of desirable/pleasant names and forms.

There is nothing wrong with many minds rely on the presence/availability of love, support, understanding, agreement, acknowledgement, appreciation, compliment, desirable connection, interaction, and togetherness with family/friends/community to give rise to and empower the sense of pride, accomplishment, goodness, joyfulness, positiveness, and meaningfulness, however, that is not liberation.

What other minds want to think and believe, desire and behave, or not, it's their own freedom.

What this mind wants to inquire, realize, and understand, or not, it's its own freedom.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Be free.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wisdom and compassion

It's normal that all kinds of discrimination, selfishness, and cruelty are existing and increasing in the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone.

Because there are, and there will be, more and more minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where they all have one same tendency, which is to impose control, interference, rules and regulations, restriction, oppression, violence, cruelty, and punishment towards some others, including their own family members/partner/children, not to say, those that they recognized as 'not one of them'/'non-compliant towards their particular belief, values, desires, vision, behavior, and practice'/'potential competitor'/'enemy'/'threat'/'obstacle', and towards something that they dislike and disagree with, based on their own particular thinking, belief, values, desires/don't desires, practice, vision, or ambition.

Selfishness, possessiveness, sense of belonging, sense of pride, identity pride, social status pride, community pride, family pride, association pride, origin pride, lineage pride, national pride, regional pride, cultural pride, spiritual pride, knowledge pride, achievement pride, self-righteousness, obsessiveness, oversensitiveness, defensiveness, offensiveness, envy, anger, hatred, greed, fear, and so on, are serious form of mental illness. They are the by-products of ignorance and egoism, and are all leading towards the rise of discrimination, selfishness, and cruelty in the world.

Except in absolute solitude and seclusion, or complete silence, in one's own selfless impermanent function and existence of the mind supported by selfless energy and elements, especially upon the absence of ignorance, where the mind is merely being what it is, devoid of restlessness/impurities/disturbance/qualities/dualities, without engaging in certain physical/mental passionate egoistic activities/inputs and outputs/actions/interactions/duties/commitments, either wittingly or unwittingly, there is very little and even complete absence of any kind of freedom, or there is only partial/restricted/limited/conditional freedom, just by being momentarily functioning and existing in a selfless impermanent world that is full of minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where there is absence of wisdom (correct understanding) and compassion, that embrace openness, non-discrimination, non-separateness, non-interference, non-violence, non-attachment, non-identification, non-clinging, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-expectation, desirelessness, non-possessiveness, independence, the absence of worldly passionate egoistic ideas/thinking/belief/values/desires/visions/practice, the absence of all kinds of pride/shame, the absence of identification and self-righteousness, the absence of superiority and inferiority, the absence of fear and greed, the absence of jealousy, anger, and hatred, the absence of the urge to control and interfere, and that promote letting go, patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, accommodation, adjustment, adaptation, respect, generosity, kindness, and, freedom of existence/living/movement/being what all and everyone are.

The minds that are free from ignorance and egoism, that are devoid of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, possessiveness, fear, discontentment, greed, or painful sorrow, they don't impose control/interference/rules and regulations/restriction/oppression/violence/punishment towards anyone or anything, not even their own family members/partner/children, respecting all and everyone to be what they are, as they are, not to say, all the others that have their own particular ties and connection, background, history, experience/non-experience, understanding/non-understanding, thinking, belief/disbelief, values, desires, behavior, way of living, and practice, where all and everyone are responsible towards themselves/the state of mind/the modification of the mind/their understanding and non-understanding/their desires and don't desires/their actions and the fruits/outcomes/consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, under the presence of wisdom and compassion, the selfless minds can merely provide the correct understanding, knowledge, direct experience/realization, guidance, and support that might help to uplift the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance, that are egoistic, restless, impure, discontented, disturbed, confused, violent, distressed, or in painful suffering, unconditionally without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, showing them the path towards self-inquiry and self-realization, while allow all and everyone to receive or reject, to evolve as they are, and to be what they are.

Just as the sun, or the nature, merely being what it is - selfless, desireless, intentionless, and impermanent.


The truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everyone and everything, is the only existing 'freedom' that all and everyone have while being existing momentarily, selflessly, and impermanently in this space that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, where none, not even oneself, can control/interfere/change/modify/destroy.

Knowing and accumulating all kinds of knowledge/information/technology/skill in this world doesn't guarantee peace in oneself, that can help to contribute more kindness, peace and harmony into the world of many diversities.

Knowing and respecting the truth of selflessness and impermanence will.

Inquire the truth of everything.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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