be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Friday, May 6, 2016

Knowledge is neither good nor bad

Knowledge itself is neither good nor bad, but it's whether one uses the knowledge selflessly, wisely and compassionately, or not. Some use the knowledge to be performing actions that would promote peace and harmony in oneself and others, while some might use the knowledge to be performing actions that would generate unrest and disharmony in oneself and others.

Knowledge is neither positive nor negative, but due to different mentality or states of the mind, different people generate different actions and reactions towards the knowledge that they come in contact with.

Knowledge doesn't guarantee anyone be free from ignorance and egoism or suffering, or to have peace and be compassionate. One can be extremely knowledgeable, but still be influenced by ignorance, egoism and impurities, and would experience unhappiness and suffering.

As long as there's attachment and identification and feeling proud and arrogant about the knowledge we know or have, or towards the result of our actions being performed based on the knowledge we know or have, then we are not free.

Purify the mind, be free from ignorance and realize selflessness, one can make use of any knowledge selflessly, wisely and compassionately, without attachment or identification with the knowledge, and being undetermined by the knowledge, or the actions performed based on the knowledge and the result of the actions.

Be free.

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