be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The difference between non-attachment and positive thinking

It's good and helpful to develop positive thinking especially when the mind is being influenced by negative thinking that generates unnecessary tension, fear, worry or unhappiness in the mind and further projecting all these impurities through speech and action into the environment in the relationships with others in everyday life.

Positive thinking is part of the many yoga practice, but it's not the goal or the end of yoga practice, as the mind is still not free from attachment and identification towards names and forms that the mind perceives as positive and negative, and there is craving and clinging towards what the mind perceives as positive, and there's aversion towards what the mind perceives as negative. The mind is not free from desire, duality and separateness. There's desire of craving or longing for positiveness or goodness and there's clinging onto positiveness or goodness with intention or expectation to control the reality to be the way that the mind thinks it should be and likes it to be.

There's nothing wrong with "Think positively and optimistically, and everything will be good in your life and you can achieve anything that you want." especially for the minds that are easily be disturbed or determined by names and forms that the worldly thinking and belief categorized as bad, negative, unhappiness and wrong. Just that the mind is not free from desires, even though the mind would feel happy and satisfied when the desires are being gratified, and its impermanent. Then pride might arise in this mind, "I am superhuman. I have superpower. I can control everything to be the way that I like it to be." This mind is not free. And it's okay, if that is what the mind wants. It's everyone's freedom for how the mind thinks and what it wants.

The mind that is free, is undetermined by the gratification of the desires of likes and dislikes, wants and don't wants, to be happy, confident, meaningful or peaceful. It is peaceful as it is, undetermined by the world or the worldly thinking and belief, ideas and values, achievements, good and bad condition and situation.

Non-attachment is nothing to do with positive thinking. The mind that knows non-attachment doesn't need to think positively. The thinking is just what it is. It is neither positive nor negative.

It's about unattached towards what the intellect recognizes and categorizes as positive or negative, good or bad, happiness and unhappiness, right and wrong. Undisturbed or undetermined by all the perceptions of name and form that are pleasant or unpleasant. Without attachment or identification towards the different states of the mind or the mind activities. Without intention or expectation towards the perceived reality to control the reality to be the way that the mind likes it to be. Allowing the reality to be what it is, and allowing the reality to change as it is.

The mind is free from being determined by coming in contact with positiveness and goodness and not coming in contact with negativeness and badness, to be content or peaceful. The mind is content and peaceful as it is, regardless of success or failure, achievement or non-achievement, good or bad experiences and condition.

The mind is free from desire, duality and separateness. Knowing that the quality of positiveness and negativeness are both impermanent. But, beyond positiveness and negativeness, is unconditional peace, that is undetermined by the qualities of name and form that the mind perceives through the senses, whether it's positive or negative elements, good or bad condition and situation, and desirable/pleasant or undesirable/unpleasant life experiences.

If the perceived reality is nice and pleasant, let it be. It will change, and allow it to change, without intention or expectation to control the reality not to be bad and negative.

If the perceived reality is not nice and unpleasant, let it be. It will change, and allow it to change, without intention or expectation to control the reality to be all good and positive.

There are actions being performed out of compassion in everyday life, but there's no attachment, identification, desires, intention or expectation towards the action and the fruit of action. There are beneficial actions being performed but there's no intention or expectation that the fruit of actions will be all good and positive, or nothing bad and negative. Allowing the fruit of action to be what it is.

There's no identification with all the impermanent changes of names and forms to be existing as 'I'.

Life might be good and easy, enjoy and appreciate without attachment. It's impermanent, and it doesn't matter.
Life might be not so good and full of difficulties, but it's okay. It's impermanent, and it doesn't matter.

Be free.

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